Loving someone who doesn't love you back is disappointing. It depends on what you want from a relationship.
You grow older and know more about love. A better understanding of love shapes you for a better understanding of a relationship. You aren’t always ready for a commitment to anyone.
A man who has never been in love and found true love. You can find true love. It is a decision you make for yourself. You won’t find true love if you haven’t decided to love or be loved. If you don't feel like loving anyone love is not for you.
Accept love and lov freely. It is normal to love whom ever you choose
You need love, hope, joy and something to do to be happy. Without love, hope, joy and something to do you will be a total wreck. A smashed train broken into pieces that may not be put together again.
Love is for you not ffor you. Love can be special or love can be a lot of effort.
What's love got to do with cheating on your partner? Love helps you through bad times or all times.
Build true self-confidence from within and only you can do that for yourself.
Self-esteem allows you to feel that others are better than you. However, only you can decide that for yourself.
Love, happinees, a lust you have and feeling happy is so important in everything you experience.
Control is something many people would like to have. It gives them a sense of power and dominance over others making them feel important. However, some individuals seemed to be immune to forms of control or manipulation.
Sigma males have been around for a long time. It is only now in this century that you are learning more about them. They are described as independent people.
love, trust and marriage are temporary. You show interest and lose interest when your feelings change.
Your face turns red when you blush. It is cute for some individuals.
Honesty is the best policy have been forever. Sometimes you feel your partner is not being honest with you.
Trust your feelings when you are attracted to someone. In this way you know best how you feel and what you want.
Acceptance is powerful when you choose to accept things the way they are. Accept reality.
Self-actuaization doesn't mean perfection and that everything will go smoothly.
Believe in yourself to be confident and show your values in what you do for yourself.
The fear of failure affects you when you are a perfectionist. Read on to find out more.
Effects on Positive and Negative Writing. Positive writing overrides negative thoughts in writing. It is a better option to encourage readers with positive words.
A poem dedicated to my mother. Someone so special to us has left us and now I feel sad and hope to feel better each day. I wrote this poem about how I feel for my mother.
Are Intelligent People More Lonely and Depressed? There are hardships, and challenges in their lives and somehow one fails to see this. When you look at intelligent, rich people you see them spending lavishly, which makes you see them as different. Sometimes you wish you had their lives.
Life Adaptations. The truth about the life of an Expat. Living in Croatia is peaceful and crime-free.
Inspiration is from within you need to acquire the knowledge of what inspires you.
What is it like Living with a Liar? Living with a liar destroys a relationship. You need to think about what you want most from your partner.
Writers want fame and to be recognized by readers. A Writer's Choice, writing is a work of art. keep writing about what you are good at and familiar with.
Writing and building skills is a great start for you. However, if you are sharing your work of art with readers you need to stay away from binge writing. What is Binge-Writing? Being locked in that same style of unproductiveness can be a problem without you even realizing
What to Make of a Life in a Country Where I Was Born and Raised? It is different and looks ruined in so many ways. The streets are in a mess and lack attention. Life in South Africa has changed and from where I see it, this shows me differences indifferences.
How Do Highly Sensitive People Manage in Relationships? Processing everything around you creates that overwhelming feeling in you. Highly sensitive people are normal people who are healthy and go on with their day-to-day chores like you and I.
It is difficult to keep those thoughts in your mind and still live your life. I do not care what people will say or think about me. There is no harm in living in your bubble, but when you think about what people will say about you that can ruin you. You should feel yourself and do what you wish a
Writing in a wide range of subjects and writers have many positive and negative sides to telling a story, and to inform you , the reader, of such creativity from their great minds.
Life is what you make of it and this is what my life is in the southern part of Croatia. Each day is new and with a new experience.
Protected Plants in Croatia. Croatia is a beautiful small country. Since living in Croatia I discovered unique herbal plants and many different wildflowers. I find this flower most interesting.
Master Simple writing and forget about Lazy writing. Short sentences and to the point makes writing easier and less-complicated.
