Do you know of any healthy snacks that go well with beer or wine?

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  1. novascotiamiss profile image69
    novascotiamissposted 12 years ago

    Do you know of any healthy snacks that go well with beer or wine?

    Most snacks are either loaded with tons of fat, sodium, MSG, artificial flavours and colours etc. I like to snack but I would like to avoid as much of the unhealthy stuff as possible. As I am hypothyroid unfortunately I can only eat small amounts of raw vegetables or peanuts. I don't have a popcorn machine and if I try to pop it with very little oil in a pot it usually burns or doesn't pop. I also don't own a microwave. Any tasty and healthy snack ideas would be most welcome.

  2. Act 3 profile image65
    Act 3posted 12 years ago

    I often snack on pretzels when I'm having a beer. I buy the old-fashioned sourdough pretzels in a box. Snyder's makes them and Trader Joe's has their own brand too. I dip the pretzels in mustard (pick your favorite variety) for some extra flavor. These basic pretzels are very low (or no) fat and fairly low sodium. Avoid flavored pretzels or small pretzels in a bag that have a lot of extra salt.

  3. peeples profile image94
    peeplesposted 12 years ago

    The best snack in my opinion to go with beer is nuts of some sort. I have hypothyroidism and can eat tons of pecans. If peanuts are out of the option then I suggest sweet potato chips. They are super healthy but give the feel of eating regular chips. You can add almost any type of seasoning to them while you cook them.

  4. Attikos profile image79
    Attikosposted 12 years ago

    Depends on the wine, but fruit is often great with it. Peeples mentions nuts, which also go well with fruit. Add a little yoghurt, and you've got a health-minded gourmand's delight.

  5. amyxhere profile image65
    amyxhereposted 12 years ago

    I like to have popcorn with my wine. You can buy it already popped in the potato chip aisle. I'm not sure what the fat/salt content is though. I also like Bare Naked pita chips. And it's easy to bake your own pita chips.

  6. Amethystraven profile image81
    Amethystravenposted 12 years ago

    Snacks that go with wine can be pretty much any fruit, depending on the wine. Red wines go good with strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, dark and milk chocolate, and cheese. I'd try the white wines with citrus fruits, blueberries, or kiwi fruit. This question is making me wonder if red wines would go good with beef jerky since red wines go good with steak. Hmmmm. Of course beer goes good with nuts, but you can also try grilled veggies with beer. Chips and salsa would be a good try with beer too.

  7. janellermv profile image59
    janellermvposted 12 years ago

    It's predictable but cheese and bread can go brilliantly with both, and if you are willing to invest in some nice cheese. It's not insanely healthy but if you go for less processed, possibly more expensive brands it's definitely less damaging... Or how about home made kale chips? (Lightly oil and salt kale leaves, put in oven at 350c until stiff and brittle)

  8. profile image48
    Camille Pegramposted 12 years ago

    Definitely aged cheeses like parm, or even softer cheeses like brie.

  9. MomsTreasureChest profile image86
    MomsTreasureChestposted 12 years ago

    How about a platter of whole wheat crackers and cheese like muenster or swiss with whole grain mustard for dipping.  Or baked tortilla chips with an easy homemade salsa of tomatoes, green peppers, garlic, cilantro, lime juice.

  10. cperuzzi profile image94
    cperuzziposted 11 years ago

    Separate the two.

    Healthy companions with beer - chilli.  I know.  You think that's not healthy.  It depends what you put in it.  Just because there are tomatoes, spices, beans, onions, peppers, garlic, cumin, and (possibly) meat.  It doesn't mean it's bad for you.  If you stay away from the cheese and fatty meats, it's a great partner.

    Also consider, peanuts.  Peanuts, pistachios, cashews, and some of the unsalted nuts are a good protein supplement with plenty of omegas. (Just remember, you're still drinking beer full of maltose.)

    As far as wine is concerned - separate that as well - white, red, merlot, chablis, zinfindel, and the dessert wines.  The food you have with these wines will have a different taste to a different wine.

    You can't lose with a good fruit.  Peaches, grapes, oranges, limes, cherries, mangoes, and strawberries are good with white wines.  Red wines or merlots are good with more substantial foods.  If you must snack with wine, I suggest a bold cheese like provolone - within reason.

  11. chefmancave profile image71
    chefmancaveposted 11 years ago

    Here are several healthy treats I love with beer or wine:
    1) Stuffed Mushrooms (very high in potassium)
    2) Bruschetta on bagettes
    3) Spinach Rolls (rolls with spinach mix inside)

    If you are looking for store-bought snacks, explore the Kashi brand. Yes, they are expensive but they create their snacks based on "healthy" not "salt/fat/artificial". They have a wide variety of products so something should appeal to your tastes.

  12. peachpurple profile image82
    peachpurpleposted 11 years ago

    For asians, men usually eat ground nuts with beer or wine to pass time. Besides that, they love roast pork, any snacks that are crunchy, not sweet.

  13. Jennifer Mugrage profile image72
    Jennifer Mugrageposted 8 years ago

    I don't know if hypothyroid rules this out for you, but hummus is amazing with beer.  I pair it with Tricuits - whole wheat.

    Fat has gotten a bad rap, but it's actually not that bad for you according to new research.  See my Hub "Here's A Book that should be read by every Woman with PCOS."  See also Good Calories, Bad Calories by Gary Taubes.


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