Ideas for mom's birthday

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  1. kld0517 profile image60
    kld0517posted 13 years ago

    April 30th is my mother's 50th birthday.  My mom gets emotional so I imagine it will be a difficult birthday for her.  It is also the one year anniversary of my uncle's death.  He died in a car accident at the age of 49 on my mom's birthday last year.  We have a very close family.  I want to do something very special for my mom this year because she has really done a lot for my siblings, my husband and me.  I was wondering if anyone has any interesting ideas.  I want her to have a great day considering the circumstances of the date.  Remember I live in Indiana and my mom works a full time job so traveling distances is not really an option.

    1. profile image0
      Marzimeposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Have flowers sent to her job with balloons.. Dont mention her age on the balloons though. Invite her over for dinner or take her to a nice resturant. Have your kids make their own cards with messages and photos of her with them. It is more meaningful. My mother saved all my cards I made her and my father as a child. As a gift from you and your husband, it can be a nice piece of jewelry. Her birthstone or something that you know she likes. Have a birthday cake with her picture on it. Also you can throw a surprise party with close family members and friends.

  2. Cagsil profile image70
    Cagsilposted 13 years ago

    I would suggest making a 4 course meal that she would enjoy, instead of taking her out somewhere. I would also bake a cake and decorate it, just for her. Not to mention, I would also make goodies as a snack/dessert after supper.

    You could even plan an evening of movies to watch, instead of watching tv and to ensure she enjoys herself, make it a full family event, with children(if any- children always help brighten the spirit).

    Good Luck on whatever you and I hope things turn out well.

    P.S.- the anniversary? Personally, I wouldn't mention it and I would also inform all other family members to keep the event positive. The negative will only ruin it. I hope that helps. smile

  3. Spacey Gracey profile image39
    Spacey Graceyposted 13 years ago

    Hi - for my mum's 50th I made a scrap book for her of her old jobs, wedding pics, our baby pics, birthday cakes she had made for us, etc etc - it was great because it was a conversation piece for the rest of the night. Maybe you could do one trip home to rummage through the photos, or get someone to make copies and post them to you?

    I understand Cagsil's point of view about the anniversary. We have a similar clash of dates in our family and we make a separate time (whether a small time on the same day, or on a separate day altogether) to be the time for acknowledging the loved one who is no longer there to enjoy the day with us. But you'll know what to do best since no-one knows a mother like her daughter.

    1. Cagsil profile image70
      Cagsilposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Hey Spacey,

      I've a situation similar- my sister's daughter's birthday is on December 11 and my sister's birthday is on December 13. However, the anniversary for my Grandmother's death is on December 12. hmm

      1. Spacey Gracey profile image39
        Spacey Graceyposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        And so near Christmas too sad It's so hard to decide how to split your time between remembering old memories and creating new ones.

  4. CASE1WORKER profile image61
    CASE1WORKERposted 13 years ago

    my dad and i had the same birthday for 36 years til he died.
    we just carry on as he would have wished.
    My kids took me out to dinner on my 50th and invited my mum in law and sis in law as a surprise, which was lovely. I got my own back, on the pretext of asking what was in a pudding, I paid 60 per cent of the bill, so the kids only had a small amount to pay! It was my way of thanking them for their kindness, but still letting them pay some!
    My mums brother died on her 80th last year ( he in aus she is in uk) so this year my sis will be with her and we are trying to get there the next day... at these times family is nice, as is going out for meals with no washing up- or even a trip to the cinema and when you come home the house has been cleaned?
    all ideas- wonder if my kids are reading for my next birthday.

    1. kld0517 profile image60
      kld0517posted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Marzime- Thank you for the idea.  My grand mother, my mom's mother, has owned a flower shop for the past 25 years so I try to steer clear of flowers for birthdays because she knows we get them for free from my grandma.  I also unfortunately don't have any children.  We have been trying for 4 years without success.  Thank you for your idea though, what you have said has given me some ideas. 

      Cagsil-  I think dinner would be a great idea for her.  She is always the one taking everyone out.  I think maybe it would be nice for her to be taken out for a change.

      Spacey Gracey-  I used to write my mom poems for her birthday every year.  I was thinking about doing that too because I think she has grown to expect them and she knows that they come from my heart. 

      Case1Worker- I wish I could clean her house for her but it's always spotless!  Thank you for the idea though.  I think dinner will end up being my best bet for her.


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