South African Noisy and Clever Bird.Two birds have different characteristics and are protected species. I often enjoy bird watching and listening to the songs of birds in my surroundings. These birds are not native to most parts of Europe. I am mainly interested in the two South African birds.
Times have changed and speaking to the enemy is not what you want to do anymore. A bond you shared is broken and you do not want to hear of that person’s name again. Stay away from the enemy. It is not worth your precious time to interact with the enemy
I learned that the trade routes from India to the Mediterranean where the route from Venice was the spice route between Europe and India making this a possibility to have discovered all the herbs. Pepper was valuable just as gold was and this created the option to grow herbs in the Mediterranean.
Easy-to-Use Writing Tools to Become Better Writers is a choice. Always open yourself to feedback. To become a writer you put your work out there for strangers to read. In that you must expect criticism and praise. It is not possible to improve without feedback.
Signs of Unrequited Love. This one-sided love can cause you confusion and is not emotionally clear. You love him/her or whomever you have met and they do not return those feelings making you feel unrewarded.
The Proof is in the Pudding. One needs to understand the meaning of flirting, cheating and overstepping boundaries in a marriage.
Eating and drinking in moderation doesn't work for everyone in their diets. You can eat too much of a food and feel ill or too little of a food and crave for another food.
Flirting with another while married is not being true to your partner.
Failures lead to success and when you put your mind to achieving goals you become successful.
Increase your followers and follow back those who write in your genre to gain popularity in this community. An income is out of reach if that is your focus, think again. I enjoy what I do here, and writing gives me time to share about what affects me.
Live with hope and not hopeless is the way to forgiving and having a healthy life You can't live hopeless in an empty shell while thinking of the past. Move on and create a hopeful life from positive thoughts and be hopeful in all you do for yourself.
You are anxious other people are reading your words and being judged about how you write. To get better at writing you need the criticism.
Writers need reliable writer's Tools to write and check for grammar mistakes and spelling errors.
Most nationalities are not aware of Croatia as a perfect place for retirement. However, I have learned that legally 30000 internationals live in Croatia. These foreign people live in most parts of the north.
Spring gardens deserve the seasonal herbs and knowing more about the herbs is a great start to having a prosperous herb garden.
How to Overcome Survivor's Guilt? The person begins to show symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. I explain in detail about survivor’s guilt, the causes, and the symptoms, and let you know everything else about how an individual is affected by the symptoms.
A fear that can hold your tongue to express the way you feel or in having a conversation. Such a fear disallows you from a healthy relationship with unfamiliar people, making friends or even having someone special in your life. Facts about Shyness are interesting and informative.
A right of a woman is taken from her by a man. She is helpless and not worthy of a man in the non-westernized countries.
Writing Lessons Learned, Writing is not for everyone those who write to express their feelings, and enjoy what they do. Those who write for other reasons see writing as frustrating and not worth their time but have to do it.
You are hurting yourself and nobody else and emotions are free flowing when you talk about your problematic relationship. When life gets tough to keep on the same moods, sort it out and control your emotions.
It is about St. Valentine. These traditions came from the Roman times. In that tradition card exchanging occurred making Saint Valentine a custom for many nationalities.
You have a plot, but don’t know where to begin and how to get the message across to an audience. A balance between you and writing is key to get that word out there. The level of writing and your persistence makes it work.
The special experience with people when you meet someone you feel this excitement, happier, and fall in love at first sight. However you view life and love, or had love in your life a partner can see love differently from their side of it.
The unhappiness is in your spouse and not in you. They have to help themselves, and you should not try to make them happy and feel responsible for their unhappiness.
Time spent having that coffee with your co-worker and sharing conversations does make miss those times spent together.
Facts about Olive Trees and Olive Oil. Olive trees grow up to 1600 years old and more depending on the climate and soil it has for growth. Widely grown in the Mediterranean regions and along the Dalmatian coast.
