Do stay-at -home moms get the recognition they deserve?

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  1. Libra Rajani profile image59
    Libra Rajaniposted 13 years ago

    Do stay-at -home moms get the recognition they deserve?

    There has been a lot of debate on this topic. What is your opinion?

  2. vcoburn profile image60
    vcoburnposted 13 years ago

    No they don't.  To stay at home running a household can be more work than a 40 hr week in the work place.  Cooking, cleaning, appointments, etc.  Takes up time and can be very stressful.  The sad thing is that most spouses and children don't even know just how hard moms really work.

  3. ThroughGlass profile image60
    ThroughGlassposted 13 years ago

    absolutely not.

    People assume that because you stay at home you must be lazy, and sit in front of the TV all day, drinking soda, eating chips, and yelling at your kids.

    Not true. Many Stay at home moms, are work at home moms, and even if they aren't i'll tell you they certainly aren't sitting on the couch all day long, watching the kids destroy the world around them.

    We all have down days, when yes, we love to sit on the couch and watch TV, drink a  pop and eat some chips. But trust me, we are still getting the dishes done, or a load of laundry going.

    Being a stay at home mom myself. It's not easy, it's probably the hardest job there is.
    And we don't get near enough credit for it.

    Probably shaping the citizens of the future is the most important job out there.

  4. frogtalk profile image57
    frogtalkposted 13 years ago

    Nope...people often don't think they do anything. Home-school stay at home moms are the ones that are really amazing though! They put some much time and effort into the education aspect. And mom's who have little kids have to put up with soo much work as well!!!

  5. debbie roberts profile image72
    debbie robertsposted 13 years ago

    No not at all. It's one of the hardest jobs I've ever done and also the most rewarding too I'd like to add!! When we decide to stay at home and take responsibility for our  young childrens up bringing and development, it's like taking on a 24 hour a day job. It can be mind blowingly testing and thoroughly rewarding trying to juggle household chores and keeping children stimulated.
    It's not until you do it for yourself that you can really appreciate how hard it is. I know I didn't.

  6. dashingscorpio profile image69
    dashingscorpioposted 13 years ago

    My guess is they probably do not. Career women as well as men probably under-value stay-at- home parents. This is especially true if the "stay at home parent" is a man! More often than not he is seen as a "slacker". All of a sudden the "hardest job in the world" according to many is considered being lazy when it's a man. Just another one of those "double standards". LOL

  7. nightwork4 profile image60
    nightwork4posted 13 years ago

    yes they do and i think now more then ever. many moms choose to work and we see the difference in how that effects many families. i think people are starting to see the value in have a stay-at-home mom.

  8. Little Light profile image68
    Little Lightposted 13 years ago

    No... I think there is this expectation that they should be out working in the 'real world' like everyone else. I really don't like the fact that a lot of mothers who want to be at home, often have to go out to work just to keep their family above water. Then, if they choose not to, they feel guilty. Ironically though, when I had to work, I felt guilty for being away from my kids so I don't think you can win either way. I believe there should be much more recognition for mothers who stay home. It is not an easy job... it is a labour of love.

  9. Hezmyjoy profile image60
    Hezmyjoyposted 13 years ago

    Of course not, thats why there aren't too many of them these days; nevertheless, even if society doesn't put a whole lot of importance on the task, it is still beneficial for the children. So lets not look at what people think but the smaller picture which is the tiny versions of ourselves feeling safe because someone is at home that cares.

  10. RocketCityWriter profile image73
    RocketCityWriterposted 13 years ago

    From the husband's perspective, no they don't! While I try my best to help, there's no way I could do my wife's job - like one of the other comments mentioned, it is a 24-hour job with a few on-call breaks here and there. It's amazing to hear working women talk about how they wish they could be stay-at-home moms hinting at how much easier it would be...if they only knew!

  11. creativebutterfly profile image60
    creativebutterflyposted 13 years ago

    No I don't think they do.  I was not a stay at home Mom when I was bringing up my daughter but I am a stay at home and work from home Grandmother.   I am looking after my grandkids so my daughter who is a single Mom can support them.  It is hard work raising 2 girls and keeping house and working from home.  I have a totally new respect for stay at home Moms and also working single Moms.
    There is a perception about stay at home Moms that needs to be changed.

  12. smzclark profile image60
    smzclarkposted 13 years ago

    not often. i didn't until recently when my husband lost his job and i went out to work full time. now he appreciates all that i did and hopefully will appreciate all that i do in the future. now, when i wash the dishes; he thanks me!!! if i'm too tired to cook, he will do the dinner ('doesn't happen too often, 'cuz we all prefer my cooking ;-P ). saying that, i don't know that many men get enough appreciation for the work that they do. both 'stay at home parents' and 'bread winners' work hard and have very different, but often equal amounts of stress.

