Lower Gas Prices

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  1. profile image52
    Ledarral46posted 16 years ago

    Fight High Gas Prices Now!

    Americans.  It's time to fight high gas prices.  I have an easy, but sure way to do it..
    People try to take on all oil companies at the same time.  It can't be done.  My method
    is to take them on one at a time.  Pick out one of the major companies. 
    Then stop buying gas and oil products from them untill they either bring their gas prices down by at least $1.00 a gallon, or go out of business.  Each company has some big stock holders
    who will be very upset if they start losing money.

    My method will work, but we all need to stick together.  There are to many other gas stations
    we can buy from. Let's start with one of the big companies called BP.  Start the boycott now!
    Then when we are through with BP, let's go after EXXON, and AMACO, then right on down the line if we have to.  The government isn't going to help us.  Only we can help
    ourselves.  Just start buying gas at another station.  It's that easy!

    1. WeddingConsultant profile image64
      WeddingConsultantposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Ledarral, although the thought is nice, I'm afraid you probably won't get the following you'll need for that movement here.  People are less likely to listen to you, especially since it's your first post.  Having said that, though I like what you're thinking!

    2. profile image48
      goldenlizzard6posted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Ledarral46 wrote:

      Fight High Gas Prices Now!

      Americans.  It's time to fight high gas prices.  I have an easy, but sure way to do it..
      People try to take on all oil companies at the same time.  It can't be done.  My method
      is to take them on one at a time.  Pick out one of the major companies. 
      Then stop buying gas and oil products from them untill they either bring their gas prices down by at least $1.00 a gallon, or go out of business.  Each company has some big stock holders
      who will be very upset if they start losing money.

      My method will work, but we all need to stick together.  There are to many other gas stations
      we can buy from. Let's start with one of the big companies called BP.  Start the boycott now!
      Then when we are through with BP, let's go after EXXON, and AMACO, then right on down the line if we have to.  The government isn't going to help us.  Only we can help
      ourselves.  Just start buying gas at another station.  It's that easy![/quote

      """"You have a good idea but practical probably not as people will still buy it as we have become so dependant on it these days.  However look at it this way as well, have you noticed that every time some analyst in the papers or news reporter says the "government" has predicted gas prices to go up to "such and such" price by "such and such" date that overnight gas prices shoot up by say for example ten to twenty cents.  Heck I predict gas will be as low as a dollar.  May not change things. Shoot it only takes one gas station or company to start a gas war.  A $44 billion profit for one company alone heck cut the profits into forths and you can cut the gas prices.  a dollar a gallon by cutting their profits they would still make 11 billion dollars profit a year.  Our government controls the cost of gas because they are making billions from the taxes on it.  Our government can step in and say enough is enough let our people stop suffering lower gas and everything else will lower.  It is common sense.  Hey election time is coming America all the winers and complainers who never vote get off your asses voice your god given opinions and vote.  Make your voices heard make a difference.  Go the poles in force get all your friends, relatives, and hell even your enemys to go out and make a change.  We are americans everyone else (country wise) use to use us as an example.  Make a difference force our government to lower its standards of "Rich or bust".   Tell them to Lower our gas or we lower you out of office!!!!!!!!!!! It is our country our say we are the masses the many not just the few. LOWER OUR GAS AND QUIT STUFFING YOUR POCKETS WITH OUR SUFFERING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Marisa Wright profile image86
    Marisa Wrightposted 16 years ago

    How does that make sense?  BP knows you're buying your gas at the same price from someone else.

    Assuming you're American, the solution is probably simpler than you think - do what the whole of the rest of the world is doing, and buy a smaller car.

  3. CrystalSingleton profile image59
    CrystalSingletonposted 16 years ago

    I have just recently started walking a lot more, It's not only helping my wallet, but it's helping my body too. I am walking to whatever stores I can near me. I am walking to pick my son up from school at least 2 times a week while carpooling with other mom's to save on gas. We take turns. And yes I traded my durango for a station wagon. I also never fill my tank unless prices are down. What goes up must come down. They are claiming on the news that by spring break or summer prices will be up to $4.00 per gallon. That's murder right there. I put about $12-15 in at a time, and then when prices go down again I top it off as often as possible. Summer around the corner though.... ouch. You know they will take full advantage. Travel less and become more resourceful.

    1. WeddingConsultant profile image64
      WeddingConsultantposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      That's why I bought a motorcycle!

      1. CrystalSingleton profile image59
        CrystalSingletonposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        exactly. Thats a great idea. I as well as several of my co-workers are thinking about doing the same. well more like a vespa or something. I am also considering a golf cart.

        1. WeddingConsultant profile image64
          WeddingConsultantposted 16 years agoin reply to this

          haha, good luck getting around California in a golf cart!  My brother-in-law lives in Hermosa Beach (and I've been before) and I can't see a golf cart being the most practical of vehicles.  Well, now come to think of it, the golf cart would be great for finding parking spots...and the gas mileage is probably great.

          Go for it!

          1. CrystalSingleton profile image59
            CrystalSingletonposted 16 years agoin reply to this

            Well I actually live on the border of Huntington Beach (SURF CITY ROCKS) and Newport Beach so it's pretty ideal for around here. Maybe not pch, but all the other streets are cool.

    2. privateye2500 profile image38
      privateye2500posted 16 years agoin reply to this

      This is great - too bad there are not more who *get this*.

