Do you believe in shapeshifting reptilians as world rulers as theorised by David

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  1. Bard of Ely profile image80
    Bard of Elyposted 15 years ago

    Do you believe in shapeshifting reptilians as world rulers as theorised by David Icke, and if you do please explain what evidence you have?

  2. stendek profile image57
    stendekposted 15 years ago

    Always remember. There is never any CONCRETE or TANGIBLE proof of a completely successful conspiracy. Bitter lesson learned after half a century as an investigative reporter. Do not subscribe to this particular belief but...

  3. profile image55
    peoples voiceposted 14 years ago

    i dont know about reptilians ruling the world, but i beleive that things we foot, ufo, nessie and so on exist  on our planet in a different dimension, thats why they come and go with no evidence, there here but its kinda like a residule haunting, if come upon a time/space warp worm hole kinda thing i think you will find lots of unexplaind things, mabey even reptilians. if a superior alien race wanted to take us over, why wouldnt they do it with brute force, why infiltrate and slowly take us over? mabey they figure we will kill our selfs off eventually, but what are ther motives

    1. andrew savage profile image57
      andrew savageposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Do you think that they evolved with the dinosaurs?

    2. WhiteHotToddy profile image60
      WhiteHotToddyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      They are parasitic. They feed off our negative emotions. They operate on another frequency in what is also called the lower 4th dimension. They are called aliens by some and demons by others. The Chinese believe the Dragon created them. etc

  4. Muzmit profile image60
    Muzmitposted 14 years ago

    No, i lost faith in David Icke after he said that the Isle of Arran ( )would disappear into the sea by 1990. Thankfully it is still there as i am going on holiday to it in a couple of weeks time.

    Hang on, possibly Berlusoni.

  5. John for truth profile image60
    John for truthposted 14 years ago

    Proof of something that is beyond our perception of reality, can't be proven using the methods we currently use to prove things.

    reptilians are what is running our country in essence. You can't see them because they don't want you to see them. A lot of the leader of this country are from DNA modifications or bloodlines contributed by this DNA modification thousands of years ago.

    There are 57 different alien species that are known to us, many are benevolent and many are malevolent at the same time. The species that created us thousands of years ago in order to be slaves for them. That is why they don't come in wipe us out completely. But make no mistake of it, they will trim down the population and have put into places methods of pulling this off. the overall goal is a reduction to only 500,000,000 as noted on the "Georgia Guide stones" That is the true and desired number. How will they do this? Mainly, World War, disease, food additives, which all of the above are created and or engineered to serve the Elites purpose.

    The Reptilians are deep underground and have the little Grey aliens carrying most of their dirty work. The leaders have been manipulated from birth to carry out this plan.

    1. andrew savage profile image57
      andrew savageposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Are the greys cybernetic robots or are they living breathing organic creatures like humans? I have heard that they do not have free will.


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