Interesting Facts about Woodpeckers. Woodpeckers are colourful and smart. These colourful birds are in three different colours and are attractive with sharply pointed beaks. They hammer on trees to make their nests.
A Carob tree is a legume family of Fabaceae. An evergreen green that has flowers and is native to the Mediterranean region. The pods are edible and grown in the middle east as well.
Some people have weird changes in moods, making them appear as psychopaths. Others have changed in moods due to the foods they eat
SEO is a goal to launch that website that is found online by other visitors. The fact is, the web page would not survive online without search engine optimization. There is no chance of a web page being found by Google and the content is not read from the web page
I have tried numerous times to make money online with Adsense, but it's not working out for me. Many times I worked on the Google Ads and my account was disabled.
Unwritten rules are rules most of you do not follow and are just there for you to remember in a household.
Knowledge of Blackbirds to be a spiritual animal-like creature. Smart and intelligent and extreme in their behaviour. Bills of Blackbirds are strong and pointed, black, white or yellow in colour as in red, and black or yellow and black patches. Blackbird Beliefs will surprise you.
Growing Years in Childhood. Childhood memories bring happiness to the start of any child's life or they can bring sadness too.
Can Art be Food? In the modern era, preparing food as art is consumed by those who know the meaning of food art and when dining in style.
How to Have a Conversation With a Senior? You may not know what it is like to be older, spend time with the elderly to have an idea of this different life. Communication can be frustrating, but if you do what is required of you such involvement could be felt effortless.
It is worth having if it is good and positive. In some people they want to hold onto what hurt them and go down the path of regret and disappointment.
Writing about my experiences and sharing what I know best on various topics has increased my knowledge in research
How to Not Feel Like a Foreigner When Living in a Foreign Country You become independent, know what the locals do and move on with your life.
You smile differently, wave your hand differently, and start a conversation on your own way. People are unique and have a unique something about them that not everyone notices on a daily basis.
A person who would bargain on open markets where items are on sale, or at yard sales. This type of person would not leave until they have what they came for, but for as little to pay.
Encourage writers to write and share experiences online. It is a way to express themselves and relieve stress from daily routine.
Painful past experiences are better left there it is history and not worth getting in to your present.
Positive attitudes are a way of life and you can work on it to make this your way of life.
Aging affect women around the world. It shouldn't bother you. Be yourself and be confident.
Freelance jobs are not easy to obtain as simple as it sounds a lot of skill is required of you.
Sometimes what you want in life may never come your way. The idea is to keep going and you will find something different to change your path.
Parents are protective over their children and want the best for them. In many families children prefer their private lives to not be tampered with.
To find yourself look into your past and figure out what happened there that got you to this position. Explore what caused you to be in this way in the first place; such as your actions or the actions of others
Croatia consists of over a thousand Islands, several charming towns and villages. A beautiful country that has a lot to offer in the summer time you would enjoy outdoor activities in Croatia
The fast eaters are the go-getters, the achievers and the slow eaters are the pleasurable types.
The questions you answer must be relevant to the actual topic. It is a way to show who you are and gain access to the Quora community via emails. Quora for marketing is easy; you can connect with users from other social sites to improve your business.
Some people do not prefer a confrontation and do not feel the need to experience the reactions of others. People who want to avoid such conversations avoid others and leave them out of their lives.
Work together to form a good writer’s friendship and achieve the best results. You want to be positive and share how you feel or to have an opinion of other hubs.
A series of incidents you had experienced and nobody believes you.. You must have had some different experience and someone you told did not believe you.
I have read and heard a lot about the Corona Virus but every individual has a different view of the virus. It is pandemic and has made our lives unpredictable ever since it came alive.
Human behaviors involve the different cultures, the different attitudes and values of people. You can’t avoid these behaviors as these behaviors are common and from genetics. So, the way people carry out themselves with limits as to what would happen next is not a normal way for many people.
Something that your guest made you look in an AW! It is exciting or a good feeling to have a guest over to your place, be it for a weekend or for a dinner party.
