Racism ! Will we ever ask and answer the hard Questions ?

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  1. Cgenaea profile image60
    Cgenaeaposted 9 years ago

    Yeah, it's different in the city. And south suburban area here.
    Lots of people. Not many hungry ones out in the city. Everything's everywhere. But out South, not so accessible. It seems that we would be adding to the poor people budget here... but instead we're shaving dollars as the population increases. I'm starting to wonder who'll be first on "population decrease"
    I feel like the people here are just that evil...

    1. janesix profile image61
      janesixposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I think America is likely safe from that, for the time being anyway. There will eventually be resource wars though, and then anything goes. It will get ugly. I don't think our civilization can last the way it's going. Too expensive, too many people.

      It's about as good as it gets right now.

  2. Cgenaea profile image60
    Cgenaeaposted 9 years ago

    It's been much better. But people got greedy. And I'm SURE we are totally in the dark on quite a bit that is planned.

    1. janesix profile image61
      janesixposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      People are always greedy. The ones at the top are usually the greedy ones. When push comes to shove, of course they will take care of their own.

      I don't see how push won't come to shove.

      Limited, dwindling resources, exponentially growing population.

      I try to be optimistic, but I can do basic math.

      1. Cgenaea profile image60
        Cgenaeaposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        Yes. It is getting worse. The powers need someone to over-power. So it probably won't get TOO out of hand. But I really believe someone's on "the list".

        1. janesix profile image61
          janesixposted 9 years agoin reply to this

          That's too horrific to even contemplate.

          1. Cgenaea profile image60
            Cgenaeaposted 9 years agoin reply to this

            True. I hope they choose love instead. But I think they forgot the concept.
            People don't believe that there is no love without God. America is making it clearer.

            1. janesix profile image61
              janesixposted 9 years agoin reply to this

              I have plenty of love and empathy for other people, and I don't have God. Let's not turn this thread into a religious issue though.

              You were making progress convincing me that there really are some problems to look at.

  3. Cgenaea profile image60
    Cgenaeaposted 9 years ago

    You think you don't have God. wink
    It is he that convinces...
    The only problem is that convincing is needed. Love sees injustice from miles away. And responds.

    1. janesix profile image61
      janesixposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I know you think that.

      I don't think the real world works like that though. Unfortunately. History doesn't show it.

      1. Cgenaea profile image60
        Cgenaeaposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        Perspective is a key element, eh??? wink
        History shows just about everything. We know what works. We know what doesn't.

        1. janesix profile image61
          janesixposted 9 years agoin reply to this

          Isn't your God all about forgiveness, and not justice?

  4. Cgenaea profile image60
    Cgenaeaposted 9 years ago

    He kinda covers all bases.

    1. janesix profile image61
      janesixposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      That's a contradiction. You can't provide justice if someone can just "believe in Jesus" and ask for forgiveness. Because they will then get away with their crimes scott free.

  5. Cgenaea profile image60
    Cgenaeaposted 9 years ago

    No one, but no one fools God. He repays. Not us. Our admonition is love... some of us forgot... they who err in their vengeance will also have to answer... my God is perfect. So is his plan. Real love does not lie. He hasn't. It's all written down. You cannot seek vengeance and follow God at the same time. I say vengeance because justice is fair. Only God knows what that looks like. We must listen and follow instruction, or don't. He makes right, what's not, eventually, all the time.

    1. janesix profile image61
      janesixposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I am not worried. If there is a God, he knows my heart. But I will never obey God, even if I thought he was real.

      Do I go to Hell?

  6. Cgenaea profile image60
    Cgenaeaposted 9 years ago

    That's God's business. I still love you. wink

    1. janesix profile image61
      janesixposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Would you follow God's order if you thought it was immoral?

  7. Cgenaea profile image60
    Cgenaeaposted 9 years ago

    Watching my childhood favorite "Schoolhouse Rock" with my ailing daughter today. Not sure if it's widely known. The songs used to be sandwiched between Saturday morning cartoons.
    They have a series of songs teaching about the start of America as well as other school subjects. From the 70's...
    Watching "The Great American Melting Pot" I noticed an animated book which alphabetically listed the Nationalities here. The first two listed were Armenians and Africans, the only A's listed. How the HELL did Armenians come first on the list??? Lol...
    That's really subtle but so telling.
    I didn't notice it when I was five.
    What were they trying to say??? I guess it's not such a hard question... lol

