Since my 5-year old began really talking, she and I have had a tradition of saying our good nights and sleep tights in our own special way. Once she is all tucked in and the night lights on I say "Who loves you?" and she says "mommy loves me." Then I say "Who loves mommy?" and she says, "Katie loves mommy." When we do this I know she feels a sense of security. Do you guys have special ways of tucking those little ones in?
nite nite
sleep tight
don't let the bedbugs bite.
After I tuck him in, I ask him for a kiss, then say "night night" and walk out.
I'm sure to tell my kids that I love them every night before I shut off the light ..
I say love you, goodnight. I can't sleep if I didn't tell my boys that I love them.
Nighty Night... I love u... sleep tight and don't let them bed bugs bite... and I blow kisses b/c I am too short to lean over and kiss them in the crib (I have two in cribs still)
Mine is nine months old and usually falls asleep in my arms or on the couch. When I move her to her cot usually the last thing I say as I try to put her down without waking her is "Don't wake up please!"
I remember those days! Now I can't get mine to go to sleep! Thanks!
I remember when my 2 year old was 9 months. Treasure those days because they don't last very long.
Hey Kids.... If the house is on fire.... make sure you wake me up and put the beers in the deep freeze...
Hey PD, that's exactly what I say....oh and I love you, good night.
I lovingly tuck my kids in and tell them not to get up or the people under the bed will take them away.
When they were little I'd say, "Night night, Sweetheart" or "Night, night, my love". When they were a little older I'd say, "Night, Love". That signaled the end of whatever talking we were doing. If they had a cold or stomach bug or some other reason they may be waking up I might add something, "If you have to get up don't be up alone. Call me." That was pretty much it.
Well I think that's beautiful! Thanks!
Before they go to sleep? After we read, pray with them and tuck them in, it tends to sound something like this:
From the oldest: "Hey, it is bed time. Shush! No more noise. #2, that goes for you too! Quit tattling, I'm not listening."
To the middle boys: "I did too hug you, but I will hug you again, now shush! Go to sleep."
To the littlest: "I love you too, now be quiet. No, you can't sit on my lap, go back to bed. No, you don't need another drink, go back to bed. It is time to sleep. Okay, one hug for your bear. NOW, Go To Sleep! Love you too."
Your littlest sounds just like mine! She hates to go to sleep! Thanks
ha ha, kids, I don't have any, but I remember giving my mom and dad a hard time. I hated going to bed, partly I was scared but I also thought I might miss something. At my house something was always going on so if I went to bed that meant I'd miss something and I layed in bed for hours before falling asleep just listening to anything I could hear. Not much got by me. Although somehow I still got a little sister and brother so I guess something got by me. ha ha.
I have to read a story to my 11-year old or at least narrate a story , else he will NEVER fall asleep.If the story is effective enough , he will fall asleep midway.If it is not , I fall asleep midway.
If I sleep before him , I can feel him fidgeting , eyes wide open.
In such cases my last line is - "Chotu , close your eyes.Turn over.Now sleep"
This always works.
Kids !!
My 2 13-year olds never sleep! I understand! Thanks!
As I tuck my two 2 year olds into bed-I ask them if they had fun today. I tell them that I love them and that it is time to close their eyes and dream, and when they wake up in the morning- there will be another day of having lots of fun. Then I kiss on them and say I love you about 3 more times before I turn out the lights... I really do love them both---a whole lot
Thanks for that Marie
Yep I add that too ... just after I tell them not to roast marshmellows before they wake me.
i used to say "goodnight, god bless, sleep tight, see you in the morning!!
every night, the last thing we say is... "good night, buenos noches, hasta mañana, Ill see you in the morning, I love you."
i used to say do not wake me up early pleeeeease.
My daughter asks her children for one good thing of the day and one bed. If she forgets they remind her. Some nights they say no bad things, and lots of good i.e. it's nice to hear them comments when i am round out there house.
I love you my baby, I whisper it in her ears then matching hugs tight and kiss, then sleep tightly
Well I say I love you,very simple and to the point.Each of my kids are very different and I use a different body launguage with each one.Lots of hugs and kisses.6 to be exact.It's so fun to watch how your relationships change as each gets older.My two that are under 6 still get tucked in,my others say "Mom we are to old for that".Every once in awhile I still sneak a tuck in.
After all of the usual good night hugs and kisses and tucking in, I used to say to my kids the same thing my Mom said to me and her Mom to her and so forth.... "Sleep tight. Don't let the bedbugs bite."
I start with bed time stories, then tell them it's sleep time and give a good night kiss. After that, it's quiet time ,and i insist she close her eyes. I sit with her till she sleeps and then, 5 mins after she is asleep, i tell her that i love her and that she is a happy, sweet child. And that she will get up in the morning happily and give mama a big hug. This is because before somebody goes into deep sleep, subconsciously they are still aware of what all they hear.
That is one of the sweetest things I've ever heard! Thank you!
Kids have very astute memory. They remember the smallest things that we do for them, whether it's just kissing them before they go to sleep or telling them "I love you." Aside from these things, I always make sure to tell my daughter to pray first before going to sleep for higher guidance. This too can mold a child's values.
When my kids were little, we'd gather around one of their beds, and read a story--they loved Berenstein Bears the best.
Then I'd get them into bed, give hugs and kisses, then take their hand and kiss the inside of it, then closing their fingers around the kiss, and tell them to "Keep it ALL night!".