  4. Misha profile image65
    Mishaposted 16 years ago

    At the risk of being accused in shameless self-promotion, posting the link to the carefully collected and commented gas saving tips big_smile

    http://www.funandsafedriving.com/33-gas … -tips.html

    1. WeddingConsultant profile image64
      WeddingConsultantposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      haha, Misha, I would expect nothing less from you!  After all, this is your specialty.

  5. profile image0
    simcoposted 16 years ago

    $4 a gallon....I wish

    Here in the UK the price of a ltr is now £1.069 multiply that by 4.5461 to get a UK gallon and the price issssss..............£4.86 per UK gallon on average.

    Now multiply that by $1.94 which is the tourist £ to $ rate and we have the equivelant of $9.43.

    I am comming to USA in September so I look forward to the drop in price wink

    1. WeddingConsultant profile image64
      WeddingConsultantposted 16 years agoin reply to this


      I heard that gas in the Middle East is SUPER cheap.  Can anyone living over there testify to that?

      1. CrystalSingleton profile image59
        CrystalSingletonposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        They probably aren't allowed to drive, poor things.

  6. privateye2500 profile image38
    privateye2500posted 16 years ago

    Every year I get the *email* that encourages people not to buy gas on a specific day -- and if everyone did not buy gas on that day - the price would fall dramatically.

    But of course this never happens.

    People really either forget they have any power at all over this or they deep down only care about the smaller picture (your own life for that day)- getting from point A to B  -- no one is willing to give up ANYTHING to make changes happen it seems to me.

  7. Angela Harris profile image67
    Angela Harrisposted 16 years ago

    I have a hub that shows websites where a person can find the cheapest gas prices in their area at http://hubpages.com/hub/Find-the-Cheapest-Gas-Prices. I hope this isn't considered too promotional, as it does pertain to the topic.

  8. JarrodHaze profile image73
    JarrodHazeposted 16 years ago

    The problem with this is the distribution of crude, which accounts for about 53% of your price anyway, would not be affected in the least.  If one company was targeted, and let's just roll with it and hypothetically say no one bought their gas, the chain of supply would just go back to the crude and it would be re-distributed to other markets.

    Also, the price of crude is set by long-term contracts, and boycotts and targeting specific distributors would not have any real effect on the price of crude.  19% for refining costs, 19% for taxes, 9% for distribution and marketing at the retailer's end, all of which can't really be lowered, as well as shipping... surprisingly little makes it back to the oil companies.  They make their billions in VOLUME, not high prices.

    With less than 3% of gas stations actually owned by oil companies, the only real people hurt by boycotts or bans are the retailers, who make pennies (or penny) off each gallon sold.  So boycotting would just shift the crude to other markets, the oil company's gonna be fine, and it would probably just hurt a retailer and they'll instead raise the price of a 2 liter bottle of Pepsi and a gallon of milk so now when you run out in the morning you have to burn more gas to drive to the Costco to save money on emergency milk.  smile

    Rather than boycotts, why not, like all these other Hubbers suggest, focus these e-mails and chain letters on fuel economy? (especially since the economics of fuel make boycotts inefficient... I know, it's wordplay at its most basic, but humor me!)  Driving less aggressively, slower accelerations and smoother braking, car pooling, keeping your tires inflated and your air filters clean... simple, easy ways to lower your gas mileage, stress levels, and wear and tear on your vehicle.

    P.S. - Here's a fun experiment to try at home!  Boycott your local whatever and watch the prices RISE!  Yeah, funny thing about economics is so many things that are counter-intuitive are actually true.  Boycotts raise prices.  The reasons are beyond the scope of this comment.  smile

  9. profile image0
    RUTHIE17posted 16 years ago

    Ok, here goes:

    1. Wedding Consultant and CrystalSingleton-- yikes PLEASE thing twice about the motorcycle thing.  I speak from the experience of "been there, done that."  Hubby and I used to ride all the time.  Rode a total of about 15 years in fact.  Had a couple of close calls and then had a total wipe out.  Believe me, once you see what you've been through and how bad it could have been, you never want to get back on one again.  We were thankful to be alive, in one piece  and no real major damage (nothing a few stitches, boxes of bandaids, a freezer full of ice packs and tubes of Ben-Gay didn't fix) except to the bike!
    So, think about it REAL hard and then, think again.  Yes, they're great fun but also deadly!

    2.  The cost of gas will never go down until the government steps in and regulates prices and that will never happen as long as it's profitable to those in charge of running the government and making the laws.

    When an oil company says they are "just barely making it" and yet post a $129 billion dollar profit for the year (an all time high profit, by the way), something stinks on ice!  As far as the refineries go, who do you think owns those, the oil tankers and the gasoline transport trucks? 

    This whole thing is just like it was years ago with Ma Bell getting greedy because they were the only phone company in town.  Only reason they got taken down was BECAUSE they got too greedy, too pushy, too bossy and began stepping on too many toes.  Ralph Nader, where are you?! roll

    For now, I agree with some of the other's ideas--carpool, get a car with better milage, don't make any extra trips--list what you have to do and where you're going and make it a circle trip with no backtracking,  keep your car tuned up , keep your tire pressure right on the button and drive like you were 16 and the guy who's grading you for your license is sitting right beside you! cool

  10. J_Eds profile image60
    J_Edsposted 16 years ago

    As Simco said (thankfully saving me a calculation!) we're paying more than double in the UK for our fuel. It's getting to the point now where I don't want to get in my car as it just costs too much. My local Shell petrol station has just gone to 109.9p petrol and 119.9p diesel - the highest on record in this area so far. the situation is getting ridiculous, and doesn't seem to be showing signs of waning. No wonder house prices in the UK are falling - we need the money to drive there!


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