Plunging HubScores for No Apparent Reason

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  1. profile image0
    Pamdoraposted 11 years ago

    Hi.  I'm kind of scared to start this thread, but my husband (Ghost32) said it seemed appropriate, so if I'm doing something wrong, blame him!  smile

    I just signed up two days ago (I think it was).  My HubScore started out at 30.  I added an avatar photo and a bit of bio, and the score went down.  Then I wrote and published a Hub, and it went down some more.  Then I answered 3 Questions, and again it dropped.

    It doesn't seem like it's me, unless Ghost doesn't know what he's doing when he proofreads my text and checks over everything before I hit Publish...which doesn't seem likely.

    Okay, so then I tried the Forums, and found out I couldn't post there because I hadn't verified my email address.  So I did that.  Maybe that will help.  But I did find a thread (in the Forums) where people were talking about this--only they didn't have it in the "Technical Problems" group, and nobody from the Team had seen it. 

    Please advise. 

    Pamela Baker

    1. Cardisa profile image90
      Cardisaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Pamela, welcome to Hubpages! As a newbie here in Hubpages your scores will take a while to plateau and then rise. You will find them going down as you are not yet established with the community or getting organic traffic. Don't overdo the activity or you may find it going down even faster. One of the key factors for any hubber is not to do too much. Here are some tips:

      Answer only one question.
      Ask only one question.
      Don't do too much in the forums (participate in only one at a time)
      Read a few hubs and leave comments (3 -5)
      Publish a hub every 2 -3 days
      Signing in every day does not guarantee a high hubscore. Sometimes you need to leave you account for a few days.

      Take it one day at a time and in a couple of weeks you will find it going back up. Two days is too soon for you to worry about such things.

    2. Marcy Goodfleisch profile image83
      Marcy Goodfleischposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Hi, Pamela - welcome to HubPages!

      I took a look at your first hub (or at least the only one listed on your profile right now), and it's possible that your hub has been flagged or given lower scores in the rating process due to its style. It is written like a blog or daily diary entry rather than as an informative hub about facts that people will search for on the Internet.

      HubPages guidelines specify that this is not a blogging site, so one way to raise your score would be to revise or delete the hub that talks about why you joined the site.  If you revise it, look for a way to make it something that people will search for in Google, and that would apply to many people, rather than content that only applies to you.  If you decide to delete it (and many of us have deleted hubs as we learned here), don't fret - any writing we do is good practice, and you can save it in a Word file and perhaps publish it on an actual blog site.

      The other advice given here is to write, write, write - keep writing hubs, make them informative and factual, and learn to add capsules such as polls, maps, videos, etc. to engage the reader.

      Hope you enjoy being on the site - there are many wonderful and supportive writers here. It's a caring and talented community.  I look forward to reading your hubs!

    3. Matthew Meyer profile image70
      Matthew Meyerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Pamela.  Both the Hubberscore and HubScore can be a bit confusing sometimes.  As many others have advised, I wouldn't worry about the score too much.

  2. profile image55
    mcxniftycallsposted 11 years ago

    Pamela, Don't bother and worry about hubber score. It is usual from some days, every new hubber hover around hubber score 0 from some days (a week or two). Your personal score is not so important and don't affect your reputation, hubs, traffic or faith on hubpages.
    Just concentrate on  publishing quality hubs and interacting with hubpages community, you hubber score will automatically start improving after a week.

  3. profile image0
    Pamdoraposted 11 years ago

    mcxniftycalls:  Really?  0 is NORMAL?

    O-o-okay.  Thanks! smile
    Cardisa:  I know you!  That is, I remember Ghost showing me your avatar and reading me some things you wrote.  Been a while, but I remember.  Guess my "medium term" memory must still be okay!

    Thanks for the list of advice.  I probably won't remember THAT, but thanks.  I can at least probably remember the "one day at a time" part. not worry?  Ho ho!  That's like telling Obama not to raise taxes!  They were calling me "Worry Wart" from the time I could walk and talk.  It's not gotten all that much better since, either.

    Anyway, thanks for the Welcome. 

