Adding YouTube video to profile so we can record our intro in real tim

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  1. Jerrico Usher profile image56
    Jerrico Usherposted 16 years ago

    I understand, but I have another idea I would like you to concider in the same area.. profiles are our front line of those discovering us as writers here, but I would like to suggest you allow us to add a capsule for youtube onto our profiles page so we can for example record a video where we talk about ourselves, introduce ourselves in motion, and express charictor.

    This would help people with getting fans and could be a great way to introduce people to the hub pages community (to get them to sign up under us).. it would be a great help to hubers because its more impactful than a picture alone and when they read our work they will be able to step into the visual as well as written mindset of the author.

    I hope you can do this, if not I could create a hub that would accomplish the same thing and simply link them to it, but the impact would be more emmediate if we could just put it right below our picture for example even if you limited the size of the video (and they could go to the youtube page to see it bigger) it would be an innovative and cool feature.

    Another suggestion is if the video is too much eye candy for the plain but distinct look and feel of our profile I suggest you crreate a seperate page (which means more ad impression activity so this helps you help us help add value and exposure to the hub pages revenue earning potential) just for this video (so it could also be big, and include a comment text capsule for us to put a comment too) and link it in a distinct and fixed place on the profile page, essentially it would be a blue/grey box under the picture that says "see this huber in real time" or something to that effect.

    as most people are curious beings this would probably get alot of exposure on all profiles and so more potential ad clicks (hubers would format their comments under the video to reflect the same rules of exposure on google search engines only in a more focused arena), actually what could be cool is putting the link there on the main page, and whne they click it it does what our capsules do, fade the main page out then highlight and center the youtube video but instead of it being editable it would just be a video playing with your profile being a canvas, would look really classy, and to have this ability to load automatically without having to click play first would be a great asset. it would in essence be a popup in the capsule style and look which I really love, as it feels so high tech yet so analog in presentation..

    My other idea is this is a benefit for hubers on the service who talk to one another in the forum. One of our forum problems I notice is that people are reading each other wrong. As writers we are opinionated naturally, but our words don't always come across how we mean them and people get offended. I know I've read people wrong only to discover this through humbling myself and appealing to their patient side smile with the video blurb so to speak of our introduction to hubpages and ourselves, other hubers can go to their peers pages and watch them talk and express their charictor in their body language etc..

    and get a better more enlightened sense of that persons personality. Some people appear a bit rigid in writing but when you see them talk you "get it" as its not them being mean but simply being themselves (expalained better when you see them talk) so their expression could become a misunderstanding of their personality. This video could help clear up this and avoid tantrums in the forum more readily. so tis all around a great idea for hub pages and behooths you to add it.. I think it would resolve alot of things and gain more sign ups which to all of us means more money more fun and its a classy feature to have.. gives hubpages a high tech appeal.


  2. Mark Knowles profile image59
    Mark Knowlesposted 16 years ago

    Call me old fashioned if you will, but it's probably a good idea for the writers amongst us to write their profile.

    When I switch to being a juggler or stripper, I'll go for this.

    You have to admit, there's a curious logic to it.

    I can't believe I responded to this.

    1. darkside profile image62
      darksideposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      I notice you've said "when" and not "if". big_smile

      1. Jerrico Usher profile image56
        Jerrico Usherposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        hes an optomist, sees his goal then goes for it, if is like stating doubt exists, when is like saying its not only possible but its just waiting for me to want it smile just my psychobabble two cents.. I'm writing a hub on lol gracefully backing down in a fight (stop laughing mark and darkside) it was a request, but its become a facinating hub on the ego.. complete with videos lol.. ok nuff promotion just trying to show you my mindset..

    2. Jerrico Usher profile image56
      Jerrico Usherposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      I'm not saying keep the system in tact, the written needs to be there just as it is, I'm saying AD  the capability to add a youtube video (for their legal reasons use youtube not a stand alone player as explained in the other hub by paul) of yourself should you choose to so you can impact more of your personality to your readers. Personally I come across wrong on forums and the like but if you guys saw me in a introduction video I think you'd "get me" better.. plus for all the reasons I mentioned it just helps with alot of things

  3. Mark Knowles profile image59
    Mark Knowlesposted 16 years ago

    Just keeping my options open big_smile

  4. SunSeven profile image61
    SunSevenposted 16 years ago

    I guess I will have to learn how to become a jongleur.
    Perhaps, Mark can write a hub on this?! smile

  5. Mark Knowles profile image59
    Mark Knowlesposted 16 years ago

    Only if I can film you practicing big_smile


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