Why does the media like to induce fear and doubt?

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  1. ParadigmShift... profile image78
    ParadigmShift...posted 15 years ago

    Why does the media like to induce fear and doubt?

  2. LowellWriter profile image81
    LowellWriterposted 15 years ago

    You turn on your local news and somewhere in your state there has been an accident. This was no ordinary accident though. An unidentified person (You will later find out that it was a man who, though this information has no relevance to the... read more

  3. MNichopolis profile image60
    MNichopolisposted 14 years ago

    Two words which often go together, money and power.

    Of course there has always been the "sensationalization" of news to some extent, where a big headline helps to sell newspapers. "Triple Murder Downtown" sells papers, they say.

    Now the news industry has noticed that even things like a winter storm can get more readers/viewers if they play it up, perhaps give it a serious sounding name, such as the "Nor'easter of 2008". You'll tend to pay more attention to a storm (or whatever they have to sell that day) if they give it a serious enough sounding name.

    I believe that sensationalization has always gone on to some extent. What's changed dramatically however, are regulatory constraints placed on media companies, and these changes appear to have had a profound effect.

    During the Reagan presidency, and again under Clinton, the laws were loosened regarding the ownership and regulation of TV and radio, as well as newspapers. Suddenly, mergers and acquisitions in the media fields abounded, finally settling out to where a handful of huge mega-corps now own virtually all of the media we see, hear and read.

    Companies like General Electric now own massive media empires (NBC et al), and some even say these mega-corps use them to push their business agendas, with billions at stake (such as the news division advocating and broadcasting positive reviews regarding a new "Smart grid", or for green energy such as wind turbines).

    Some say they not only use their media empires to push particular products, but to shift the national opinion on public policy issues. Some have said these giant corporations have used their news and media arms to sway even our congressional and presidential elections.

    Today, it's not just about the money you can make from a single headline. Today it seems, it's about power as well.

    And if you're concerned that the world is a serious place, even a dangerous place, if you're always a little worried, you'll tend to trust the authority that is. You'll believe what they tell you.

    And you'll do what they ask.

    Why does the media like to induce fear and doubt?

    It's about money, and it's about power.

  4. TrinaLynne profile image70
    TrinaLynneposted 14 years ago

    The reason that fear and doubt are induced by the media, is because they are following suit with the government. It is easier to control a people and get away with certain decisions when the people are in fear. Fear and doubt are tactics that have been used for centuries. It started with periodicals and now because we have the technology to broadcast on a greater scale the media has taken over.
    When people are in fear and/or doubt they look to whatever will calm that fear whether its putting someone behind bars or starting a war that I still don't believe we shouldn't be in. It helps get what you want. If you want everyone to be mad at something, you put fear into them so that they will be okay with whatever decision is made.

  5. yes2truth profile image60
    yes2truthposted 14 years ago

    Because The Media is controlled by the Bilderberg Mafia scum Rockefeller and Murdoch and they, along with their buddies The Rothschilds and the Pope, want to rule the world. The media are just useful idiots doing as they're told and earning their 30 pieces of silver.


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