It's legal to marry your cousin in North Carolina but not to get a same sex marr

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  1. Josak profile image60
    Josakposted 11 years ago

    It's legal to marry your cousin in North Carolina but not to get a same sex marriage, thoughts?

    Despite the fact that marriages between cousins have potentially serious genetic consequences that can produce deformed and unhealthy children and that gay marriage hurts no one at all one is legal while the other is specifically banned is this reasonable?

  2. TomBlalock profile image70
    TomBlalockposted 11 years ago

    I've seen this brought up before, and I have a few thoughts. First, and foremost, despite my own thoughts about gay and lesbian people, I didn't vote for Amendment One. I felt it was an unethical and unconstitutional bill from the get go, and the wording did more to punish homosexual people than it did to protect marriage, which was already protected in NC.

    However, the argument that "hey, we just banned gay marriage, but we can still marry our cousins," is not a logical argument. That statement does not imply that banning gay marriage is hypocritical because they still allow you to marry your first cousin, it implies that there is something that many believe should also be banned, completely aside from the issue of gay marriage. There are plenty of legitimate reasons to attack Amendment One, but honestly, if people have a problem with people marrying their cousins, then legislate its forbiddance in law.

    I'm sorry, I've just never seen the two issues as related save that they both deal with marriage. When you get right down to it, though, if the argument is made for gay marriage being allowed, I don't really see as you can argue effectively against cousin - cousin marriage, either, so long as both parties cconsent.

    1. Josak profile image60
      Josakposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I don't want marriage between cousins banned, people should make their own choices on that but there are serious medical consequences to it yet the law defends their freedom to do it, gay marriage does not but their freedoms are denied= Hypocrisy.

    2. TomBlalock profile image70
      TomBlalockposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      There can be serious medical consequences, yes, but only in childbirth. Marriage itself between two cousins does not in of itself pose any medical risk whatsoever, yet you suddenly want to censor it. Hypocrisy.

    3. Josak profile image60
      Josakposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Did I not just say i don't want marriage between cousins banned? People getting married leads to sex nearly invariably and regular sexual activity has a good chance of producing offspring in the long term.

  3. feenix profile image58
    feenixposted 11 years ago

    All I know is my first cousin is a very pretty woman with smooth soft skin, and she does not have a five o'clock shadow and big clumps of hair on her chest and back.

    1. Josak profile image60
      Josakposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      So gay marriage is fine if both partners are attractive? Because if so frankly we should have legalized lesbian marriage a looooong time ago. tongue

    2. feenix profile image58
      feenixposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Josak, my flippant remark flew way over your head. The point is, I, and the vast majority of other men, are physically attracted to women, and only women. The thought of getting cozy with another stud really does turn us off.

    3. Josak profile image60
      Josakposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I know it's just when confronted by statements that make me shake my head I prefer to turn to humor than anger, I don't see how whether you find another man attractive has anything to do with wanting to legalize gay marriage, evidently a lot of men I

  4. Doc Snow profile image88
    Doc Snowposted 11 years ago

    Well, clearly you probably can't marry ALL your first cousins in North Carolina (and twenty-some other states)... but it is ironic that the ones you can't marry are the very ones whom marrying would give rise to no genetic issues whatever.

    1. TomBlalock profile image70
      TomBlalockposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Not quite. In North Carolina, double first cousins, the cousins with the highest consanguinity, are the ones forbidden by law. The next step is first cousins, and that isn't forbidden. However, the highest degree of "cousinhood" is.

  5. CaravanHolidays profile image61
    CaravanHolidaysposted 11 years ago

    Unfortunately, whilst the U.S. perceives itself as at the vanguard of western civilization - the problem is it that it is too big, and is still ruled by outdated thinking. North Carolina 'proves' this. Obama may realize this, but unfortunately for him to do anything about would cost him a lot of votes. I am ignorant of U.S. tax laws, but do you get tax relief for getting married? (reason that I ask this is that as far as I can see can be the only reason for gay couples wanting to marry. If they just fighting for the right to get married for equal rights purposes, then they are merely playing into the hands of the ruling ideology, instead of 'denying authority', and building their own social system) People everywhere are not just getting fed up with politicians, but the  whole control of governance itself - time to make up our own rules!

  6. Barnsey profile image69
    Barnseyposted 11 years ago

    Ha! Clearly another example of our judicial system being far outdated. At what point will this government recognize they are running this country on antiquated BS laws put in place by religious zealots from another era? The constitution and the entire system need to be revamped for the 21st century. Get over it conservatives, it isn't the little house on the prairie anymore.

    1. TomBlalock profile image70
      TomBlalockposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I don't think it is about realization, when you get down to it. I think many of them realize full well what they are doing, and why. Politicians are people too, it seems.

  7. syzygyastro profile image80
    syzygyastroposted 11 years ago

    This is part of the confusion that passes as law. What is the law? It is whatever the CEOs, bankers, organized religion leaders, lobbyists and the like decide it is going to be. The government is hired to draft them and then when passed, the police, military and courts enforce them. The elite themselves act as if exempt from the laws we, the rest who are not the elite, must abide by.

  8. lostdogrwd profile image60
    lostdogrwdposted 11 years ago

    why in this world do I care if to men or women want to get is that going to affect my life.  the only problem I have with this gay agenda is it an agenda  and you people try to rub the people faces in your life. I could care less what you do.


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