The deserving Poor versus Bums - Do you practice discernment or condemnation?

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  1. ptosis profile image69
    ptosisposted 13 years ago

    The deserving Poor versus Bums - Do you practice discernment or condemnation?

    You don't deserve the Grace of God - yet you have it - so why the visceral hatred and disdain towards panhandlers at the 7-11? ........ ........This is my follow up question of "Why do the elite rich think that poor people should be pilloried?' because of the hateful responses to that question.....

  2. nightwork4 profile image60
    nightwork4posted 13 years ago

    i stand by my answer the first time you asked. i have been homeless and on welfare so i talk from experience, can you say the same?

  3. Pagelift profile image61
    Pageliftposted 13 years ago

    Man, that sign is sad, I hope hes not serious.

  4. philirodje profile image60
    philirodjeposted 13 years ago

    I Like this saying " in Gods eyes we are all the same. though sometimes it is hard to do but i don't mind showing love to all.

  5. lostdogrwd profile image59
    lostdogrwdposted 13 years ago

    there should be NONE. when ask all that's needed is a yes or no when ask for money but the respect should STILL be there for them for they are people JUST LIKE YOU and EVERYONE WHAT TO BE RESPECTED. rich people collect billion from the people and only do a token event to a cause while the major part of the money is and will never be accounted for , for its in there pocket and because they rich the people kiss there tail and keep giving to them. but why people hate them? fear of becoming like them and knowing they not far from them that if it happen to them it can happen him as people finding out EVERY DAY. Rich people oppress the poor to GET there money. stop giving to them, stop borrowing there money and let start working together to make this a better world for all

  6. Mark Upshaw profile image61
    Mark Upshawposted 13 years ago

    You are funny!  The vast majority of these panhandlers standing in front of 711 or at the gas pump's are professionals earning the beer and food money.  They give each of you an opportunity to support their illicit habits rather than steal and rob.  Kudos to each of you. 

    How do I know this? Family members that reveal all to me.  They can make an easy $350 dollars American cash per 6 hour day working 20 minutes per location. 

    Tell me, which one of you is making better than $50 an hour after taxes?  Any of you?  Then why would you contribute to these wealthy people that dress down and tell a story about how down on their luck they are?

    If they are a US veteran of any kind, they can receive up to a year of free room and board and up to two years if they have an addiction all the while either working or receiving education to update their skills.  Included will be some clothing and other things like toiletries. 

    How many of us have free room and board, plus extras? 

    If it is a woman with children, there are plenty of shelters for them without the men where they can receive free room and board for a year or more, included is free babysitting so that they can work.

    The remaining few men and women that don't fit the above categories can also find shelters and can hustle and offer services/work in exchange for food and clothing. There are plenty of churches that will help well spoken and humble people.  There is Chabad that helps people not only get on their feet but succeed without needing the individual convert to Judaism. 

    When you give to the vast majority of people panhandling, you are simply reinforcing their attitude that you and society owes them a better, lazier, less productive lifestyle than yours, because it will be a rare person reading this remark that makes better than $50 dollars an hour after taxes are taken.

  7. ptosis profile image69
    ptosisposted 13 years ago

    Mark Upshaw: & nightwork4 : Although I am not discrediting your personal experience - I agree that it's true that there are a percentage of people who are professional beggars - yet these people are the most visible because they are out and about panhandling  -  exposed to the public and give a bad name to the poor.

    Anecdotal evidence does not translate into statistics.

    Please remember that just as in the legal system where we give the obvious guilty a benefit of the doubt - innocent until proven guilty - that the small but very visible con artists on welfare or SSDI are just that - a small percentage.

    If base your social policy on the few that are illegal and deny the vast majority of old, crippled and home-bound people that are invisible means that as a culture or society we cannot  call ourselves morally superior if it does not help the majority that are the deserving poor.

    A decent provision for the poor is the true test of civilization.

    How did civilization develop if not by  by taking care of the learned old, (and helpless) that are a treasure of experience and knowledge before the advent of written language?

    Perhaps those who believe that might makes right would feel more comfortable in a culture such as Sparta or Nazi Germany - but then they would be probably the first against the wall and wouldn't be able to join the conversation because they would be already DEAD.

  8. poorconservative1 profile image60
    poorconservative1posted 13 years ago

    I know that I'm probably going to get voted down for this answer, but here goes. The next time you see someone that is panhandling, offer them a J-O-B and see what happens.

  9. profile image0
    CJ Sledgehammerposted 12 years ago

    One needs to practice discernment. I read that some of these people are professional "beggers" and can make as much as 100,000 each year.

    Arming myself with this knowledge, I noticed one outside the local Taco Bell and gave him a grilled stuffed burrito instead of money....he didn't seem thankful or pleased.

    I do feel a sense of responsibility to help the poor and down trodden and I wish churches and the wealthy would do more to help out. There are a lot of people who are hurting these days, and we would be foolish to think that we are immune from poverty and homelessness.

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