What are some healthy/delicious people meals you can cook to share with dogs?

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  1. Mighty Mom profile image74
    Mighty Momposted 12 years ago

    What are some healthy/delicious people meals you can cook to share with dogs?

  2. penelopae profile image65
    penelopaeposted 12 years ago

    HA! At first, I read this as "meals you can cook from dogs" which gave it a whole other perspective - especially from the point of view of my dog, who happens to be sitting next to me. But to answer your question, she loves a bland stir-fry of chicken, rice, and scrambled eggs. She also loves rice topped with low-sodium brown gravy, and would do practically anything to sink her teeth into a bit of pizza crust.

  3. MickS profile image59
    MickSposted 12 years ago

    My old dog, Jason, always used to sit next to the table and say, 'ah,  chicken vindaloo, bung a bit in my bowl please.'  He would eat anything that I ate, not like cats, they lick their paws and say, 'oh, no, I don't care for that', no fun, cats.  Dogs will eat anything you put in front of them, Lancashire Hotpot, curry, chicken casserol, fish-n-chips, anything.

  4. profile image0
    AfterAzriaposted 12 years ago

    I actually have a diabetic dog, so we really have to watch what we feed him and his brother. My favorite thing to make for them when they've earned 'people food' as a treat would definitely be chicken livers and brown rice. My dad used to make this all the time for me when i was a kid, and I swore I'd never make it. But the ingredients are simple, and so is the preparation. It's cheap and healthy, and by using a tiny bit of salt, pepper, and thyme, it really kicks up the meal. Not only will your family benefit from it, but so will your canine members.

    Hope this helped =]

  5. gerrywalker profile image62
    gerrywalkerposted 12 years ago

    I've been cooking for my dogs for many years, the first one was an older dog with bad teeth, she'd been my daughter's but they had to give her up when they started having children.  She was an elderly pekeapoo; after that I had another pekeapoo and now have Daisy, a bichypoo. Daisy had kidney stones and her diet for that problem is at the end of this article.

    They've all thrived on stew, be it veggie, meat, chicken or whatever. They also love spaghetti, all kinds, that is, alfredo, shrimp, clams, you name it. I cook everything from scratch as I have specific allergy problems with salicylates and food dyes; use fresh veggies like green beans, broccoli, sweet potatoes, limas, carrots.

    I have read that the following should be avoided:
    Alcoholic beverages
        * Avocado
        * Chocolate (all forms)
        * Coffee (all forms)
        * Fatty foods
        * Macadamia nuts
        * Moldy or spoiled foods
        * Onions, onion powder
        * Raisins and grapes
        * Salt
        * Yeast dough
        * Garlic
        * Products sweetened with xylitol

    A diet made for cats and dogs with certain lower urinary tract problems that produce bladder stones or crystals in an acid urine (struvite) consists of: 1.5 lb of cooked ground chuck beef, with the fat retained, 1/4 lb of cooked calf’s liver, one cup cooked brown rice or mashed potatoes , 1 teaspoon canola oil, 1 teaspoon of phosphorus-free calcium carbonate (crushed calcium lactate or calcium gluconate) or 8 "regular Tums" tablets, and one quarter Centrum-type tablet or Pet Tabs given as directed on the bottle.
    You should strive to have them drink as much water as possible by adding water to the food.  Salt: if it's too salty for you, it's too salty for your pet.

    Hope this info helps!


  6. profile image58
    na cairridireposted 12 years ago

    Intruder stew; tresspasser kabobs; rosted nosy neighbor; powerman gone wrong barbeque; gangmember snack cakes; or the old stand-by peeping tom fondue.


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