Do you support globalisation? Why or why not?

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  1. phillippeengel profile image79
    phillippeengelposted 12 years ago

    Do you support globalisation? Why or why not?

    This debate will continue indefinitely, but it is worthwhile to keep in mind how we can make the most out of globalisation and minimise the harmful effects it creates.

  2. suzettenaples profile image88
    suzettenaplesposted 12 years ago

    I definitely support globalization!  I supported it before it was the politically correct thing to do.  I think as time goes on the world is becoming smaller and smaller due to technology and things like the internet, hubpages, facebook and all the social networking, and dating sights.  We are communicating and coming in touch with people from all over the world on a daily basis.  I think it is so important for the entire world to get along, be peaceful and respect each other's differences.  In the final analysis, we are all in this together, so we need to support one another; each country in the world needs to support one another, because more and more of our economies are becoming depended on one another.  If one country fails economically, we all fail economically.  I believe the days of one country in the world being dominate and the great power over the others is gone. The days of exploiting less powerful countries for the U.
    S.'s benefit are over also.  Even developing countries need to be respected on the world stage as so much of our economies depend on them also.  We are now in a world of interdependence rather than independence.

  3. ZIa Ahmed khan profile image36
    ZIa Ahmed khanposted 12 years ago

    No I do not support it. It is a mirage. This is basically new method of colonization where rich nations encroaching poor in the name of trade. Laws are made in favor of developed countries. Develop countries do not want to give access to others and still wants new market for their products. this is creating more poor people.

  4. Philanthropy2012 profile image80
    Philanthropy2012posted 12 years ago

    Globalisation: "make worldwide in scope or application" (Webster)

    Absolutely, globalisation is the best way of spreading the idea that humans are born equal and as such must all be respected.

    Different cultures are all very well and good, and the importance of preserving the traditions and beliefs of these cultures is one of the main arguments against globalisation.

    But is it really worth promoting racism and discrimination against other beliefs to achieve this? Is it really worth crippling countries' economies or prosecuting particular peoples' to defend against integration and a global market?

    Globalisation means that everyone is welcome anywhere. It also means economies can work freer. As one race we need to work and help each other. 

    Any other way would be simply immoral.

  5. lostdogrwd profile image61
    lostdogrwdposted 12 years ago

    never for ALL THINGS ARE LOCAL.  globalization is the exportation of local resources for a few for profit while destroying the local of the land who benefit nothing for it . if the locals control and sell or barter they local resources ,it OK , but as we see it now , major corporation is profiting form it and EVERYONE ELSE IS SUFFERING IN THERE WAKE.. they employee a few to destroy or kill millions of people and there land and waters all in the name of profit.

  6. profile image0
    healingswordposted 12 years ago

    It depends on what "globalization" means.  As a spiritual person and person of faith, I agree with suzettenaples that globalization can mean coming together peacefully as one world, with common respect and support.  This ideal reflects true Christian love (all are essentially brothers and sisters in Christ, one world under one God).  I would like to see these ideals agreed upon and enforced (peaceably) by all the nations of the world working together; that is what the United Nations or a similar body should do.

    However, clearly the ideal of universal brotherly love is not realized by all humans at this time, as deceit, oppression, war, torture, et. al. continue to be attractive choices.  The belief still exists within humanity's mind that the natural differences between individuals, cultures, nations, races, must unavoidably result in an uncontrollable urge to harm each other, rather than celebrate, respect, and enjoy our differences.

    Can we outgrow this negative belief?  Can we work to outgrow it by uplifting our consciousness to embrace love and peace, and thus, perhaps over generations, change our DNA to eliminate weakness in the face of fear and violence? In that case, might globalization be simply the recognition that humanity is one world family, and that as such, our best way of life is to interact in peace and love?

  7. Ms Dee profile image77
    Ms Deeposted 12 years ago

    From what I have read is ultimately behind the push for globalization, I am concerned that it will put even more power in the hands of fewer elite players. Unless those elite player are of VERY high moral character, this can not bode well for everyone else. Power easily corrupts.

  8. silverstararrow profile image81
    silverstararrowposted 12 years ago

    Definitely support globalisation. We are living in an age when no nation can remain isolated or think of flourishing on its own. The influx of trade, industrialization and other variables that lead to globalisation have helped uplift economic standards of many countries the world over.

    However, it goes without saying that a nation that frames its economic reforms (and) or social system based solely on a work culture associated with globalisation is staring doom in the face. Accepting good points, yet maintaining a balance between indigenous businessmen and foreign partners is of course acceptable in the long run towards progress.


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