What the heck does a stay home mom do at home?

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  1. Secretabundance profile image61
    Secretabundanceposted 10 years ago

    What the heck does a stay home mom do at home?

    Many people are curious to what do stay home mom do each day, just clean and cook?  Why did you not choose to work but stay home?

  2. Erin Trefz profile image71
    Erin Trefzposted 10 years ago

    I can tell you what I did on my two maternity leaves, and what I would do, if I were lucky enough to be a stay at home mom.  I work 4 days a week.  Here are things I do, or would do if I had even more time:
    1. Clean every room in my house.  I don't mean pick up and put things in their place, I mean scrub floors so it looked as it did when I moved in.  This is hard to keep up with two little ones.
    2. Look up creative recipes and try them for my family dinners.
    3. Read more
    4. Write more
    5. Join a mommy and kid group(s)
    6. Pluck my eyebrows
    7. Organize ever closet and cupboard
    8. Paint my nails and actually sit to let them dry
    9. Volunteer in my child's classroom
    10. Volunteer to help people in need
    11. Catch up with friends

    I think there are so many more, but my baby woke up and needs his mommy!

    1. Secretabundance profile image61
      Secretabundanceposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      So true Erin!  I do all the above, except for number 1.  Regardless of how many times you clean, it would return to square 1.  You either enjoy the mess or teach the kids to be responsible for cleaning up instead.  For me, I am flexible with both.

  3. Amanda108 profile image77
    Amanda108posted 10 years ago

    The word "just" should never be placed in front of cleaning and cooking except in sarcasm, I'm sure you'd agree. ;-)

    So, yes, cleaning for a start. Cleaning in this instance means scrubbing and wiping and washing and picking up and dusting and sweeping and so on. It could easily take all day with little ones running around messing it up as you go. Then cooking, again yes. I believe the person who is home should be responsible for meals for the most part. And, of course, the most important job: the kids.

    Keeping them supervised, but also interacting with them on a level of one-on-one attention that they can't get from daycare. Educating them. Giving them life experience and lessons. Forming a bond between mother and child at an early age.

    I'm not yet in the position of stay-at-home-mom, but I've witnessed my own mother's workload from choosing to stay at home. It's definitely work. And one doesn't get to leave come 5:00. Anyway, my reason for why I'd choose it is because I believe that it's best for children if one parent can stay home with them rather than letting a nanny/babysitter/daycare raise the children for a good portion of the day. If it's at all financially possible, I believe taking on these everyday tasks is the parent's personal responsibility - not a child caretaker's.

    Also, I just love spending time with kids and working from home. :-)

    1. Secretabundance profile image61
      Secretabundanceposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      It's wonderful how grateful you are for stay home mom.  Hope you would be one soon. You will enjoy time with your kids.Remember to compliment it with some perks, hobbies or part time job you can enjoy too.  And some lovey dovey time with your spouse.

  4. wychic profile image84
    wychicposted 10 years ago

    Lol -- maybe "just" clean and cook in the first couple months of a kid's life. Babies are easy. I have three kids, ages 2, 3 and 8, and it's a lucky day when they allow time for cleaning and cooking. These kids are just learning and developing so fast, they're running high-speed all day trying to take in everything they can. They want to learn, they want to find their place in the dynamics of their family and their world, and they want guidance and cheering on through the process. At the same time, they want someone who will clean and kiss the inevitable boo-boos along the way, monitor sibling squabbles so no serious injuries result, and so much more. At the same time the 2-year-old wants to know what will happen if he sticks a shoelace in the light socket, the 3-year-old wants to know everything about the airplane she sees going by and the 8-year-old wants to know how to start building robots. They don't take naps anymore, so it's non-stop from 8:00 in the morning until 10:00 at night (if you're lucky), then of course there's "night call" for nightmares, sudden needs that crop up in the middle of the night, and any other reason they can think of not to sleep. There are no weekends, there is no clock-out time, and there are no sick days. In all this chaos, yes, the cooking and cleaning still need to be done, and it's shocking how many muddy footprints, dirty clothes, dirty dishes, and of course dirty kids needing a bath crop up during the day.

    I'm sure I'm missing some things, but I certainly have nothing but the deepest of respect for my super-hard-working husband, who is the awesome "stay at home mom" in our family. He even manages scratch-cooked meals almost every night. He does it so that I can pursue the business I'm passionate about, and so that our children always get the best care and one-on-one direction that we can possibly offer.

    1. Secretabundance profile image61
      Secretabundanceposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Oh, lucky you and so blessed to have such a sweet and supporting husband so that you can build your business and pursue your passion.

      Remember to count your blessings and joy everyday and share them with your husband and kids:)

  5. cat on a soapbox profile image92
    cat on a soapboxposted 10 years ago

    While I was a stay-at-home mom, I engaged my daughter, did crafts with her, played with her, read to her, sang with her, took her to classes,  Dr. appts,  playdates and on outings, cleaned and did laundry, shopped,  & cooked. I taught her to put away toys, taught her the alphabet, counting, and an appreciation for nature and saw to her naptime. When she reached school age, I volunteered at school, drove carpool,  hosted after-school get-togethers, and was a Scout leader and product manager for 10 years. I was home to answer her questions and address her fears and concerns.I chose to stay at home because I wanted her to have a secure bond with family, and I wanted to encourage and witness her milestones while her Dad worked. It was exhausting but worth it!

  6. c-m-hall profile image60
    c-m-hallposted 10 years ago

    hopefully, teach the chldren how to take care of themsleves ... keep house, ...read and love and nurture ... spend time relaxing ... instead of out living that insane hustle day in and day out ... take care of household, food, finacnes .. budget ... LIke the ol hunter, gatherer .... hopefully, taking care of family business ... keeping the unit strong and healthy ... the break down of the family is the breakdown of morals ... it's what seems to be the collapsing of america right before our eyes


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