  13. healtheemama profile image60
    healtheemamaposted 13 years ago

    I feel that we get recognition when we get a sweet hug and an "I love you" from our kids.  Other than that, it's so easy to for people to say, "She's just a mom."

  14. meganlsmith3 profile image68
    meganlsmith3posted 13 years ago

    No one can understand how hard it is unless they have tried it.  I was a working mom for 5 years, but after the birth of our 3rd child I became a SAHM.  I love it, but it is WAY harder then I expected it would be.  The work never ends, and it is complicated to juggle the To Do list with making sure the children get all the attention they need and deserve.  I actually wrote a hub about this, you should check it out: … t-Home-Mom

  15. athena2011 profile image59
    athena2011posted 13 years ago

    In most cases I would say "No". Hopefully there are some cases where they are appreciated as they should be, however, I personally know of none.

  16. THEHuG5 profile image60
    THEHuG5posted 13 years ago

    I  don't think so. I think that some people look down on stay at home moms because they say that "they don't have a job." Sorry but raising kids is NO JOKE. It's just as much a job as going into the office every day. People need to give stay at home moms more respect.

  17. LoriSoard profile image66
    LoriSoardposted 13 years ago

    Until you stay at home with children, I don't think you realize how much work it entails. Bravo to those who are able to stay home and raise good children. However, my heart also goes out to those women who have to work, because I know many of them have a deep longing to also be home with their children but are torn because they have to pay the bills.

  18. hawkdad73 profile image60
    hawkdad73posted 13 years ago

    As a stay at home dad, I have to say, no.  I used to think stay-at-home moms were increasingly uncommon, but the only stay-at-home dads I have seen have been on TV shows or movies.

    I don't necessarily feel under appreciated, but I do know how my mom felt and why she was frantic.  I  more of a connection, family-wise, with my mom, always have.  Never thought I would be a stay-at-home dad, but I wouldn't trade it for anything.

  19. Nancy Owens profile image75
    Nancy Owensposted 13 years ago

    Probably not, althought they now get more recognition than they did in the 1980s. During that period of time, it seemed that even other women sort of looked down their noses at women who were not out there in the career ranks. The 1970s and 1980s were all about women breaking into the male-dominated career fields.

    A woman who was a stay at home mom was seen as either being dominated by a man, or having no ambition of her own.

    I give you this view as a woman who lived during that era.

  20. kidsnchocolate profile image60
    kidsnchocolateposted 13 years ago

    I am not quite a stay at home mom- I do work part time at night, but I am home with my children constantly it seems. And let me tell you about the lack of recognition. Daily- dishes 3 times, vacumn- atleast 3 times a day, pull child off appliance or back of couch- many, seperate children when they are on each others nerves- non stop, the amount of cooking and baking- neverending- I do everything from scratch almost. And when the other half gets home or anyone else is over- what did you do today????? You don't see the flour in my hair, markers everywhere, supper done, house clean, and the kids are worn out?????? Not too mention the pets that it seems won't get fed if I don't do it. I am the first one up and the last one to bed. Even through utter exhaustion I maintain and handle everything in the house as if I was a single mom on top of everything else. No, I don not think stay at home moms get even close to the recognition that they deserve. Staying home is a full time to over time job in itself. I always joke and say That going to work for 3 hours  only a couple times a week at night is my vacation from my real job!!! And, boy, it sure is a lot easier!!!

  21. profile image49
    scorpio1919posted 11 years ago

    yes. i'm a mom, i work part time on wednesday and the rest of the days i work till 4 when my small children are out of school. i am a psychologist and i value my job very higly, not because of the carreer of the money, i don't make that much money, but because i can help people who really need me. and what i have learned is that kids need social contact with peers, its healthy, it learn the kids communication skills, building friendships, very very important. i hate moms who homeschool their kids, because they don't have experience with the real world and haven't learned important communication skills. i work and i care for my kids and i give them a safe environment who is always their for them. so no sorry i have no respect for stay at home moms and i think their lazy yes, i can perfectly combine my job and caring for my kids while offering them a healthy environment and while i work to help other people who aren't as happy as my kids too, sometimest night. if your kids are still baby's i understand, but if they are 4 and go to school, sorry what do you the whole day exept cleaning and cooking? i admit i do those things in a hurry and my house isn't always that clean. but nobody cares and whats more important? helping people with my job or having a perfect house? my kids are ok, happy, and i'm very involved and i don't have the feeling i don't see them grow up. they are smart, social and certainly equally happy as kids from stay at home moms, with the difference they have a lot more communication skills, have more friends. they have a lot of quality time with me after school and when they are in bed i begin to clean, while household moms have everything done and do nothing for the community


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