    Uh...could you tell Ghost32 not to do too much?  You said that's a key factor for ANY hubber, but I know I sure haven't been able to get him to slow down. smile

    1. Cardisa profile image90
      Cardisaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Gosh, I hope I didn't embarrass myself with whatever it was you read....I will deny everything you know..big_smile tongue

      I don't think your husbad does too much in terms of overactivity on HP. What the system does is record all your activities such as asking and answering questions, your forum activity, reading and commenting. It takes all of these and assesses them to determinie if you are spamming of just plain over anxious and grades you.

  4. JoanCA profile image85
    JoanCAposted 11 years ago

    I've never seen such a low score. Just keep writing though. It should improve over time.

  5. WriteAngled profile image74
    WriteAngledposted 11 years ago

    I've seen these ultra-low scores repeatedly in the case of people who have just joined. It was not like this before.

    Personally, I think this new system is highly unfair. New users should be started somewhere midway on the range and then rise or fall depending on what they do.

    The trouble is that under the old system, really low scores were generally associated with spammers, spinners and people who followed thousands of hubbers indiscriminately so as to get followers. The only reason for looking at their profiles was to see if they or their hubs were flaggable.

    I wonder how many new hubbers are being ignored by many in the community, who are familiar with the old scoring system and do not realise it has changed.

  6. Computer Services profile image59
    Computer Servicesposted 11 years ago

    My score dropped from 30 to 0 within three days and I haven't done a single thing that's against any rules so I'm dumbfounded too. I have two published hubs and they're doing fine - it's my personal score that tanked. I hope they have a solution soon!

  7. xionnguyen profile image61
    xionnguyenposted 11 years ago

    I agree publish at least 5 hubs, tallk in forums, answer some question, and do what you can. I haven't been on hubpages for a week and my score went from 88 to 87. Doesn't make much difference, but just giving you an idea.

    1. Computer Services profile image59
      Computer Servicesposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for the feedback - I am just wondering what makes the score decrease. Odd. Anyway thank you for the empirical data!

  8. Howard S. profile image88
    Howard S.posted 11 years ago

    The guidelines @Cardisa listed are excellent. Allow me to add that those as "daily" limits except where she specified.

    I've been here two years and my wife longer than that. It is not uncommon for a flurry of activity or publishing a new hub to temporarily decrease hubber score. A steady pace seems to fit the algorithm best, which no newbie will have. Newly published hubs lower average hub score, which tugs at the hubber score for a few days.

    1. Computer Services profile image59
      Computer Servicesposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      That makes a lot of sense! Thanks!

  9. profile image0
    Pamdoraposted 11 years ago

    No, Cardisa, no embarrassment.  Everything you wrote was great, at least as I recall.

    I really hope they figure out how to fix that.  HP must be losing new people like crazy. I know I'd have quit ALREADY if I didn't have my husband for support.  A lone person coming in brand new with no experienced Hubber having his/her back...this is not good.

  10. Pearldiver profile image67
    Pearldiverposted 11 years ago

    Hi Pam... welcome to wonderland!  smile
    I always wonder why such illogical practices are created and unleashed on creative minds!  sad
    Hi to Fred and enjoy finding the answers to all the things that you will continue to wonder about!  smile

  11. Rosie2010 profile image67
    Rosie2010posted 11 years ago

    Welcome to Hubpages, Pamdora!  Most hubbers will say don't worry about your hubberscore, but it was one of the reasons I lost motivation writing here on Hubpages.  When some hubbers who had only been here six weeks (six freaking weeks!) had already been bestowed by the hubberscore gods a perfect 100 hubberscore, I was happy for them (really) but at the same time, it annoyed the heck out of me who had been here almost two years at the time, and my hubber score was still in the 80's.  What da!

    But it seems that Hubpages had now gone to the extreme the other way around.  So, don't be like me.  Don't worry about your hubberscore.... for now anyway.  Just keep on writing, reading and commenting, and be active in the community. 

    I wish you all the best here on Hubpages.  Happy hubbing!  Cheers!  smile


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