White chocolate, milk chocolate or dark chocolate. Which is your favorite and wh

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  1. cabmgmnt profile image81
    cabmgmntposted 13 years ago

    White chocolate, milk chocolate or dark chocolate. Which is your favorite and why?

    I have a close friend who does not like chocolate at all. He is not allergic. He just does not like chocolate. I find that strange so, I am curious about your preferences and why.

  2. stars439 profile image61
    stars439posted 13 years ago

    Good question . I like them all. I like dark semi sweet chocolate the most . I don't know why. I like Chocolate icing on cakes. I am in the mood to bake a cake now. I have some chocolate flavored icing in our cabinet. I think we have some German chocolate cake mix.

    God Bless You.

  3. Cat R profile image80
    Cat Rposted 13 years ago

    It's a close call between white and milk for the most part.

    White chocolate has a gentle flavor, if I were to use a word.

    Milk chocolate is just simply sweet.

    I do like bitter chocolate with some things like cherries, liquor and marzipan!

    Chocolate shouldn't taste soapy like a certain American blend.

    The best chocolate comes from Belgium or Germany and my most favorite is 'Nougat' from Ritter Sport.

  4. EuroCafeAuLait profile image81
    EuroCafeAuLaitposted 13 years ago

    Dark chocolate.  Why?  Several reasons.  It is slightly bitter, which makes me feel slightly grown up, lol.  I also like to fantasize that the deep color might deepen my somewhat mousy colored brown eyes, since I think that dark eyes are very exotic, like Jasmina of Aladdin fame.  And mostly, because the dark stuff tastes great with a cup of coffee mid-afternoon.  Mm mm mm....  I used to like white chocolate until it seemed a little too plastic.  So let it be dark chocolate, just like my men - and let's keep it "real" !

  5. smzclark profile image60
    smzclarkposted 13 years ago

    really dark chocolate, but only because it's good for you! otherwise i'd say milk.

  6. DanielNeff profile image60
    DanielNeffposted 13 years ago

    Without a doubt my favorite is dark chocolate.
    Taste is one reason: I do prefer the taste of dark chocolate, although many don't because it is more bitter than the other varieties. (be careful, because some pretenders like Hershey's Special Dark are not really dark chocolate, imho. Although there is no official definition for dark chocolate, to me special dark is just milk chocolate with the milk solids. I prefer a good quality chocolate that is 70% cocoa)
    Nutrition is the other reason. Chocolate - nutritious? Are you serious?
    Yes. Chocolate has many healthy attributes, such as antioxidants, but those can be negated by the profuse amounts of sugar in milk chocolate and not-so-dark dark chocolates.
    White chocolate is not really chocolate: it contains cocoa butter, but no cocoa solids. It does taste good, though.

  7. cabmgmnt profile image81
    cabmgmntposted 13 years ago

    nice answers. One of my favorites of late is dark chocolate flavored with chili. Sounds weird but it is delicious and goes great with red wine.

  8. xethonxq profile image68
    xethonxqposted 13 years ago

    Milk chocolate is my favorite...especially when it's warm and encased in something...like a cookie. Of course, you have to have an ice cold glass of milk to go along with it. [geez, now I have a craving and need to go on a scavenger hunt in my kitchen to see if I have the ingredients for some]. smile

  9. Blond Logic profile image89
    Blond Logicposted 13 years ago

    I prefer dark chocolate. I find I enjoy it more and can eat less. White chocolate has never really done anything for me. Growing up we always ate milk chocolate and I enjoyed that.  I think  if it has nuts I prefer milk chocolate .

  10. Claudia Tello profile image68
    Claudia Telloposted 13 years ago

    I can’t imagine someone not liking chocolate?!?!?!?! It sounds unbelievable to me.....
    I love chocolate, specially the milk good quality one. I know the higher the cocoa content, the less sugar, the more antioxidants and thus, the better, but I rather stay below 60% cacao. White chocolate is ok but it would never be my choice because I find it too sugary and too milky; some combinations are good as well.

  11. duffsmom profile image60
    duffsmomposted 13 years ago

    White chocolate or milk chocolate are my favorites, but dark will do in a pinch.  It is certainly better than no chocolate at all.

    A square of dark or milk choc. is great in a cup of coffee with creamer and sugar.  Great stuff.

  12. Mercia Collins profile image65
    Mercia Collinsposted 13 years ago

    Dark French chocolate, love the taste. White chocolate is sickly sweet. Milk chocolate is nice but dark chocolate is yummy. Two squares only.

  13. THEHuG5 profile image61
    THEHuG5posted 13 years ago

    Definitely milk chocolate. I'm not really a dark chocolate fan.

  14. profile image0
    alazani67posted 13 years ago

    Milk Chocolate, because it has that smooth taste which I love so much.

  15. profile image0
    V Qisyaposted 13 years ago

    Dark chocolate is healthier though. But I prefer both white and milk chocs. It makes me drool.

  16. courtlneygdtm profile image70
    courtlneygdtmposted 13 years ago

    My favorite is milk chocolate. Milk chocolate has a delicious, creamy taste and to me, looks like chocolate should.  Dark chocolate has a funny taste that does not appeal to my taste buds and white chocolate seems strange to be chocolate and have a white coloring at the same time.


  17. prism3x profile image38
    prism3xposted 13 years ago

    Dark chocolate for sure is the best.. you get the real feel of the chocolate and not the excess sweet taste!!

  18. engelfantasydream profile image61
    engelfantasydreamposted 13 years ago

    plain chocolate or white chocolate are the best..dark choco not digging the taste..dark chocolate????..no way.kinda bitter for me..never mind..i like my chocolate to be romantic sweet and creamy and dreamy hahaha

  19. renee21 profile image82
    renee21posted 12 years ago

    Dark chocolate is my favorite!  Especially when it it mixed with mint!


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