However, you think of it your child has to move on and get their own place. No matter what you try to do for your child they refuse to leave home after the age of eighteen.
This is the reason for Thank you Notes, and for writers this is rare and I have not seen many for writers.
This powerful connection shows what we feel for each other and for others too. You communicate with eye contact unless you are shy, then you will turn away from the person you are speaking to.
Your life involves, texts to loved ones or to friends, and many devices with screens are used in your day job or in your spare time
Money cheaters have no control over a budget and spend more than the can afford to. This is a secret kept from their partners making a marriage fall apart and to lose trust in each other.
Norms are different in every culture and valued with respect. What is considered rude in one culture is not rude in another culture.
Relationships are neither good or bad it depends on how you approach the situation in your relationship and see it in a positive way.
Political issues affects every person you know all you need to do is to respect the wishes of others.
Anxiety disorders affect people daily you should seek medical attention when symptoms are excessive or uncontrollable.
Depression affects you from a young age, it can be of family history or chronicle.
Rosemary Sutcliff is an English novelist. The Trilogy best of her lot of books intrigued many readers around the world.
Tales of Britain are enjoyable, entertaining and live plots make it easy to read.
Content writing requires focus and direct focus to readership
Achieve smaller goals and focus on the bigger goals at the end goal.
Female coworker is flirtatious and needy for attention. Married and seeking another man's attention is overstepping boundaries.
African Folktales and myths of African tales to learn of and an interest different tales of Africa.
Folktales from Asia enlightens us of fairy tales from many years ago.
Self-hatred from your inner voice destroys you mentally and gives you a negative sense of life.
Writing is to express your emotions and to share of what you know best to your readers.
Best Islands of Croatia. Croatia has many islands and mysterious stories told about these islands.
Croatia has a lot to offer to offer and the traditional functions and celebrations are performed by Catholics.
Croatian traditional homemade alcohol and with the many seasonal fruit that are plentiful and used for preserves and to sell at open markets.
Croatia has become one of the most popular travel destinations in Europe.
Beat the holiday blues spend time with people and avoid loneliness
The Green Book movie is based on true life events and the two people from different backgrounds form an unexpected friendship in a good way to share their experiences together.
A bad relationship is not worth having but it teaches you a lesson in future relationships
Share experiences to feel good about yourself and to be positive in achieving your goals as a writer.
I write to share my experiences and for readers to learn from my experiences in my move from one country to another. Writing isn't for everyone unless you write from the heart.
Life in Croatia from an Expat's view and of how Culture shock affected the writer.
Trust is important in any relationship. A committed relationship requires love and trust.
What Would You Consider Inappropriate Flirting? Flirting inappropriately can ruin many committed relationships without you even knowing it.
All seasons can be enjoyed if you make the necessary changes for you.
A new lifestyle and new lessons always learned from such experiences.
Women are under pressure to look good in public due to their traditions and values
Marriage is a commitment between two people. Vows should be taken seriously and each partner should respect the wishes of the other. Vick and Jill's Marriage has fallen apart.
Love causes you misery, happiness and laughter and above all, if you have love you can fight any obstacle.
Valentine's Day for love and romance. Share with a special one and show appreciation on this special day.
Marriages aren't perfect. Having an affair is not the answer to start over again.
Is your Partner the Workaholic? Workaholics in a marriage don't see how they destroy their relationships with their significant other.
A marriage is a commitment and if your partner doesn't feel that in their behaviors it is time to leave that marriage.
Husbands flirt when they lack confidence. Flirting with coworkers is or any other woman is a disregard to the wife's feelings.
Increase willpower with a change in your habits.
Parents sometimes fail to understand the reasons for their grown ups decisions to live far away from family.
Love an ability that is not for every couple.
Breaking up is unexpected in a relationship. You need to accept these experiences and move on gracefully.
No child should be left alone, unless older and responsible. Parents must make the right decisions.
