Is giving money the only way to help poor people?
You can't get rid of poverty by giving people money. - P. J. O'Rourke. What do you think?
No, in fact, giving to poor people kills their initiative. The late Dr. Hawkins indicated that the WORST thing to do to poor people is to HELP them. Dr. Hawkins cited that giving money to poor people placates them. For instance, in my maternal extended family, wealthier relatives gave money to the poorer relatives- it only made them lazier & expecting to be supported. The ONLY way to help poor people is to MAKE them EARN their way. Make them suffer in their poverty. If poor people are given tough love, they will realize that if they want something, they have to EARN it! Don't give them money, teach them to work & EARN!
"No, in fact, giving to poor people kills their initiative. " - [i]show me the studies that back that false statement up.
The poor need a swift kick in the -------. Tough love should be applied. Either one is responsible & accountable or face the consequences of irresponsible actions. Poor people need to get off their _________ and do for self.
So in your jaded worldview, if you are poor, you have been irresponsible. I see makes perfect nonsense.
I agree that giving money does not get rid of poverty. what happens when all that money is spent and they can't get anymore?
Educating somebody how to earn money for themselves is more of a help. Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. Old Chinese proverb.
I agree with this proverb, except.... After thirty years of teaching and observing how people learn, the students who learn how to learn in any situation are the ones who succeed more than the ones who are taught
Should we ignore the slow learners or those who lag behind?
I, also, believe in what this old proverb has to say. If we see a man who is in poverty and we give them money, that person will still be poor when he uses it all up. If we truly want him to get out of poverty we must be willing to do the hard work.
So Marie, the issue is how to make people capable of working hard?
I agree with you Ciel. The ability to learn is what keeps people capable. When they lose even the most basic capability they end up in poverty.
giving money to the poor is not a helping way but adding to the situation on ground .by giving them money they will rely on you and ending up in doing nothing ,but d best way to this is to make all the poor b a skillful fellow by doing this they will here is donate site pls donate for poor
Self-sufficiency and setting goals for oneself will more so alleviate poverty than merely receiving handouts over a period of time.
Self-sufficiency and setting goals are a few of the ways that poverty can be alleviated from an individual standpoint; Education concerning how to alleviate poverty from a community standpoint has unclear perspectives.
it depends on what is the need of poor, if its hunger than its food, if its cold than its fire & i feel money can fullfill both so you can always help best with money.
Money does not get rid of poverty but by providing education on how to make money for themselves is a good start.
Apart from money, we could provide household groceries such as the basic necessities, ie, rice, oil, vegetables, free schoolbags, and maybe pay for the bus fare for a few months are a few other ways to help the poor.
No. And I love that quote.
Everything starts in the mindset..... And the reality is that poor people have a "lack" mindset. You can dress it up/down anyhow you like but this is the truth.
The best way to assist is through education and role modelling.
Giving money isn't even a way to help the poor if it was then the various charities should have solved the proverty problem ages ago.
Here on TV every day we see terrible pictures and hear the mournful voiceover asking us to save a child from lack of clean water, starvation, or illness usually somewhere in Africa.
I have heard the same pleas all my adult life and still the problem persists or has got worse, surely in nearly 60 years the people of the West have given enough money to the charities to drill a few thousand wells and buy enough food to feed the entire population ... yet it goes on and on.
So therefore I say whatever they have been doing and are still doing is not the answer.
How much of what we give is lost or wasted, swallowed up by corruption before it ever gets anywhere near the people who need it.
There has to be a better way, I know in might sound harsh but why should we donate money to elivate starvation and poverty in any country that is at war with itself and yet they can find money for arms and ammunition but not food and care for their own people.
I too am in favour of teaching people to fish and farm so that they learn to provide for their own. However you cannot fish in a dry river nor farm where there is no rain...
For charities to continue to sustain life where life cannot sustain itself is maddness there just has to be a better way.
Some of us agree that one charity we would donate to is for voluntary sterilization in countries where men rape women causing more mouths to be fed. Don't agree to sterilization no more aid.
Maybe because the developed world exploited the undeveloped countries for their wealth and have created the social conditions which lead to the wars and corruption?
