Are Republicans on a mission to strip Americans of all their rights and civil li

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  1. Rogochuks profile image67
    Rogochuksposted 14 years ago

    Are Republicans on a mission to strip Americans of all their rights and civil liberties?

    First it was random wire-tapping, and now it is union busting; are Republicans on a mission to strip Americans of all their rights and civil liberties, and institute a system of government by the few?

  2. profile image0
    Fay Paxtonposted 14 years ago

    Yes they are!  They want to privatize everything from the prisons to social security.  These are people who take from education to give to corporations.  I think their agenda is clear.

  3. Evan G Rogers profile image60
    Evan G Rogersposted 14 years ago

    Unlike the previous answerer, privatization is actually an INCREASE in liberty. If YOU'RE allowed to provide a service, then YOU have more freedom and liberty.

    See how that works? Words have meaning?

    Anyway, if you think that the Democrats aren't stripping your freedoms either, then you're mistaken. Republicans are taking away some "in the name of safety", and Democrats are taking freedoms away "in the name of welfare".

    Wake up, both parties want you to be slaves.

  4. someonewhoknows profile image72
    someonewhoknowsposted 14 years ago

    Both parties are doing it and i agree with Fay Paxton where education is concerned ,however their union is much too liberal when it comes to bad teachers.

    Evan G. Rogers is right about private enterprise to the extent it gives everyone the opportunity to provide goods and services in a fair way with competition,but,many corporations use their economic clout to take control of the government that is unconstitutional as well as down right immoral and unethical.

    We the people,does not include a corporation despite what the us supreme court said in it's ruling that a corporation has the same rights as a person.for - constitutional reasons and I talking about that corporation that has named itself after the living constitution that the founding fathers created for the people of the people and by the people.

  5. profile image0
    Old Empresarioposted 14 years ago

    "Are Republicans on a mission to strip Americans of all their rights and civil liberties?"
    They honestly don't care. They just want to stay in power by preventing government insolvency while still appealing to their voter base: capitalists, militarists, theocrats, nationalists (also known as racists), Chinese and Saudi bond-holders, and the independently wealthy.

    "Are Republicans on a mission to institute a system of government by the few?"
    They don't really have a mission other than to stay in power, to be celebrities, and to collect a pension when it is all over. They can't do this if the government goes bankrupt and the economy collapses. On the other hand, they do love the exclusivity of holding office. They would like to keep participation in it minimal, because they are egocentric and hate everyone. Democrats are the same way.

  6. DonDWest profile image68
    DonDWestposted 14 years ago

    Republicans often accuse Obama of being a socialist, as someone from Canada looking at the United States, I wish that he were a socialist. While I'm not the biggest man, under socialism the United States would have more civil liberties than his environmental communist policies.

    The Republicans are fascists who use the corporation to trump your rights. Obama is a Soviet styled communist who trumps your rights and destroys the economy in the name of "improving the environment". Fascism/communism, the more it changes, the more it remains the same. . .

  7. J D Murrah profile image59
    J D Murrahposted 13 years ago

    That is a BROAD question. I am surprised that there are still some rights after the democrats were finished. They have taken away the freedom to choose your doctor, your choice in light bulbs, your choice in toilets, your your freedom to purchase and own your choice of firearms, your freedom to decide how you spend your own money, the freedom to choose where you keep your money, your freedom in choice concerning health insurance, your freedom to travel without hindrance, your right to be secure in your electronic papers, your freedom to make health choices regarding raw milk, your freedom to choose how you invest your 401k, your freedom to be secure in your 401k, and financial freedom in the form of unconstitutional federal programs just to name a few.

    I don't know if all republicans are wanting to strip people of all their rights and liberties. I certainly know that they have their work cut out for them in finding something that the democrats have not already stripped, cut back, removed or gave away.


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