They loved that, and it always brought smiles to their faces.
Mine are all in their 20's now--gosh, I miss those days!!!
I'm sure that you do! But that was really nice! Thank you!
"I love you with completely with my heart" (they - "I love you completely with my heart")
"Have a good sleep" (they - "I will. You have a good sleep too with sweet dreams")
"I will see you in the morning" (theyy - "Wake me with a kiss before you go to work. I'd like to say good bye before you go")
a couple of kisses and a real hug (they - always returned)
a tuck in (they - big smiles)
a smile (they - big grins)
and one last kiss (they - bigger smiles)
then, they fall asleep immediately.
you are all making me sad - I miss my babies now! Oh how I loved to cuddle with both of them before bed.
I say "I love you, sleep well & don't stay up too late"
Wow! I'm so sorry! They will always be your babies! Thank You Though!
When mine were young I used to say:
Nite, nite
Love ya
See ya in the morning
Now, when I go to bed, I say:
Good night. Don't stay up too late! (never works though )
Yeah that doesn't work well with my 2 13- year olds, sometimes it doesn't work with my 5-year old! Thanks!
used to say after reading them a story -- I love you goodnight !
Make sure I tell them Just how much I love them first. I am always there for you for anything you may need or just want to talk about whatever. Resure them that they are loved and tell them just how proud you are of them.
I start in the attic with my 9 year old daughter, I give her a hug and kiss, tell her I love her, then we put our fingers up in a "L" shape and we say "L", because "L" stands for love. Next comes my 5 year old son who I kiss and hug, tell him I love him, then my 9 year old stepson who I say goodnight and he says goodnight. Last is my 2 year old who I tuck into bed after he makes his grover jump into bed, then I hug and kiss him, then I have to kiss him on both cheeks, and when I get to the door we have to blow each other kisses, and he also says "L" to me.
I love you, goodnight, don't let the be-bops bite.
When she was tiny she tried to say 'bed bugs' and it came out be-bops. It stuck.
I usually sing softly.....then holding close, whisper I love you...
there is something about sleepy children that pulls at one's heart...
it's definitely one of the best moments of my day
"I love you kid. Thanks for being my kid." Then I kiss her good night. Every night.
I would tell my daughter every night when she was young and to this day still tell her momma loves you even when you were she know I forgave her and my heart stil belong to her
My husband has a special saying in German which he uses on the children (even though they don't speak German yet).
Schlaf Gut
Traum Suss
Bis die Engelchen in Paradies
(Sleep Well
Sweet Dreams
With the little angels in paradise)
When my 2 girls were still young, I would help them get to bed, listen to their prayers, tuck them in, and before clicking out the light, I said, "Love you, good night, sleep tight!"
Now that they are grownups, I rouse from my sleep to find them still up, so I say, "What time is it? It's quite late! Hit the bed. It's time to sleep not work. Tomorrow will do it's own task!".
my kids too sleep after hugging, kissing and saying good nite:)We have to say love u kids...only then do they go to sleep.
I would say "I love you so much remember in this life you can be anything you want to be."
I always say night night, godbless, see you tomorow, love you, (in that order)and they say it back at the same time bless them. i'm sure as they get older the most i will get is Night Mum lol
I said different things to each of the three boys I have, and it changed as they got older, but it started out with things like -night night, see you in the morning,--night, I love you, -- nighty night, pleasant dreams, -- nite, dream with the angels, --and as they got to be adolescents, it was more like-- night guys, dream of good things, --pleasant dreams--know that I always love you,-- first guy up makes breakfast--
and it was never the prayer about dying before you wake....!!!
my 2y old girl hates sleeping. she even tells me "I don't like sleep." But, she'll follow me to bed anyways. Then, she says, "stories about _____." So I have to tell her stories about whatever she says. I usually have to say two stories that I make up about "apple juice on airplanes" for example. Then, I say, "last one, mommy's sleepy now." She'll say ok. Then, after the story, I kiss her on the forehead, and tell her "I love you." she offers me a hug, which I take of course, and then she lies down. On a good day, she goes to sleep. On a bad day it will take another hour and half before she falls asleep and I have to keep urging her to sleep. I still sleep in bed with her, and my 3 month old.
before my children go to sleep the last thing I say to them every night is I Love You and Sleep Well Not always in that order - some times I say sleep well and I love you
Mine are not small children anymore they are 15 and 17 but ... they will always be my little children to me
I say i mummy loves you and give a kiss on the head. Its now routine that even if i forget, they come to me and remind me. Didn't know it meant that much to them
The very last thing as I'm walking out of their room having tucked them in, kissed them good night and listened to all they have to say is
"Good Night, Sweet Dreams, I love you"
Ours goes like this
"Good night" then she says "Good night"
I say "Sleep good", she says "Okay"
I say "I love you", she says "Love you too"
Then I walk out & she usually says again "I Love you", and I say "I love you".
In not only makes her feel comfortable, but me too!
when my son was really little i would say 'nite-nite, don't let the bedbugs bite' or 'sweet dreams'.
when he got older sometimes i would say in Morticia Addam's voice 'scream if you need anything' and he would laugh
or simply 'good night' or 'sleep well'.
My 3 are all grown up and married with children of their own..I say the same to my grandchildren when they visit as I did to my children...
After their goodnight story,I kiss them and say,Love you sweetie,sleep well see you in the morning ..later when I go to bed I pop back for a kiss on the cheek just to make sure they are ok.
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