Where is my Google traffic?

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  1. mhajnal profile image67
    mhajnalposted 14 years ago

    My latest hub is ranking #3 for a 200,000 searches per month keyword, and #4 for a 50,000 searches per month keyword. It has been there for at least 24 hours now, yet there wasn't a single visit from Google yet. What could possibly be behind this anomaly? Anyone else experienced something similar?

    1. relache profile image72
      relacheposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Human impatience.  Have you considered that Google hasn't found that brand-new hub yet?

      1. mhajnal profile image67
        mhajnalposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        "My latest hub is ranking #3 for a 200,000 searches per month keyword, and #4 for a 50,000 searches per month keyword."

        It's already been indexed for the 3rd and 4th place for those keywords for at least 24 hours. But yes, you're right about the impatience :-)

    2. darkside profile image66
      darksideposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      It would depend on what that keyword is.

      Where did you get the data of how many searches are taking place?

      1. mhajnal profile image67
        mhajnalposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Google keywords tool.

  2. janni321 profile image59
    janni321posted 14 years ago

    my keywords have not big search volume as yours but I am also facing the same prob. I think nobody is searching these keywords these days or the visitors are staying at the top results

  3. fayans profile image64
    fayansposted 14 years ago

    Google Keyword Tool may not give you an accurate search volume. I'd suggest you cross check with wordtracker (http://freekeywords.wordtracker.com/key … -tool.html) and see what's the daily search volume for the keyword(s) you're targeting.

    Don't be surprised that it differs - significantly.

    1. lrohner profile image68
      lrohnerposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Fayans, I've had this same question myself. Google's keyword tool and WordTracker are worlds apart in their results. Why is this? I always thought that since I care more about Google traffic that I should use Google's tool. After all, they know how many real Google searches there are, right?

      1. fayans profile image64
        fayansposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I reckon Google has vested interest in making the search volume appear large enough for Adword users (I might be wrong) while wordtracker has no reason to inflate its numbers.

        That's the reason why I for one use a combination of several tools and wordtracker is one of them.

        Anyway, no keyword tool is perfect. Every number must be taken with a grain of salt.

    2. viryabo profile image93
      viryaboposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Never knew about this. Jeeez! and i thought with google, i got it a right. Well thanks for this good advice. smile Im off to try word tracker now.

  4. profile image0
    ryankettposted 14 years ago

    Wordtracker doesn't look too realistic to me, are they monthly figures?

    170,000 monthly searches for ebay? I would say it was a hell of a lot higher than that!

    1. fayans profile image64
      fayansposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      The numbers that you see from wordtracker are the average *DAILY* search volumes whereas Google provides local and global MONTHLY search volumes.

      On last check, ebay is searched 171978 daily based on wordtracker's data.

  5. euro-pen profile image69
    euro-penposted 14 years ago

    I just checked some key words with wordtracker and I have to second ryankett. I got ridicously low numbers for some of the keywords (ridicously means as low as "6" or "7" for some one-term keywords!).

  6. lrohner profile image68
    lrohnerposted 14 years ago

    Here's an example of what prompted my original question.

    I used Google's Keyword tool to see how many searches there are month for "Omaha steaks". It came up 246,000 for June. For the same keyphrase, Wordtracker shows 3,908 which, translated into a monthly June number, is 117,240 - less than 1/2 of the number Google gives.

    I tried the same with "monkey with a gun". Google shows a June # of searches at 3,600, and Wordtracker shows only 14 daily which translates to 420 -- less than 12% of Google's number.

    I not only don't get it, I'm never sure which one to use!

    1. fayans profile image64
      fayansposted 14 years agoin reply to this


      Don't confuse yourself. I'm not saying that you should go without Google tool but use wordtracker or SEO Book keyword tool (http://tools.seobook.com/keyword-tools/seobook/) to *fine tune* your keyword selection.

      Because if you rely solely on Google tool, there is a probability of you getting NO google traffic even when you rank #3 for a 200,000 searches per month keyword, and #4 for a 50,000 searches per month keyword.