To LMH: Since ICPD 1994 the world leaders have agreed to the fact that population growth relates strongly with development. It is utterly wrong to say that rapes are the cause of higher fertility rates of "economically" less developed countries.
I totally agree, but typecasting people as being poor is doing injustice. We then confirm their views of themselves is true, of being poor. Instead while giving, we rather come from a viewpoint that they are worthy of all the abundance in the world.
I agree Nadine absolutely. There is a bog difference between writing charity check with a cocky mind and helping the poor or anyone with human compassion in mind. To the wise, a person in need offers an opportunity to practice human virtue of love.
excellent MFraser. I agree, most of these countries reject God and that is the main reason for their mess. Many serve the devil openly as mus-slimes. That is why we are directed to Ask God to whom we should give aid, and not waste His $
dear sir/madam,
i want to do donation for hopless people.
My Mailing Address is =house no-24,new ratnakar society;part-2;opp. sangeeta society;nr. swagt hall;ranip;city-ahmedabad;state-gujarat;country-india
Think more of helping a 'individual' to start. Helping and sharing . Look closer to what 'that' person may 'need' help with! It won't always be money they are seeking. Though offering money will never be denied!
I also believe people should be taught how to fish for themselves. But if people do not buy the fish they will still remain poor. The better way to solving this problem is for the well to-do to patronize the good businesses of the poor such as http:/
uplifting somebody way of life that what do belief is a good way of helping the poor
People go hungry and go without proper medical care in America. We find endless money for guns, bombs, and wars. We will never end sickness or famine but we can help people who are sick and hungry. That is what Christians are supposed to do.
History has shown us important lessons. One is poverty. Since written history, there has always been the rich, the working class and the poor. Any society that was found a way to assist has done so at the grass root level, in the communities first
No, money is not the only way to help. Many will hold signs that say "anything helps", I've even seen one young man with a dog that said he didn't care about himself, he just wanted food for his dog.
Easy money to any people can kill his labour skill,
So instead of this ... teach him or her some skill through which she or he can earn their livelihood.
Provide education to their children so that poverty can stop to their old generation.
And in the meantime? We must help those in need We can't expect someone to work while they are hungry, or naked. Education takes a while, and they need immediate help
Personally for me, I will teach them some skills to earn a living. In a long run, they will be able to survive and help others to do the same thing.
This is the best way of helping those who are poor so that they do not need to rely on others to just providing money.
If I have huge some of money, I will setup a factory to provide them with work and train them the skill. It will help to run the factory and generate income to support those who are in need of help. I will give each of them a share in the factory so they will work hard to maintain as they will generate more income for themselves in return.
The quote is very true.
My grand pa told me this - Once, when he was with his uncle on a trip to another town. There, they saw a man with two kids. The kids are hungry and all three were begging. His uncle, being a generous man, gave them money so they can buy food. Another man was watching all this and he comes near by and asks my grand pa's uncle not to give that money. Instead, he asked them to buy food for the children - he said that the father is very irresponsible and would not even buy food for the children, he would drink liquor with all that money.
Moral: Giving money doesn't solve the problem.
A man can be poor due to several reasons like
* he is being exploited
* he is ignorant
* he doesn't work
* he wastes all his money(being irresponsible)
We should help them if that poor man is willing to change and work hard. At the same time, if any person/organization can do that, we can donate money to them - assured that it reaches the poor in a justified way.
Throwing money at poverty has about the same outcome as throwing money at education. In America, we spend more per capita student on education than any other country in the world. If money would solve the problem, America would produce the best students with the highest intelligence...that is simply not the case yet our government, etc. continue to ask for more and more money to be spent on education. In some ways, poverty is a choice which people make. Those individuals who are mired in it must make a conscious decision to get out and to invest in themselves. Ignorance drives a lot of poverty as it does other things such as racism, etc. Ignorance is extremely hard to breed out of a generation or a takes ages of focus which no one seems to have. On that basis, money is simply a "salve" that temporarily eases the itch. WB
No, there are other ways to help the poor people. You can help by giving your extra clothes. You can help by giving them inspiring words. You can help them by giving a little time. In fact, even writing a hub can help. Even a simple status on Facebook can help. There are so many ways to help the underprivileged.
