all your unanswered
- 0Training Troops in the National Forests
KC3Lady (4 years ago)
- 0Cult Members on the Police Force
KC3Lady (4 years ago)
- 0Pavlov's Dog and Trauma Bonding
KC3Lady (4 years ago)
- 63Trump's Bump Stock Ban
Don W (5 years ago)
- 0Trump's Wall
peoplepower73 (5 years ago)
- 5GOP Sen. Bob Hall, a Tea Party guy.
ptosis (7 years ago)
- 41Why are so many people shot and killed by police officers?
dianetrotter (8 years ago)
- 62Milwaukee Police killed armed suspect w/a criminal record, BLM RIOTS
colorfulone (8 years ago)
- 15Obama calls for police understanding after police assasinations?
ahorseback (8 years ago)
- 111Police Officers: Should they wear cameras or not
JG Hemlock (8 years ago)
- 15Should Police still be banned from having Military Style equipment?
Old Poolman (8 years ago)
- 49Should we grant Amnesty to Illegal Aliens in the United States?
rhamson (9 years ago)
- 118Guns don't kill people, Terrorist do. What?
Castlepaloma (9 years ago)
- 1Caught on Video: Cop vs. Bozo
Castlepaloma (9 years ago)
- 459The A B C's of Confronting A Suspect: A Practical Guide
Deborah Sexton (9 years ago)
- 3Supreme Court ruling eases police search of suspect's home
wilderness (10 years ago)
- 18Threats
sassygrrl32 (10 years ago)
- 14Do you favor lower blood alcohol content for DUI?
LauraGT (11 years ago)
- 0Police or 3rd Party Should Investigate Parking Enforcement Corruption
ocbill (11 years ago)
- 8Indiana First State to Allow Citizens to Shoot Law Enforcement Officer
tobey100 (12 years ago)
- 9How do you shoot down a drone?
SpanStar (12 years ago)
- 3What a hero
lovemychris (12 years ago)
- 17should women be cops or soldiers? why or why not?
jennzie (12 years ago)
- 3Working Community Service Hours for Marijuana Offenders.
Deb Welch (12 years ago)
The Scary Truth (12 years ago)
- 10I am now officially a gangmember
Reality Bytes (12 years ago)
- 63Do you think that racial profiling should be used in airports?
aguasilver (13 years ago)
- 3Is it wrong to not call the cops if...
Cardisa (13 years ago)
- 51Do beautiful drivers have better chances of dodging a speeding ticket?
jpcmc (13 years ago)
- 10Why are US Border Patrol Agents Committing Suicide?
Apepperson (13 years ago)
- 11So they can film you! But you cannot film them?
Reality Bytes (14 years ago)
- 63Feds Ignore Due Process, First Amendment, Shut Down Thousands of Blogs
Reality Bytes (14 years ago)
- 8Ecuadorians, DEA seize drug-smuggling submarine
earnestshub (14 years ago)
- 17Proper police procedure
Reality Bytes (14 years ago)