Why do most people eat more cooked food than raw food?

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  1. Rota profile image80
    Rotaposted 8 years ago

    Why do most people eat more cooked food than raw food?

    Most people gravitate to cooked food (over raw food) without thinking about it. What is the reason for this among people - both in a general sense and specific to you.


  2. Express10 profile image77
    Express10posted 8 years ago

    Most people grow up in homes where this is the norm and this is what they are accustomed to and so they continue that tradition. Some people simply do not want to eat raw food because this is the way they are used to eating and to switch would be a massive undertaking. Sadly, many Americans barely eat one or two salads without drowning them in fattening, sugary, or salty toppings during the course of a week, I highly doubt that will change anytime soon.

    1. Rota profile image80
      Rotaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      You express much of my stance on the matter in your answer. I agree the initial factor is 'what people grow up with'. And later its an unwillingness to deviate much from that. I lament how much fat & salt people add to raw food. Thanks for ur ans

  3. Rido profile image60
    Ridoposted 8 years ago

    For the starters, cooked food are more delicious than raw food. Even though raw food is good for health, most people prefer cooked food because its delicious and provides a sense of satisfaction.

    1. Rota profile image80
      Rotaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you so much for your response. I think that your point probably represents the general concensus - cooked food does indeed tend to be tastier...
      And yes, I do agree that it is easier to feel satisfied after eating cooked food.

  4. tamarawilhite profile image82
    tamarawilhiteposted 8 years ago

    Cooked food is easier to chew and digest, and you get more nutrients out of cooked food in most cases. And in the case of meat and some vegetables, you must cook it to be able to safely eat it.

    1. Rota profile image80
      Rotaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      It is true that some foods are more likely to cause illness if left uncooked, and yes nutrition is a factor. Thanks for your comment Tamara.

  5. profile image58
    Leon1345posted 8 years ago

    Lol.  I wouldn't eat raw chicken or pork.  Obviously meats need to be cooked so you don't get sick but I like my beef to say moo.  But I guess with cooked vegetables, they are easier to chew especially if you have bad teeth or unable to chew on something hard.  I personally like raw carrots and beets over the cooked ones

    1. Rota profile image80
      Rotaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, most people don't eat raw meat - good point. It is true that when food is cooked it breaks down some, making it easy to chew - I should know, I have a dental bridge and I am definitely am careful with hard food. Thank you for your comment Leon!

    2. profile image58
      Leon1345posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I do have a bridge and some food is hard to eat

  6. freecampingaussie profile image59
    freecampingaussieposted 8 years ago


    Because bacon & eggs, a roast meal , steak , lasagna all taste good cooked. Salad is nice with some meat but we don't want to eat that all the time.

    1. Rota profile image80
      Rotaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I think that your answer reflects how most people feel about it - it's a taste preference thing. Thanks for commenting!

  7. WordCrafter09 profile image66
    WordCrafter09posted 8 years ago

    People sometimes act as if raw things (like vegetables) are a new thing.  They aren't.  The world (including America) is full of people who grew up eating, say. cooked carrots sometimes but raw carrots at other times.  Same for things like celery, peppers, whatever...  Maybe people didn't talk about it the way the do now, but it wasn't a time when people needed a bandwagon to jump on with regard to eating; and it wasn't a time when people engaged in discussions about "healthy food" just because the subject of "healthy food" was "the latest thing".

    Anyway, one reason I, personally, may choose cooked stuff over uncooked is that it's most often easier to digest, but also I kind of like not having to think about stuff like e.coli on produce.  Washing produce is something I make a very big deal out of it, and sometimes it's just quicker and easier to microwave some frozen vegetables.  I don't mind washing, say. lettuce and tomato for a salad, but I don't care enough about food to want to be bothered washing "a zillion" other vegetables (for one person and only for as long as they'll last) for more than that for my salad.  (That's what pre-made salads at groceries stores and fast-food places were made for.  smile  )

    As far as fruits go, I think most people grew up eating uncooked fruit.  It's not a new invention; and as with vegetables, "cooked" turns fruit into a whole other thing.

    The thing, I think, that advertisers and book sellers and any number of other people are out there creating the impression that "nobody" eats uncooked (or otherwise healthy) food.  People have quietly been eating, growing up, raising their children on, things like raw foods in their diet since "whenever".  They just don't talk about it because they're not selling something and/or plain old think the world is too full of food talk.

    Returning to a reason for sometimes/often choosing "cooked", there are people in this world starving or eating/drinking bacterial-loaded stuff.  The luxury of frozen vegetables isn't such a horrible thing to people who have more to think about than food.

    1. Rota profile image80
      Rotaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for your detailed response. You have raised many interesting points. Of course people do eat a lot of raw food in addition to cooked food. But it so often seems to be mostly cooked food - and some raw...rarely the other way around.

  8. Barbara Gabrielli profile image59
    Barbara Gabrielliposted 8 years ago

    I would say that it taste better when cooked, and also what comes to mind is easier to eat. Many elderly people have false teeth and need to eat softer food. Food tends to soften when  you cook it.

    1. Rota profile image80
      Rotaposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      I totally agree that it is easier to eat. Until I got a dental bridge I never realised how much cooking food affected how easily i could eat it. Now I avoid some raw foods for this very reason. Thanks for your comment Barbara.


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