I believe that money isn't the answer for poverty. It's better to just help the poor to find a job. Or an alternative might be lending money for them to start a business or pay debt. The bottom line here is to not let them depend on your money alone. You should help them help themselves.
When you say poor,I take it you mean those who can't create their own money like the federal reserve who prints up treasury bonds that are backed by the future earnings of the whole country to pay off those bonds.Yet,when it comes time to pay them off they simply print up more bonds and sell them to pay off the previous bonds ,like borrowing from peter to pay paul.
If,that's the case there shouldn't be any poor people.At.least not so poor as not to have a place to live,food and clothing as well as training for a job that will exist when the training is done rather than paying thousands of dollars for schooling when your chances of getting a job afterwards is negligable.
There is something wrong with a system that encourages people to be poor and dependent on the government
Prison jobs are becoming a new kind of slavery that take away work from those who could use it outside prison walls instead of inside them.
Giving money is not the main way to solve poverty i believe. I think having programs that are to help the poor will be more beneficial. You cant just give money to people and except all their problems will be fixed. They can easily and quickly end up in a state of poverty again , if other aspects are not addressed.
Giving money to the poor, directly, only encourages them to keep asking for more. Giving money to programs that help the poor have the ability, or opportunity, to earn money to support themselves and their family is the best and only way, in my experience, to help the poor in any country.
I find that things are so much more complicated today. Years ago if you gave someone money, you knew they were asking because they could use a few dollars. Today with the governemnt iterfferring in everyones' lives and many people carriying on a hustle it becomes a little more complicated.
Definitely not. By doing so, you do not help them see their real worth as a person but rather belittle them.
Educate them, inspire them, teach them a skill or two-that is the proper way to help them.
Giving money is not a solution. The better alternative is try to buy some vital things and distribute them to the poor but the question is how long can one afford to help and also to how many one can help. Thus it is better to convince the needy and put them to work it solves the purpose. It is needless to say that people are very lazy and giving money enhances it further. I feel, convincing and preparing them to work is required and the authorities must see that there are suitable opportunities for all.
Absolutely not, anything yu give can help out someone, money is jus the easy opinion way of gettin out
giving money is just part of helping poor people. sharing your skills on how to become successful in life is also another way of helping them.
money is one the way but not the only way, care and love for the poor and your affection also helps a great deal. just be affectionate to a poor man and see how he blesses you
Giving money to the poor people is not the solution. It will make them dependent to those people who give them money and as a result, they won't bother to work. Like what the parable of the fisherman says, ""If you give a person a fish, you feed them for a day. If you teach them how to fish, you feed them for a lifetime."
You have spoken the truth. Many people do not want to hear that at all. Charities and social programs have done more harm to poor communities than help them. There need to be more work programs.
Teaching them how to make money would be better. Maybe you could give them some information about a class at a local college that would lead to a job interview. There is a possibility that you know some one who may need a temporary worker. Then, they could earn money on a regular basis. I bet the person would like this much more.
No, of course not, giving people money is certainly not the ONLY way to help them. It's not even the best way, nowhere near. I'd say education, jobs, affordable housing, and support (emotional, as well as concrete support like helping them negotiate the minefield of red tape that stops them getting back into the 'system').
It breaks my heart to see young people begging in the streets. People are so ready to judge when they have absolutely no idea how these kids get to be where they are, and always it's a grim story.
I have created a hub about how we as individuals can help a homeless personin a small way. … ess-Person
Giving money is ok, but that won't solve poverty. What poor people need to be given is a way to help themselves. What is being poor, anyway? Is it being homeless, or is it having the same as everyone else( food, clothing, shelter), just not as much? Giving money to the poor is the same as giving it to your next door neighbor. It's a gift for them to buy whatever they want.
I came across a beautiful hub titled "How To Put Together A Care Pack For a Homeless Person". it offers specific ways in which we can help the poor. In the comment, there is a hubber, feenix, who is a real life inspiration for people who want to grow by helping others. … ess-Person
I am truly pleased to find so many hubbers who have ideas to "Empower" and "Enable" the poor so that they can come out of poverty permanently. I am pleased and thankful to all responders.
