State of the Union Address

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  1. profile image0
    Earl Noah Bernsbyposted 10 years ago

    For me, the most entertaining portion of the evening was in trying to explain to a twelve year old why that guy behind the President kept making mean faces at him (Speaker Boehner): 

    "Well ... when two people hate each other very much, they take a special oath by placing their right hands on the Bible, where they agree to fight each other constantly (and at any cost) for as long as they both shall live."

    1. profile image53
      tbHistorianposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      well - I guess it would be difficult to explain to a twelve year old that when lies like "more than 8 million new jobs" are spun by a radical deceiver.
      Besides, the real problem if you must know is that the President had beans just before entering the chamber and forgot his beano, so the rear was passing some real smelly fumes as he continued to spew the lies.

  2. cfin profile image66
    cfinposted 10 years ago

    Not saying which one is which, but I always picture a cartoon with a demon and an angel on each shoulder. Couldn't care less about politics, but Its just a funny set up when it beckons memories of cartoon consciences.

    1. profile image0
      Earl Noah Bernsbyposted 10 years agoin reply to this


  3. tsadjatko profile image66
    tsadjatkoposted 10 years ago

    "the most entertaining portion of the evening was in trying to explain to a twelve year old why that guy behind the President kept making mean faces at him (Speaker Boehner)"
    That's interesting  -  kinda proves just who Obama was targeting with his BS, the low information voter who can't even pay attention to the propaganda and lies he is spewing, but is consumed with faces someone is making who isn't even speaking and has nothing to do with the event. I award you:

    Although it sounds like nothing Obama had to say was important enough for you to pay attention to - maybe you know he is just a liar? If so I didn't mean to offend you.

    1. cfin profile image66
      cfinposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Now I regret chiming in. I try to avoid fanatical hatred of either "party", ranting nonsense supporting either "party" or general  . Now where is that unfollow button.... Aha, there!

      1. tsadjatko profile image66
        tsadjatkoposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Except for the starting comment of the thread don't confuse hatred with calling a spade a spade - obvious there is nothing to learn here anyway so I'll join you..

  4. paradigmsearch profile image60
    paradigmsearchposted 10 years ago

    Actually, the speech kind of cheered me up somewhat. We're still a mess, but I don't think we're doomed. big_smile

    1. profile image0
      Earl Noah Bernsbyposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah, I guess.  I just wish the Federal Government wasn't so polarized these days!  No-compromise attitudes and doomsday rhetoric are soooo 2013! big_smile 

      Personally, I don't think any real or lasting progress can be made for as long as money influences politics.  So, hopefully we can address that issue — at least — before Prez O unveils himself as the anti-christ and plunges us all into a lake of fire (and Socialism). roll

      EDIT: For those who couldn't tell (re: "rolls eyes" emoticon) — I was joking with that last comment!

      1. wilderness profile image95
        wildernessposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        But if you don't pay the politicians very large sums (both ethical and shady payments) they won't stay there long enough to bring home the pork to their constituents.

        And if they don't bring the pork, people would have to pay for their own projects and wants instead of getting someone else from another state to pay for them.

        Unacceptable, just totally unacceptable. sad

        1. profile image0
          Earl Noah Bernsbyposted 10 years agoin reply to this


          So I'm guessing you're a proponent of "pure" democracy (i.e., sans the "representatives"), wilderness?

          1. wilderness profile image95
            wildernessposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            Actually, no.  My limited experience in an elected office convinced me that people in general are no better than the politicians we have, and sometimes worse.  They are not concerned with the community, just themselves, and are more than happy to have someone else foot the bill.  They hide their head in the sand when something's wrong, refusing to face the issue.  They typically want far, far more than they are willing to pay for.

            So no, pure democracy with a popular vote on everything is unworkable.  The trick is to find honest politicians, and as long as we "instruct" those we hire to give us money or things supplied by someone else we aren't going anywhere.

            1. profile image0
              Earl Noah Bernsbyposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              Yeah, I hear that.  Whether by representative or mob rule, we can't make the changes we need to without some sacrifice; and, most folks (on both sides of the aisle and all points between) just don't want to talk about giving anything up.

              1. wilderness profile image95
                wildernessposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                Worse, they don't want to understand the issues; if ignorance is bliss then give me ignorance seems to be a common theme. 

                And lies - lies were as commonplace in the community as they are in Washington.  "That pothole in front of my house forced me to buy 8 new tires and 4 alignment jobs in 6 months!  I want it fixed, and if means ignoring the one across town that's 5 times as large, oh well!"  "My husband is a contractor - he will build you a new olympic swimming pool for less that the quotes you have for painting our small one!" 

                And the management!  "Yes, I know our lawyer has explained that we have a legal, fiduciary duty to maintain this place, but I refuse to do so!"  "To he$$ with our rules and 'constitution'; I don't like it and will do whatever I want to!"

                No, mob rule isn't any better than what we've got now, as pitiful as it is.

                1. profile image0
                  Earl Noah Bernsbyposted 10 years agoin reply to this

                  It's a common theme throughout history.  The less educated the governed are about the workings of the Law, the less accountable the governors are for their actions.  So, the "bureaucratic" (i.e., ruling) class has a vested interest in obfuscating those workings as much as possible.  Panem et circenses ("Bread and circuses") keeps the people placated, and etc., etc.  As pertains to our "Great American (Democratic) Experiment," if the majority of folks don't understand the issues, then politicians only have to win a popularity contest every couple of years in order to get/keep their jobs.  For them, holding a stance on an issue that is right but unpopular with their voting base is not consistent with long-term employment!

                  As a result: party lines are drawn; spin doctors twist facts in order to endorse proponents and discredit detractors; real governance is done increasingly behind closed doors; and only the most superficial rhetoric is filtered down to the voting masses — usually in the form of canned soundbytes:

         … gically.29 

                  *Note on the above link: I'm not insinuating that there is anything wrong with slogans!  I was just agreeing with @wilderness that many people don't dig any deeper than that.  For example, how many Americans do you suppose have an opinion about whether the 'Affordable Care Act,' is 'good/bad,' but don't understand the differences between the original bill and the one that eventually made it through Congress?

                  I said earlier that (I believe) many problems could be solved by getting money out of politics.  Let me add to that: get money out of politics and educate the people! #Bernsby2016


    2. LuisEGonzalez profile image81
      LuisEGonzalezposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      1. profile image0
        Earl Noah Bernsbyposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        How can the chickens hear the lame duck's appreciative remarks when they don't have heads? big_smile

  5. suzettenaples profile image89
    suzettenaplesposted 10 years ago

    It is sad to see the hostility these so called 'leaders' have for one another.  They are certainly not good role models for a 12-year old child to be witnessing.  Until the politicians in DC stop with the selfishness of having to have everything their own way, we are doomed as a country.

    1. profile image0
      Earl Noah Bernsbyposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      For a system designed to run on compromise, there certainly does seem to be a lack of it in Washington these days.


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