Do you get up in the middle of the night and raid the refrigerator?

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  1. lindacee profile image89
    lindaceeposted 13 years ago

    Do you get up in the middle of the night and raid the refrigerator?

    I don't, but after a late night out, I might sneak a snack before going to bed.
    I've heard that some people "sleep eat" not even realizing they've done it the next morning.

  2. cloudy_cool profile image74
    cloudy_coolposted 13 years ago

    Sometimes yes! I don't usually get up specially to eat...but my 1yo wakes me up a few times in the night, and by the time I manage to put her back to sleep...gosh, I feel so hungry that I can't go back to zzz...!!!

  3. stclairjack profile image74
    stclairjackposted 13 years ago

    no..... i get up in the midle of the night to go pee,... i'm female, over 30, and have at least one child, it comes wiith the teritory,... i do have the pesky habit of getting up in the night to get a new soda, Dr pepper specificaly, usualy right afteri use the bathroom,... it seems a bit self defeating, but you asked! ha!

  4. jennyjenny profile image61
    jennyjennyposted 13 years ago

    No, not if I've been asleep.  However If I can't sleep, I raid the fridge like a pirate.  smile  I don't know why, but It happens every time.  I have resorted to keeping healthy snacks like fruit or yogurt on the top shelf, so I won't reach for the more destructive food.

  5. Hungry Traveller profile image60
    Hungry Travellerposted 13 years ago

    Massively YES! At work I'm the healthiest eater around, my colleague even remark on how dedicated they think I am!

    Little do they know; as soon as the lights go down my stomach starts to rumble - cheese, chocolate, pate, whatever it may be. No wonder my waistline’s expanding.

    I'm a fridge raider and proud!

  6. profile image55
    rieomposted 13 years ago

    No I do not but I will get up and smoke.

  7. networkrecruiting profile image60
    networkrecruitingposted 13 years ago

    No i never get up and raid the fridge but, I do before i go to bed. Sometimes i need that bit of comfort that only a piece of chocolate cake can do.

  8. profile image0
    Helpful Hannaposted 13 years ago

    I don't usually get up during the night even if I am hungry for a snack.  I'm too lazy smile

  9. clicketyclacker profile image61
    clicketyclackerposted 13 years ago

    yes! it seems like once i settle into bed for a little web surfing before sleepytime, i start thinking about all the good stuff i have in the fridge. the true test of my resolve is if i am too lazy to get out of my warm bed to grab a snack.

  10. profile image0
    ssaulposted 13 years ago

    No i get up to go pee pee, on my way to back to bed i stop by the fridge to check up on the beverages and snacks, lol

  11. alian346 profile image65
    alian346posted 12 years ago

    Not the fridge - but the chocolate stash at 4am!!


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