Tatto + Piercing

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  1. profile image49
    didon duckonposted 8 years ago

    Why do people like tattooing and piercing ?

  2. Oztinato profile image75
    Oztinatoposted 8 years ago

    There is a narcissistic focus on "being different" or unique in superficial ways which has become extreme. A different set of tatts or a gigantic earlobe plug etc are extreme ways of focusing on alleged personal differences. It's individual fashion taken to a bizarre level. The cult of the individual takes on a quasi religious character and actually borrows from obscure tribal religious practices. Certain symbols and piercings also identify a person as perhaps being part of splinter clique out of hundreds of others. Physical scarring also has other psychological implications and relate to self harm. Self harm can often occur due to bizarre drug use, self hatred or suicidal tendencies. The lack of financial opportunities for many Generation Xs might be triggering the aforementioned self harm. Certain fashions now seem to be continuing intergenerationally whereas in previous eras and decades each generation tried to start their own fashion. Tatts, rap music and piercings now seem "here to stay" and are growing more extreme which contradicts the normal intergenerational changes.

    1. theraggededge profile image97
      theraggededgeposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      The funny thing is, they think they are being 'different' when all they are doing is following another trend. So says one with five ear and one eyebrow piercing/s big_smile No tattoos though.

    2. colorfulone profile image78
      colorfuloneposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      It sounds like you have done some extensive research. Your take away is interesting, it isn't something I have read much about.  I don't like inflicting pain, so would never consider getting a tat.  I did get my ears pierced once (ouch) but quit wearing jewelry altogether several years ago and gave my gold jewelry to my kids to do whatever they wanted with it. 

      Tattoos and piercings on other people that are well done looks fine, but some of what I have seen goes far beyond to an extreme.

  3. Annsalo profile image85
    Annsaloposted 8 years ago

    My tattoos represent different parts of my life. The first half of my life was chaos, I lacked control of my environment, and I lacked control over the people in my life.
    When I grew up I wanted to both have control over myself and in a sense have a permanent reminder of the losses I suffered as a child and the things I gained as an adult.
    All of my tattoos are in locations where they can be easily hidden. I never did it to be unique, to be different, I didn't do it to "self harm", I have never once been suicidal, I don't hate myself, I am not a druggie, and it certainly had nothing to do with "lack of financial opportunities" because I was 19 making 60K a year when I got my first one.
    Every tat I have represents something I want to have constant reminders of. I've never been much into gauging my ears or getting piercings past the basics.

  4. Aime F profile image69
    Aime Fposted 8 years ago

    I have 3 tattoos and a nose piercing.  It's not to be different.  It's because I like the look of them.  All of my tattoos are related to loved ones that I've lost and I feel happier with them on my body.  I simply just like the look of nose rings so that's why I got mine done.

    Why do people dye their hair different colours?  Why do people wear a certain kind of clothes?  Why do some women spend hours doing their makeup every day?  It's all about personal preference, expression, and how you choose to present yourself.  That's it, that's all.

  5. FatFreddysCat profile image93
    FatFreddysCatposted 8 years ago

    No tattoos for me... I'm a total sissy about needles. Ain't never gonna happen. big_smile

    I did have my ear pierced for a while during my "heavy metal days" in college... I had a pretty decent collection of big gaudy metal earrings (peace signs, crosses, "anarchy" symbols, razor blades, iron crosses, etc., etc.) ... man, I was such a cliche' back then, haha.


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