Do you eat off someone else's plate or take a bite of something after someone ha

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  1. sflorsch profile image70
    sflorschposted 11 years ago

    Do you eat off someone else's plate or take a bite of something after someone has already bitten?

    Especially if someone has moved the food all around the plate with the same fork that has been in their mouth...would you eat off that plate?  Or would you take a bite of something directly where the other person has bitten.  And why or why not?

  2. peeples profile image94
    peeplesposted 11 years ago

    If it's my husband or children yes. Anyone else, no way! I'm not ok sharing my germs with anyone other than direct family.

    1. sflorsch profile image70
      sflorschposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Good for you peeples!  I can't do it.  My husband and me often share meals or desserts, but our food is separated to our own sides of the plates.  I can kiss him, but there's just something about eating food after him, or anyone that I just can't do!

  3. heeyoo profile image61
    heeyooposted 11 years ago

    I do eat after someone has already bitten , I don't have a problem sharing food with friends and people that seem to have good oral hygiene. It doesn't seem like such a huge deal to me.

    1. sflorsch profile image70
      sflorschposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Looks like I'm the minority in this small group!  Thanks for your input heeyoo!

  4. Diana Grant profile image95
    Diana Grantposted 11 years ago

    It's so strange, as I was discussing that very thing 24 hours ago.

    My stepson and his girlfriend visited us without much warning, so I had a small minced meat pie that I had already cooked, and they had an Indian takeaway. It looked mouth-wateringly delicious. They didn't offer to share it. Fine. Not especially good manners, but who am I to judge.

    But they then tipped out the whole lot (2 big portions plus rice) onto their plates, which were piled so high they couldn't eat it all, and didn't want to take it home in a doggie box.  I looked at it and thought it was revolting, even though I was so "jealous" when they were serving it out, so I threw it all away rather sadly, as I hate waste. It's quite weird - I will occasionally eat my partner's leavings, or share with him, and similarly my children's and grandchildren's, but would be quite revolted by anyone else's leavings, even in-laws.

    It must be a biologically protective instinct, not to eat anyone else's germs.

    1. sflorsch profile image70
      sflorschposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Diana, great story. Thanks for sharing, even though you sadly had to waste the food. But I know I would have done the same thing.  And I agree that part of not wanting to share germs with strangers may just be a biological protective instinct.

  5. brianrock profile image81
    brianrockposted 11 years ago

    Doesn't bother me at all, unless a person is currently sick (cold, flu, etc). I'm of the opinion that I have an immune system, and it's made for battling germs. Isolating that immune system and being a germophobe just leaves you with a weaker immune system that isn't capable of fighting off real infections.

    Some precautions and conventions of hygiene make sense (being careful with raw poultry, washing your hands after using the bathroom, not sharing food/drinks with sick people), but being overly stringent about other forms of contact (shaking hands, hugging, sharing food) strikes me as silly.

    1. Diana Grant profile image95
      Diana Grantposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I agree with you absolutely.  In my comment, I was perhaps talking about my gut reaction, rather than common sense!

    2. sflorsch profile image70
      sflorschposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      brianrock, thanks for your input!  I am certainly not a germophobe, but do take certain precautions to prevent the spread of the germs.  The food thing for me is more of my love for food and when I have it, I want it fresh and untouched :-)

  6. WhatToCook profile image72
    WhatToCookposted 11 years ago

    I would after my husband or kids, but that it for me.

  7. Spanish Food profile image80
    Spanish Foodposted 7 years ago

    This is an interesting question, because I think it depends on your level of privilege. If you have plenty of food to eat and you can afford to throw it away, it's easier to turn up your nose. On the other hand, if you are less fortunate, you may not have the luxury of being squeamish.

    If you think about it from an historical standpoint, before we developed the technology to kill and eat our own meat, we scavenged from animals killed by other predators. So I'm not sure that the instinct to avoid eating something someone else hasn't finished is actually a physical instinct related to self-preservation. More likely, it is a psychological reaction to our cultural ideas of individuality and ownership.

  8. Glenis Rix profile image100
    Glenis Rixposted 7 years ago

    H. Pylori  - a bacterial stomach infection which can lead to stomach ulcers can be transmitted in human saliva. Some unfortunate people can't afford to be squeamish - I once saw a beggar take a half eaten burger from a bin. But the more fortunate would do well to avoid the bowl of peanuts on the bar and double dipping at a buffet.

    1. Spanish Food profile image80
      Spanish Foodposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      This is so true, Glenis. Unfortunately, where I live, there is a huge homeless population. Even many children with homes still go to bed hungry. I just think it is important to realize one's good fortune and avoid waste, where it is safe to do so.


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