What do you want your son to be as an adult?

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  1. Jynzly profile image62
    Jynzlyposted 12 years ago

    What do you want your son to be as an adult?

    Normally parents love their children especially when they were cute babies and toddlers. But these babies are another human beings who one day would become parents themselves. Would they continue to be loving and lovable as they were when they were children? Can you imagine what kind of adults your children will be?


  2. BizGenGirl profile image88
    BizGenGirlposted 12 years ago

    Strong enough to do what it takes, while gentle enough not to squish a butterfly.

    Emotionally Aware yet not Overly-Sensitive.

    Intellectual yet modest.

    Generous but not a doormat.

    Self-Aware but not Self-Obsessed.

    Motivated yet not Power-Hungry.

    Self-Sufficient but not selfish.

    Forever Child-Like yet not Immature.

    Hmmm.... Can't think of anything else at the moment. smile

  3. wordsmith2418 profile image89
    wordsmith2418posted 12 years ago

    I think my son (12) will be a musician or athlete. He is good at both. He plays tuba, baritone, little piano and drums. He has a nice singing voice though getting him to sing is like pulling teeth. He is great at basketball and baseball. I have always tried to help him in the areas he is interested in. When he was two, his hands were huge and he handled a ball extremely well for his age so I went with it. What I love most is he is very sensitive. He will cry at a sad part in a movie or when he hears a beautiful song. But he is not afraid to stand up for himself and has stood up to bullies for others.

    My youngest daughter (10) is so much like me it is painful. (smile) She is messy, messy, messy and loves art and writing just like I do. When she was a toddler, she could always be found sitting in a corner with a book (usually upside down). Up until she was four, we were constantly finding her "artwork" on doors, walls, curtains, furniture. One day I painted the inside of the front door to our house. It had barely had time to dry before she drew on it. To this day, I can't leave one of my notebooks laying around or she has to label it or draw on the pages. She has created her own comic book characters, with personalities and everything. Nowadays she reads sometimes six books a week!  So we go to the library a lot and I buy her books. She definitely marches to her own beat, not a follower, thank God. I hope she will be a writer, we'll see.

    I love them so much. At times, I can't wait to see them grown and at other times I want to stop time and keep them as they are. Motherhood is not for the faint of heart.

  4. sofs profile image75
    sofsposted 12 years ago

    What he wants to be! I would only help him to discover his potential, but let him make decisions for himself. Providing all the information he needs to have before making a choice would well be within my preview by getting the right resources for him.
    I would only expect him to be a great human being who loves God and respects his brothers on this earth.
    To be a person who is secure and giving in nature.
    To be an inspiration to his peers..
    To be true to himself at all costs.
    I guess my son is there... And I am proud to be his mother!

  5. ananceleste profile image60
    anancelesteposted 12 years ago

    As a mother of 3 special need children, my hopes shifts for them to be compleatly independent and having happy full lives. Even if it is as rock star or a homemaker. As for the kind of parents they would be I know for a fact that with all the love that they have to give there is nothing out of their reach.


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