I would like to know your educated opinion regarding Anthrax vaccines and childh

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  1. abbykorinnelee profile image51
    abbykorinneleeposted 13 years ago

    I would like to know your educated opinion regarding Anthrax vaccines and childhood vaccines.

    - Regarding Soldier's increased rates of suicide and PTSD and being discharged for some reason they claim is not accurate and not given benefits; relateing or not to the Anthrax vaccine side effects.
    -Anthrax vaccine and neuro toxicity and neuro death
    -Autism; live virus's vs quantity and thimerosal if its really "free" of it in the vaccines
    -CDC and FDA and Pentagon:  innocent or actually telling lies
    -Read my autism journey; am i emotional or rational: CDC states mothers like McCarthy and myself are running on emtions needing something to blame for autism; we are not basing it on facts


  2. profile image0
    Mr Tindleposted 13 years ago


    I'll admit I'm not real educated on Anthrax vaccines or any others for that matter. You mention soldiers having increased rates of suicide and PTSD and I think you are saying there is a relation to the use of the Antrhax vaccine. Could be possible, I don't know. Although the military as whole is under allot of stress right. Our government is calling on our brave men and women in the armed forces to shoulder the burden of building democracies in 2 countries that have a long track record of totalitarian regimes and religious radicalism. So the pressures of a long nation building campaign may also be behind the rise in suicide and PTSD rates. With that said I think we should always be careful about letting the government make choices about what we put in our bodies even if is supposedly for our own good. More than likely individuals will do a better job (though not perfect) about what medicines to take and what food to eat.

    Thanks for asking my opinion.

  3. abbykorinnelee profile image51
    abbykorinneleeposted 13 years ago

    Thank you for your response. 

    I agree that increased stressers downrange are a contributing factor; more so if they are in Afghanistan.  I would like to share with you though that Marine's diagnosed with PTSD vs Soldiers average twenty percent increase in the same incident type; over ninty percent in most cases yet they have no where near the increased rate of suicides.  So I looked into that among all services and only the Army is having so many soldiers unhappy with and dissatisifeid with their behavioral and mental health medical.  That they aren't doing enough.

    I took my own experience where I disclosed private past information of my spouse, I signed paperwork stating the danger to himself and others if sent for the third time.  I described in detail events and symptoms I had not done with anyone else and they sent him anyway.  Three suicide watchs later and he still hasn't been sent home.  He hasn't been given anything but medication that one of them he doesn't take at all and another he said isn't working. 

    So I read about aluminum and mercury toxicity in the brain that leads to neuro death...from anthrax vaccinations and the fact those that had the Gulf War Syndrome and died they never did autopsies on thus never tested the heavy metal levels in their body. this I am demanding my now exspouse that the Army forced divorce on us; is going to get done when he comes home.

  4. tinaweha profile image61
    tinawehaposted 13 years ago

    I was married to a doctor at one time and we vaccinated our children.  I think that there are worse things that you should worry about...but that is just my opinion and I am not a nurse and I am not in the health-care field.

  5. moonlitdreams profile image55
    moonlitdreamsposted 13 years ago

    My husband received the Anthrax shot shortly after 9-11, right before his ship deployed to the middle east.

    I will tell you that he had issues with an irregular heartbeat almost immediately after receiving the shot and continued to have problems with his heart for nearly 5 years afterwards.

    As for Autism in children related to the vaccine... We have a 12 year old son who was diagnosed with Autism. We had him before my husband was vaccinated. Neither of our younger two children have autism. I do not believe there is a link between the vaccination itself and autism in children.  There is, however; a link for it being inherited. After receiving my son's diagnosis we found that there were several members of my dad's side of the family whose children were also diagnosed within the autism spectrum.

    If you feel that the person who received the shot has suffered damage because of it, please, have a physician check into it. I do know people who have received benefits based on the shots causing health issues.

    As for the Autism diagnosis and feeling the need to place blame, I know where you are coming from. We played the blame game for a while. Then we just accepted it and chose to battle the disability. There are things you can do to make the symptoms better and to teach your child how to interact socially. Your efforts will be better spent looking for a positive future than they will in trying to find blame somewhere in the past.

    I hope this helps.  smile

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