How to make Fast Banana Muffins
Fast Banana Muffins.
Thes muffins are so easy to prepare,if you suddenly have guest coming over you can make them quick standing in the kitchen.There is so many options how to serve Them.You Can serve Them with icecream,sourcream,or whipped cream. You Can also just eat Them without extras.THey are vers enjoyabel.The good thing aboout bananas They are easy to get hold of,They are not seasonal.And They are usually in a good Price range.You Can also freeze Them,and the banana muffind can keep in the freezer for 6 months.
Keep Them in a airtight container,They can keep up til 5 days,but they usually do not last that long,because They taste so good .Do you Want a piece of advice,make a double portion,because they usually get eaten fast. The good thing about these muffins is that they can be made anytime of the year as bananas are always available with consistent quality. The important thing to remember though is that some pre planning needs to be done. This recipe uses bananas which are turned brown with age which are hard to find in most grocery stores.
Bananas are most often sold when their skin is still bright yellow, sometimes even a little green, which indicates that the flesh is still quite hard with little flavor. This may be great for eating raw but not for making muffins or other cakes when you want the bananas to be soft and sweet. For those times when you don't want to wait several days for the bananas to ripen you may want to have a few brown bananas already frozen in your freezer,and then you always have bananas All you need to do for this is to place the bananas together with other fruits and then they get ripe very fast.
I hope you will like these muffins they are very easy to make ,my children and I have made these muffins many times,and they are alwaays a succes.The children can even make them on there own,because theuy are so easy to make.
Cook Time
- 3 Eggs eggs, cracke eggs
- 175 grams of flour flour, sifted
- 100 grams of sugar sugar, sifted
- 1 teaspoon baking powder baking powder, sifted
- 1 teaspoon vanillasugar. vanillasugar, sifted
- 100 grams of butter butter, melted
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