Selfishness becomes a problem when couples over step the boundary.
Writing is a pleasurable way to be focused on on new outcomes. Writers aren't always aware of their habits.
People in small Communities know everyone. Village people living in small communities allow for greater benefits.
Love is rare when it is true and once you have that never let it go.
A new lifestyle makes you stronger and happier if you choose to make that way of life a part of you.
New tourism ideas in Croatia!
Breaking up can be awkward and most painful.
Love is true when you are committed to your partner.
Painful experiences are not always written of or spoken of in public.
Blogging and writing has become a popular to earn money online. I have enlightened beginners in this field.
Be positive and lighten up your day. Only you can do that for you.
Moving from one country to another is challenging and one of the most difficult decisions you can make for yourself.
Jealous people are inferior and lack self-esteem.
Friendliness is not for great expectations. Be friendly in a truthful way.
Do you think you could have done more?
Your first date and first moments together are not easily forgotten.
Fake reviews on Amazon stores are making the good reviews look bad to readers and buyers.
Self-promotion is a good idea when present quality posts.
Are you the party pooper in your relationship?
Forced relationships are unhappy relationships.
You should know how to love yourself first before loving someone else.
Do you prefer to travel alone or with a travel buddy?
Revenge at your next door neighbor's wife is cruel.
Self-publishing and Traditional publishing , both are challenging and frustrating.
Are you the hater or the writer? Writers and Haters
People get bored with the same old routine it is best to change the routine to feel positive.
Old-fashion lifestyles are not for everyone as modern lifestyles is not for everyone. The Old-fashion Vs the Modern Life is so different and not for everyone.
Spiteful people are hurtful and manipulative.
Do Men Prefer Dating Conservative Women? Conservative women dating and experiences in their lifestyles.
Do writer's groups help you or make you feel lees worthy as a writer? A writer should feel positive in a writer's group.
Are you living in denial? When you live in denial you block off pain.
Write and share what you most comfortable writing about.
I believe happiness is from within and I have control over my mind to be happy.
A divorce is painful after a a year of marriage. Imagine at the age of sixty!
I write to share my own experiences and from the heart. You won't always satisfy readers but at least you get what your satisfaction.
Arranged marriages are challenging you need to know your partner and not to follow the opinions of others. Hold your marriage together with your own mind.
Use you own writing style but be clear in the message sent across to readers.
Marriage requires hard work and compromise. Sharing the same interests is not always a highlight in a marriage. What Do You Have in Common With Your Partner? Activities and hobbies are what you can have in common.
International marriages requires hard work as any other marriage.
You sign a contract when you marry and live by that paper.
Travel to different places to experience new challenges.
People grow and change all the time. You can accept change or live in your comfortable zone.
Life can be stressful it is up to you on how you perceive that moment.
The Addictive Habit of Teens. Social media is a daily use for many businesses and a great way to connect with friends and family.
Give up what makes you feel unhappy and stressful.Things I Gave Up
A true smile is meaningful. A fake smile is an unhappy smile and does not apply socially.
You are in charge of your happiness and to show love for one another in a marriage.
herbal experiments are not always risky. The best is with proper guidance from an expert.
Write from the heart and share the best of quality and quantity for a good purpose.
Appreciate the little you have and you will get more from life.
Marry for love or money is a difference to your relationship
Writers to share to an audience and feedback is important to a writer.
Religious issues affect many people and in different ways.
Writing is fun and a learning experience. Share what you know and share from the heart. Things I Learned from Online Writing have improved my knowledge.
I enjoy outdoor activities for keeping fit and for a healthy lifestyle
Coping with sadness is a challenging aspect in anyone's life. The way you choose to deal with sadness depends on you.
The Express Movie is about Ernie Davis being the first American to have played this sport professionally.
You are the same as others and different by culture.
Office personalities are unique and can be challenging to cope with on a daily basis.
People change, and accept change. I accepted my changes in a foreign country.
Life's journeys can change your life in many ways.