    1. profile image0
      ahorsebackposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      One might be inclined to look at the Armenian's  history of political and religious persecution    ,   I was just reading about  how they have been  pretty much  destroyed  in their own homelands .  We can't all be first on the list ,  The Irish are even further down the list .....:-}

      1. gmwilliams profile image83
        gmwilliamsposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        Ahorseback, almost every racial/ethnic group has been discriminated against, persecuted, and even faced genocide/annihilation.  Only a very few racial/ethnic groups were exempted from the aforementioned.  The Jewish people have faced discriminated and persecution from ancient history.  They even faced annihilation from stronger empire such as Babylon, Greece, and Rome but they have persevered, grown, and established, even cemented their own religion and culture.  In Europe, they have faced discrimination and persecution, being blamed for the bubonic plaque.  They were expelled, being sent to Eastern Europe. They were subjected to discrimination in Eastern Europe, especially in Russia.  They were expelled from Spain, having to go to countries when they had safe haven.  They faced the most insidious form of persecution in modern times when they were almost extinguished but they survived and returned to Israel, putting that country into world preeminence. 

        Then there were the Irish.  The Irish was brutally discriminated against by the British.  The British did everything to wipe out the Irish.  The famine in the middle 19th century was a man-made one, implemented for the purpose of exterminating the Irish people.  As a result of the famine, many Irish immigrated to America, eventually putting their individual imprint on the American culture.  Besides America, they immigrated to Canada and Australia.   The Irish are still discriminated in Great Britain until this day.  There was a saying in Great Britain regarding public accommodation in some restaurants, " No Irish, no Blacks, and ......no dogs."   Telling isn't it.  Now the Slavic people especially the Poles and Ukrainians have received the brunt of discrimination especially in the Austro-Hungarian and Russian empires.  Poland virtually disappeared from the map in the 18th century due to the division of the country among Prussia(now Germany), Austro-Hungary, and Russia.  Poles were oppressed and the majority of them were serfs subjected to their and foreign masters.  Ukrainians were marginalized, being oppressed in Russia from the tsars to the communists.  The 1933 famine was orchestrated to subdue the Ukrainian people, forcing them to submit to communist rule.  There is still contention between Ukrainians and Russians to this day. 

        Native people in the Americas were almost exterminated, if not they were relegated to third and fourth class status in their own lands.  Blacks were enslaved, brutalized, segregated, seen and treated as non-entities not only in the Americas but in their own countries under colonialism.  Asians were marginalized under colonialism and endured discrimination in America, Canada, France, and England.  In America, Chinese people were subjected to brutal, inhumane working conditions.  In World War II, Japanese Americans were targeted and placed into concentration camps.  Roma or as they are better known, Gypsies were treated abominably in Europe, treated as fifth class citizens, slated for extermination throughout history and experienced the Porajmos in World War II as Jews experienced the Shoah and Blacks experienced the Maafa from the 16th to 19th centuries.  In many North African countries, Blacks are being targeted, persecuted, even exterminated by Arabs.  Yes, discrimination and racism still exists sadly.

      2. Cgenaea profile image60
        Cgenaeaposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        Eff comes before are.
        That's all. No history lesson will make are come before eff on any day. They turned flips to jumble the alphabet? Thats deep to me.

  8. Cgenaea profile image60
    Cgenaeaposted 9 years ago

    Went back to the movie saw the listings were not alphabetical English came before Danish. But why no alphabtize? Each letter was with it's own kind... smile
    The world is sad and will get sadder.

  9. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 9 years ago

    I have found , in forums , that many wish to wave their own flag far  more than another's , maybe one day we can all become more empathetically inclined , yet I realize sadly that  victim-ology is a serious  and selfish affliction .

    1. Cgenaea profile image60
      Cgenaeaposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Talk to all those people who are "victimized" by blacks.
      That cop in jail for murder is probably a good place to start.
      We finally agree!!! smile

    2. gmwilliams profile image83
      gmwilliamsposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      +1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, yes victimology is an aberrant pathology.

  10. Cgenaea profile image60
    Cgenaeaposted 9 years ago

    The word victimology seems to be a favorite among the strong and powerful.  It is very sad that instead of realizing the situation as is, we start pointing fingers. NOT  victims, until we're victims, which usually dont take long...
    God hates pride; it's an abberant pathology much worse than any I've seen.
    I come to the aid of those who say their hurting. And I always leave my finger at home.
    I've been a victim before. If I can't help. I certainly will NOT stoop to spit. I refer...
    I guess it's just the way I was raised.


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