Working in a BPO is Bad ! Is it ??

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  1. alisha4u profile image40
    alisha4uposted 12 years ago
    I am so curious to know why do people consider BPO's as bad?? They say, it's a failure for someone to work in a BPO, cuz he/ she does not possess any talent, but command over English !

    What do you think ??

    1. perrya profile image84
      perryaposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      One rule about using acronyms is not to expect all readers to know them, so, it is wise to indicate what they are and then the acronym for it. So, what is BPO ?

      1. alisha4u profile image40
        alisha4uposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Sorry, I didn't give it a thought that ways....
        BPO as in, Business Process Outsourcing ( Call Center).
        Hope this helps....

        1. WryLilt profile image89
          WryLiltposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Many large companies outsource their calls overseas. I recently left a company that did this because I could barely understand the people who answered and often they'd put me through to half a dozen extensions and I often spent hours on the phone TRYING to get someone to understand my problem - I spent six months trying to sort out their mess after they were charging me for TWO internet accounts for more than three months.

          The company I use now only uses national call centres so I get good service and short wait times ALL the time.

          1. alisha4u profile image40
            alisha4uposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            I'm not sure you got my question WryLilt. This thread concerns those working in such organizations.. What do you think about those working in call centers?

        2. pisean282311 profile image63
          pisean282311posted 12 years agoin reply to this

          command over english only?...i dont think it is singular skill based is one of toughest job and high pressure job too...

          1. alisha4u profile image40
            alisha4uposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            FYI pisean, have you ever gone through a Call center opening... I'll tell you how it is:
            " Top 10 BPO's hiring, Qualifications - Excellent Command Over English, 10+2 (High School), Confortable working 24x7" and that's all...

            English is the primary requirement. all other skills are inculcated in the training part. Plus, there is no time for yourself, cuz of odd working hours that affect your health, social life, and so forth....

            1. pisean282311 profile image63
              pisean282311posted 12 years agoin reply to this

              @alisha obviously english is primary requirement...but it is basic requirment...then goes the is not just call and hang and then requires skill to flourish in the trait...

              what u r talking about is side any high pressure demanding job , side effects has to choose what u want to do in job and how one can handle situation....what is bad for x can be good for is too subjective matter...we are talking about industry and generalizing isnt right approach...thats my point...

              1. alisha4u profile image40
                alisha4uposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                Got ur point pisean! I woudn't say you are wrong, but you are not completely right.. The only plus point I see is ofcourse, the 'Money part'.

                But, you think otherwise, and I'm cool with it... Your inputs are much appreciated...

    2. sameer-speaks profile image60
      sameer-speaksposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      As long as you get money for your hard work no job is bad. And that is all you get from a BPO job, nothing more. Neither you need a high level of skill to do it, nor you develop one while doing it. A BPO job takes heavy toll on your health. On your career front, you get confined to BPO industry with same type of job profile. The only plus is you get good money for almost no skills (good command over english being the so called "skill").

      1. alisha4u profile image40
        alisha4uposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        I agree !! Just one may develop some traits and skills while on the job..

    3. profile image0
      praveen83posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Bro, i don't think so! coz, every job requires its own way to  handle it and talents.  In such a way, BPO people has got their own talents.  I have been also working in many BPOs til i got  a government job.  I am so much proud that i got much communication skills from those jobs.

  2. profile image0
    The Writers Dogposted 12 years ago

    English skills? They obvioulsy do not work in the offshore call centre that my phone carrier uses!

    1. alisha4u profile image40
      alisha4uposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Not english, then what kind of skills work over there?

  3. profile image0
    The Writers Dogposted 12 years ago

    They did an expose on these centres on A Current Affair the other week. The trainer was telling the staff that the capital of New South Wales is Canberra. FAIL! The capital of NSW is Sydney. Canberra is the national capital of Australia.

  4. skyfire profile image80
    skyfireposted 12 years ago

    I have seen that stress level of BPO workers is very high. That is not all most of the people who work in BPO, Tech support and other Voice process firms are doing that job only for money.  I must say, BPO is not an career opportunity, it's just another odd job. If anyone is really having career issues or need money badly then BPO(Voice Pos) is the only easy to get into white collar job left out there.

    1. alisha4u profile image40
      alisha4uposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I too believe that it's not a career option, atleast not for me...Still, so many people go for a career in such companies...

      The easy money can push you deep into the dig....without you being aware of the same....

  5. sofs profile image77
    sofsposted 12 years ago

    Bad???? Crazy working hours- yes, a culture in transition - yes. Young people with more money on their hands than they need - yes. Stressful and most of my clients for counselling are from such IT enabled Industries.

    1. alisha4u profile image40
      alisha4uposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I strongly agree with you..... I guess, people just take up the job just like that in the beginning and then they never look back...They just sacrifice their schedule cuz of the lucrative payouts at the end of the month....

  6. racksjackson profile image59
    racksjacksonposted 12 years ago

    In India, Mostly international call center timing is in night and If you are married, This is very huge problem for marriage holder person when if your wife working shift is in day.

    Please are you agree or not ?

    1. alisha4u profile image40
      alisha4uposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I do !! It seems you have a fair BPO experience...dont you??

      1. racksjackson profile image59
        racksjacksonposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Yes, I had but move to different job stream after marriage  now i am happy .

  7. amithak50 profile image62
    amithak50posted 12 years ago

    When you do work in BPO ,There is high pressure of work and the pay Sucks !! I had a horrible experience in the past ..

    1. alisha4u profile image40
      alisha4uposted 12 years agoin reply to this


      1. profile image52
        Samax Jposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Somehow, agreed with all of u . . a thought from my prospective too - as we all knew bpo gives immence exposure and obviously in terms of money so I beleive this kind of job is beneficial for those who are suffering from big financial problem and not able to continue higher studies due to huge fees structures of colleges. BPO help those right after completion of their 10+2 education.
        Also, they could reserve time after job for their studies as well.
        Overall, I would say BPO jobs are not as bad as other people think without knowing its benefits.

  8. NotPC profile image57
    NotPCposted 11 years ago

    I worked at a call center here in the states and my Indian co-workers took so much heat throughout the day, simply because of their accent. Considering how much heat you must take throughout the day for having an accent, I don't think anyone should every be upset with you. The corporations who removed our jobs on the other hand... ya we pretty much hate those companies.

  9. profile image52
    larry089posted 11 years ago

    Working is BPO is not bad in fact you are trying your best just to help the customer.In Finland there are many business use call center and markkinatutkimus or market research for the better of their business and i can't see some reason for this one for not disliking it.


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