How to increase your hub earnings

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  1. rob98 profile image60
    rob98posted 11 years ago

    How to increase your hub earnings

  2. houseofjcjee profile image68
    houseofjcjeeposted 11 years ago

    Based on what I have read so far, you should post more hubs with quality content. You should also promote your hubs to increase your traffic and page views. I am not sure though as I am still new here and my hub earnings are still very low but I am hoping that it will eventually increase.

  3. Ross Anziano profile image69
    Ross Anzianoposted 11 years ago

    I've only been here for about two weeks, so my earnings to date on 6 hubs are about $.86, which is pathetic. I've made $.04 from a single eBay click, which is also pathetic. My best profit is from an Amazon Associates "aStore", which I created specifically for my best earning, most commercially oriented hub (its about survival gear, so it's a pretty smooth connection from hub to store, I think). The aStore has made me almost $3.00, and that's based on a 4% commission on one sale.
    Information that may help: that best earning hub gets about equal hits from craigslist and hub pages. I advertise in about six cities with very similar ads including a link to my hub and my aStore directly.
    So, in short: the advice everyone gives is good: more quality hubs is the foundation. You won't get rich on 6 poorly written hubs, but you might do OK on 30 or 50 well written ones. While you're at it, shoot for 100. Why not, right?
    Also, social networking and outside advertising will help: every time you publish, you are offered the chance to share by Facebook and Twitter. I don't, but I can see that helping. Craigslist has given me a good start (I guess), so I'm sticking with that. I've seen people suggest Xomba (I'm using this in a very limited capacity), Reddit, and other blurb type sites.
    Write for other sites that allow back linking, too. Think of it as weaving a net. The bigger the net, and the smaller the holes, the more fish get caught in it.
    Finally, comment on other people's hubs. It gets your profile out there; if people like your comments (on their hub or just see you while visiting another persons)they may check out your hubs as well. I chose to use a gimmicky profile pic. I know I have clicked on people just because they had a weird, hot, or otherwise intriguing pic. Seems stupid, I know, but every little bit helps (I actually kind of like my zombie-Ross pic. It grew on me).
    I'm no expert, but this seems like a solid approach to me. Good luck!

  4. yeagerinvestments profile image70
    yeagerinvestmentsposted 11 years ago

    Some people write on HP just because they love to write and share their work with others. Most people want to make money, possibly a living and I am one of those people. So, what I've learned is you have to create hubs based on topics that people will search for. You have to do a little homework on appropriate keywords and then title your hub with low competitive, high traffic, long tailed keywords. Then, write unique content. Do this over and over and soon enough you will start seeing traffic and earning rising. Hope that helps.

  5. sethpowers profile image60
    sethpowersposted 11 years ago

    Be active. You have to do something everyday whether its posting hubs, answering/asking questions, making friends, or commenting on other people's hubs. Once you have established yourself as a contributing member of the community you will see a big increase in traffic and ultimately in earnings.

    Don't be fooled though. You will never get rich off HubPages. I only suggest putting in the work if you enjoy it and have the free time to give.

  6. muruk2012 profile image57
    muruk2012posted 11 years ago

    To increase your hubpages earnings you have to produce 3 or more hubs daily with rich keywords. Visit my hubs , I have written on achievements in freelance writing.


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