Should food ever be limited to a child?

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  1. peeples profile image93
    peeplesposted 10 years ago

    Should food ever be limited to a child?

    My 7 year old eats more than all the other 4 people in our home put together. He literally eats from the time he wakes up until he goes to bed. If I make a meal he eats 3 adult servings. He is not unhealthy and the majority of the foods he eats are healthy. However it is becoming a bit much. Is there ever a time when food should be limited?

  2. marissacreange profile image60
    marissacreangeposted 10 years ago

    I would ask his doctor.  Is he at a healthy weight for his age and height?  It also depends on his activity level, if he is overly active, his body might be burning most of the calories.  I'm 28, 5'1 and weigh on average 115lbs, give or take a few depending on my activity level.  I'm also very muscular with little to no effort.  I eat more than most fully grown men, but my metabolism is incredibly fast and I need that much to maintain that 115lbs.  If I eat the suggested amount of calories in a day for someone my size, I drop too much weight.  If you have talked to your doctor, and they believe he is healthy, without any underlying cause for concern, I wouldn't worry.  If you are concerned get a second opinion.  Some people are blessed with an amazing metabolism, just as there are those who can eat like birds and remain overweight.  The body is an amazing machine, and everyone is different.  I gained 65lbs while I was pregnant and lost it all naturally within a year, with absolutely no effort.  If it becomes a health issue, then question when and how to change his eating habits.

    1. peeples profile image93
      peeplesposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      He is at a healthy height an weight. Though I don't see how. If I ate as much as him I'd look like a giant balloon. Thanks for the answer!

  3. DDE profile image48
    DDEposted 10 years ago

    I don't think food should be limited to children they should be free to eat whatever they want with limit or in moderation, and whatever is on the table, the key is to eat healthy foods.

    1. peeples profile image93
      peeplesposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      My issue is figuring out if I need to moderate I guess. Thanks for the answer!

  4. Charlu profile image77
    Charluposted 10 years ago

    I think you should take him to the doctor for some blood work to make sure there is nothing going on internally that you are not aware of. Although children depending on their metabolism eat sometimes larger amounts than usual, it is always good to make sure there are no thyroid issues, vitamin deficiencies, etc.

    A friend of mine who is now in her 80's deprived her daughter of food as a means of weight control when she was a child and she is now at 350 lbs and a yo-yo dieter. Children even at 7 years old can still develop emotional eating habits, (believe me I am living proof), so I also recommend some really good one on one time to make sure there is nothing else going on.  There could be something going on at school, with neighbors, or even at home that is bothering them and although it may seem trivial to us, is the largest mountain ever climbed for them.

    So even though it is probably nothing more than a growing spurt in the making or the body needing the food to support the calorie burn, it is always best to be safe rather than sorry.

    Have an incredible day!

    1. peeples profile image93
      peeplesposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I guess it's time for a doctors trip because this has been going on almost a year non stop. I don't want to deprive him but was thinking of setting aside a couple hours a day that are no eating times, guess I need to ask doc! Thanks

    2. Charlu profile image77
      Charluposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I think your right about the doctor first and letting him make sure all systems are go smile   There was an 115 lb dancer on tv last night that was eating 3 plates of food in 1 sitting, but she burns it all off:) Wish that was me really lol!

  5. flacoinohio profile image75
    flacoinohioposted 10 years ago

    I agree with the others about taking your son to the doctor just to make sure there are no health problems.  I had this issue with my son when he was five.  One of many things we tried was to change a few bad habits we had.  One was the availability of not so healthy foods within his reach in the pantry or the refrigerator.  We stopped bringing the food to the table in pans or bowls and serving the food at the table, we took the plates to the food on the stove.  This actually helped everyone in our household, we ate until we were satisfied not until the food was gone.  The knowledge that food is still available on the table can entice both children and adults to continue to eat not because they are hungry, but because the food is still there.  We also started having better table conversations during dinner, I found that boredom encouraged excessive eating and picking while waiting for others to finish eating before we began to stick with not putting serving food from the table. There is a feeling that one must eat until the food is gone sometimes because of learned behavior such as the eating habits of family members, fear of not getting as much as one thinks they should have compared with other family members, and most common is the fear of wasting the food.  When my son was young he would drink all of his dinner drink and not eat his dinner, we ended up limiting what he could drink to the point where he could not finish his drink before his dinner was completely eaten.  This is a common rule in many households to not drink until the meal is finished.  If you put anything on the table that would invite consumption during a meal it should be a pitcher of ice water.  We limited the portions but allowed access to healthy snacks between meals and we had to change some other aspects of our daily lives that had nothing to do with food, food turned out to be a tool my son used to get attention from us and to keep from being bored.

  6. Express10 profile image84
    Express10posted 10 years ago

    Yes, for their own health and safety. Visiting a doctor or even two may help to ensure that your child is currently in a good state, that nothing has taken a negative turn internally. There are children who are showing up in doctor's offices and hospitals with high blood pressure, diabetes, kidney, liver, and heart damage due to their diets of high sodium, high fat, and super sugary foods and drinks combined with a sedentary lifestyle. My boyfriend has a niece who is just 8 years old and weighs approximately 180 lbs., possibly more by now. How she got to that point is both her parent's fault by giving her unlimited fast food, sodas, candy, etc.

    Many people think, not my child, but many changes can take place within a child (or an adult for that matter) while they are outwardly "looking" healthy. You're a good mom, yes there are plenty of times when food should be limited. Let your child eat fresh fruits and veggies without limitation. If they crave a salty snack, try giving them a handful of fresh nuts, seeds, or air popped popcorn of their choice. Dark chocolate can be a good sweet food in moderation. Stay away from adult sized portions of junk foods and fast foods.

  7. SEO IT! profile image83
    SEO IT!posted 10 years ago

    I definitely agree with taking him to the doctor, but let me tell you - if you could see my hubby and son eat, you would think they hadn't eaten in a year, even if their last meal was just an hour ago. While my 21 year old son is thin, my husband is even thinner, and each eats more by noon than I do all day. My son was a little chubby as a baby, but his thinness used to worry me when he was a child. The doctor said he was fine and he got the metabolism from his daddy. The only foods we limited our kids on were junk foods and cheese (uh... digestive reasons). Well, there were other things, such as one glass of juice each meal, considering they were also eating fruit.

  8. profile image0
    Vickiwposted 10 years ago

    I agree it is time for a doctor visit. There may be several possibilities for his excessive hunger - and a mom knows if it is excessive! Withholding food is probably not the way to go, as this can be the cause of major psychological problems, starting now, but becoming more evident when the child becomes older, and then beyond that. For your sake, and that of the child, you need to have competent professional assessment and guidance. Good luck with this.

  9. bettybarnesb profile image60
    bettybarnesbposted 10 years ago

    I am agreeing with the responses that I have read. It is time for a doctor visit if you haven't followed through and taken him. Could be that he that there is nothing wrong but you want an expert opinion to put your mind at peace and for the well-being for your child. I have 4 children and they are very different, however, if I am concerned and can't quite figure something out, will take it to the next level.

    be blessed...


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