Here is a wonderful and true story to make you think. … d-gatorade
The bible gives a perfect illustration about why give a man a Fish, when you can teach him how to fish? I would say it depends on the situation, that at times the poor may need money right away to help a bad situation but also at the same time you can teach them how to make money to never be in that situation. Depends on each individual and circumstances.
Not at all. You can do plenty of things! The most valuable is to teach them a skill - but giving them a meal or two can't hurt either. Sometimes this is better than money. Money can get stolen or used in an irresponsible way.
If you want to feed a man for one day,give him a fish.
If you want to feed him for whole life,teach him how to fish.
I firmly believe tangible, physical help is better than financial
Giving money will be a short term gain for most people that are "poor". Though you will truly be helping them in their eyes, you will be ultimately encouraging them to continue to seek free help.
If you really want to help someone poor I would suggest starting with getting them some decent clothing. Many times ones personal appearance is a major determining factor in whether they can get a job, place to live, or even create some sort of social support from people in similar situations or empathetic people.
Another good step is if you can aid them in a means of working for their own money.
Giving money is not always the answer. Help one find a job, buy one a hot meal, mentor one, some just want to talk to someone,
You could give a homeless person the shirt off of your back.
you can help build homes for the poor thats the hard way. giving money is easy way.
No, teaching them how to earn their own money is the best way to help them.
No, certainly not. Better help to the poor would be to educate them, teach them how to become self dependent.
not at all there are many ways to help the poor besides money in fact money is the worst thing you can do for them bring the food water give them a word of encougerment be there for them when no one ese is pray for them help to guide them take them to a aa meeting or na meeting if there an addict there are so maney ways to lend a helping hand without money
No. In fact, if asked on the street for money, find another way to help, instead. Example: rather than hand someone $10, buy them a loaf of bread and jar of peanut butter. Then you are assured of the use of your money, rather than wonder if the person has bought alcohol or drugs.
When someone begs money, it is not our job to question it. Bread and peanut butter costs less than $10, and maybe they are allergic to peanuts so they should choose their on food
Being one of the poor I can answer from the other prospective. It is not that I don't have the skills to work or that I don't work it is just that my current job is in retail and my hours are next to nothing.
Would it help if someone gave me money yes it would and it would be more appreciated than you could believe. Just because a person is poor it doesn't mean they are lazy or unqualified. In this day and age with the poor outlook for jobs being available you take what you can get even if it is only 4-10 hours a week. But when you are supporting a family of 3 on that you really struggle to make ends meet and honestly you can't always make those ends meet.
Yes there are some out there who will panhandle as a living and I have to say that makes me angry. Several years ago there was an article in the local paper about a family who panhandled. They were considered homeless because they lived in hotel rooms and they had two small children. That family made $35,000 under the table without paying any taxes on the money. At the time of the article I was working full-time as and Administrative Assistant and I didn't even come close to making that much money in a year and I paid taxes on everything I made.
You hear people saying "Money can't buy you happiness" however, the only people I hear saying those words are those who have money. Those of us that don't have money or struggle to pay bills each month think otherwise.
So I guess to give a more precise answer to the question I think that if you see someone who could use help and you can help what does it hurt for you to help them. There really is no way to know if they are like the panhandlers in the article discussed above or if they really need help. I think there are more people out there now who need help than those that would just as soon scam you. Those that need the help are grateful for any help you can give them; sure, it will be gone soon but it may be what keeps there head above water for a short time. It may be the difference between a family having a roof over their head or being homeless.
Amen! I think the problem is that most people don't know what "poor" is any more. It's usually single mothers who are responsible with money, but they just don't have enough to make it every month. The "irresponsible addicts" are the minority.
Why can't the government assure some "minimum living income" to anyone in need? After all it will be spent that would help the economy too. I pained to see a mother working just to survive in a rich country like the US.
I find that it is far better to give a poor person a helping hand or a bag of groceries rather than give them money outright. Many of the poor are embarrased about asking for money so if you offer them some work or a way to earn the money they feel better about it. I have given cash when the Holy Spirit leads me to. I like to sneak gifts to people once in a while just to bless them. You can for instance give them a ride to work, help them plant a garden, help them paint their house, and many other things.