      Guess what kind of traffic I get from #1 spot (http://www.google.com/search?q=anti+sno … 3&aq=t)?

      A miserable 4-6 a day.

      What does Google tool say? 880 (using an "exact" match type).

      The above is just one of the many examples of the inevitable inaccuracy of Google data.

      That's just the way it is.

      1. White Teeth profile image59
        White Teethposted 14 years agoin reply to this


        I just checked your keywords at seobook, and 4-6 a day does jive with the numbers there.

        Next I used the seobook tool and found one of my keywords that Google claims a 1000 searches a DAY really gets ZERO.

        THANKS! for this info. This will save me so much time and effort.

      2. lrohner profile image68
        lrohnerposted 14 years agoin reply to this


        Good Lord! I'm afraid to go back and check my current hubs now...

        But if I get what you're saying, you start eliminating keywords using Google and then make decisions using SEOBook? (Sorry if I'm being a nag -- I've just always wondered about this.)

        1. fayans profile image64
          fayansposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          I pick keyword(s) at random using Google tool. It's always my first stop and whenever I see any CPC value in any keyword(s), I cross check them with both tools I mentioned above.

          And yes, my decision is based on the data (derived from both tools) that there is a decent daily search for the keyword I'm targeting. My rule of thumb is, any # above 30 is fine with me.


          Here's the stats

          #1 Ranking website took 40.1% of the search query traffic…..
          #2 Ranking website took 11.9% of the search traffic…
          #3 Ranking website took 8.5% of the traffic
          #4 website took 6.1% of the traffic share…
          #5 ranked website took 4.9%
          All the other websites (and advertisers) took the rest….28.5%

          Lastly, there are many keywords where discrepancies between the two are NOT "worlds apart".

          You'll come to it - pretty soon.

          Hope that helps a little.

          1. lrohner profile image68
            lrohnerposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            Thanks Fayans. Yes. The first thing I do with Google's tool is eliminate keywords with a low CPC, so at least I'm doing something right! smile

      3. profile image49
        badcompany99posted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Great post and really interesting, will deff be using this in future, cheers for sharing it !

  7. mhajnal profile image67
    mhajnalposted 14 years ago

    I'm pretty sure Wordtracker is screwed up as well. Just an example:

    According to wordtracker, the phrase 'where can i buy an ipod mini online' gets 255 searches per day, while 'buy books' gets only 190 and 'buy games' gets 162.

    I just don't think that an 8-word phrase will get more searches than something general like 'buy books'.

    However, I agree that Google's stats are screwed up somehow too.

    edit.: Another example-
    'i want to buy a new house how much can i afford' gets 297 searches a day, according to Wordtracker. Yeah, right...

    1. fayans profile image64
      fayansposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      You'll be in for greater surprises, buddy.

      By the way, if both are screwed up (as you've chosen to believe), what are you going to do next?

  8. Biker Jackets profile image59
    Biker Jacketsposted 14 years ago

    As you can see, I've just started with my first Hub Page, so I'm certainly not an expert when it comes to getting pages ranked with Google.

    Even though this has been said, Google's numbers when you use their keyword tool just don't seem to match up with reality. I'm not sure exactly how they come up with their numbers, but in a  way it seems they may be "fudging" them a bit in order to help generate revenue.

    I see that someone has already posted the stats regarding what a position can do for you in terms of traffic received. Google tends to hold those numbers in secret, but the ones I learned about came from when AOL releases it's data regard search positions.

    #1 ranked site
    #2 ranked site receives 3.5X less traffic than #1
    #3 receives 4.9X less traffic than #1
    #4 receives 6.9X less traffic than #1
    #5 receives 8.5X less traffic than #1
    #6 receives 10.4X less traffic than #1
    #7 receives 12.3X less traffic than #1
    #8 receives 14X less traffic than #1
    #9 receives 14.8X less traffic than #1 (worst place on page 1)
    #10 receives 14.1 less traffic than #1

    Wordtracker might give a lowball number, but the results are much closer to reality.


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