Different Kinds of Cheese :: All We Need to Know About Cheese
Different Kinds of Cheese :: All We Need to Know About Cheese
Different Kinds of Cheese :: All We Need to Know About Cheese. Growing up in South East Asia, my family don't eat a lot of cheese, although we drink fresh milk from animals specifically -- carabao. This is a type of animal with same feature as a cow but it comes with a black color. My mother urge us to drink milk everyday fresh from the farm as a substitute for our dairy requirements because cheese is expensive.
As children, we didn't partake as much cheese because our source of carbohydrates is rice, unlike here in the US, where bread and other processed whole grains are the main source of carbohydrates -- and cheese is usually put in bread i. e., sandwiches. I became used to eating a lot of cheese when I worked for a boss who always bring cheese with wine and I came to like it, specially when I went here in the US and I need to rush in the morning and I eat bread with cheese. I came to love cheese.
In this hub, the different kinds of cheese and some facts we need to know about cheese are discussed.
Different Kinds of Cheese :: All We Need to Know About Cheese
Cheese are food products derived from milk products and is produced in all over the world. It comes with different flavors, colors and texture. It is derived form milk of goats, cow, sheep, carabao (let me add that) and buffalo. We can get proteins and fat from milk. Cheese has been around even in ancient times and its origin dates back back to unrecorded history.
How to make cheese?
Cheese are made from milk by coagulation of the substance casein (protein in milk). The milk is acidified and you need to add enzymes for it to coagulate. According to wikipedia, the solids are separated and pressed into final form. and "some cheeses have molds on the rind or throughout. Most cheeses melt at cooking temperature".
You can also add flavor to cheeses by adding spices, herbs and to add color you can add annatto.
Different Kinds of cheese can be classified into :
- names
- country
- texture
- by type of milk
- age of cheese
There are hundreds of types of cheese specific to a country, texture and flavor which are all dependent where the milk came from, be it unpasteurized, its butterfat content, how you process it, molds, bacterias and aging.
How to store cheese
- Since cheese has more life than milk it can be stored in a refrigerator, but be mindful of the expiration date.
- Avoid exposure to heat as it can melt
Top exporters, producers and consumers of cheese by country
( whole cow milk only) 2004 data Top Cheese exporters
| (USDA data) Top cheese producers
| (2003 data) Top cheese consumers
| US
| Greece
| Germany
| France
| France
| Italy
| Italy
| Switzerland
| Netherands
| Germany
Source : wikipedia and USDA
Different Kinds of Cheese :: All We Need to Know About Cheese -- Health Benefits of eating cheese
- Cheese is rich in fat, protein, and calcium plus minerals which are needed by our body. Phosphorous, zinc Vitamin A, Riboflavin and Vitamin B12
- Since it is high in Calcium it prevents decay of teeth and cavity prevention. It makes teeth healthier and strong. It also prevents the decaying of your teeth specially if you regularly eat it
- It has been found put in research studies that it can also prevents cancerbecause of the two substances present in milk -- Conjugated Linoleic Acid plus Sphingolipids
- Cancer Prevention - Cheese contains substances called that help prevent cancer. In addition the vitamin B in cheese is good for maintaining body functions and protecting the body from disease.
- It is good for the body's metabolism
- Cheese contains fat, protein, calcium,plus vitamins and minerals which keep muscles and bones healthy and strong which are needed by pregnant women, children and everybody -- good for lactating women
- Can help prevent osteoporosis -- mostly all dairy products are if taken in the right amount
- Cheese contains Vitamin B which helps in the absorption and distribution of calcium
- Cheese with has low sodium are helpful in reducing the negative effects of some substances which caused heart diseases.
- Cheese are rich in Vitamin B which is helpful in our blood pressure.
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