There is a lady in our church that is always giving her clothes and shoes away in a gift bag to people just to bless them. I think it is a wonderful way to do it.
I think money is not the only solution to help poor people. Very often it is seen that the poor are mostly illiterate. And how an illiterate person spend the given money? So, first we have to make them literate by proper education.
Money isn't the only way to help poor people, there are more effective way to help poor people. Like sharing your foods to them. And if you're kinda rich man, supply them education which is very helpful to them than giving them money to spend with. Also, suggesting/giving them jobs would be a big help for them. And many other helpful way to mention..
Well ,doing something is better than doing nothing, you could donate money to shelters, food to the food bank, or provide a job for someone,
No, we can make more jobs. Create self-esteem education that really helps people. Find out what is the matter individually with poor persons. Why don't they have a desire to work? Or why don't they have a desire to look for work. These are my only answers because really you can only help those who help themselves.
Money does help. But you also need to make them understand the importance of independence. Hence, give them the ways or ideas how they can stand up on their own feet. Probably give them direction or advice.
I think that it is better to offer people chances to change their life rather than giving them a few bucks so that they can buy food.. instead of giving them fish it is better to give a fishing rod
you can help here. not to educate. just to make them smile for one second.......
You can teach wisdom if you put focus on 'ethics and right living' in the family. Commercial educational institutions can't teach any thing other than facts and skills to make money (and spending it). But where is the family these days!!
No, it's not the best way. In the short term, yes, help stabilize people so they don't starve. But in the long term, it's better to help people find a way to stand on their own feet, determine their own fate, and be responsible for their own success.
No, giving money is not the only way to help poor people. Is it really the best way? Poor people, sometimes, just need a listening ear. They want to feel like they're not looked down upon. Some poor people were not always poor. Some of them were wealthy and very talented. When I took my children, one Thanksgiving morning, to feed the homeless, it was an eye awakening moment for them and for me. It amazed me that a number of the homeless were once wealthy but made bad decisions that led to there situation or lay offs and they were one pay check away from poor. It is embarrassing for a lot of poor people to admit what is transpiring in their life. A number of them want to sit down and just tell their story. Although they need money, it is nice when you remember some of them and when you meet people along the road, you meet people that can help the poor bounce back on their feet. People didn't ask to live in poverty, but, poverty finds people. It's not money that will change poverty it's what people with money will do with that money to help those that have not. So when you see a person who is poor give them a smile, give a blanket, give them gloves, a listening ear(you may have a career path for them)three and a sandwich.
by Daniel J. Neumann 13 years ago
Is it possible to help poor people and keep our liberty?I'm sorry; I guess I'm confused again. I never thought these two things were mutually exclusive. Why aren't there more Marxist Libertarians or Conservative Liberals out there? I guess I want to eat my cake when I have it.
by Grace Marguerite Williams 3 years ago
Why do people have children, knowing that they CAN'T afford to give them a life beyond impoverishment, scarcity, & struggle? Such "parents" know that they can't provide their children cultural, educational, intellectual, & socioeconomic opportunities like normal parents do...
by Grace Marguerite Williams 10 years ago
To Republicans,Conservatives, Moderates, Moderate Democrats, Independents,& Libertarians out there,why do some extreme Liberals & Leftists strongly portend that in the United States, that the only way for poor people to live decently is income redistribution from the wealthier class...
by AdsenseStrategies 15 years ago
There is much controversy, even within the non-developed world, as to whether aid helps or not.Western nations promised to give (a tiny) 0.7 percent of their GDP's to aid a number of years ago, but only a couple actually do that.If aid could be properly monitored, so it does not end up in the wrong...
by annvans 6 years ago
Do you personally know of any rich people who have found a poor person and helped them? I am not talking about people standing in front of grocery stores handing out $10.00 gift cards to anyone that walks by. I mean have you ever known of any rich person seeking out a poor to help them?
by Goodpal 6 years ago
Are the poor useful for the society in any way?Is it that Poverty and the Poor are mere burden on the society? Do they serve any meaningful purpose?
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