Those who have mental illnesses can you be honest enough to share a time you tho

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  1. monicaortegamon profile image65
    monicaortegamonposted 11 years ago

    Those who have mental illnesses can you be honest enough to share a time you thought you'd quit?

    Can you tell about a time that you didn't think you were not gonna make it through, because you were in such despair and discouragement ruled your mind? How'd you get through it? Anyone feel free to encourage through a discouragement?

  2. backporchstories profile image72
    backporchstoriesposted 11 years ago

    I am speaking from the point of view of a spouse whose husband suffers PTSD, a mental disorder that come from past trama which can be set off by everyday stressors.  I have watched my husband go from good moods to hellish one in matters of seconds.  I know this is chemical and mental issues combined.  I have listened to him wish he was dead and that we all would be better off without him.  In his lifetime, since preteens, he has attempted suicide 6 times and failed with each one.  He finally came to the conclusion that Creator has him here for a reason.  He now looks to his sacred prayer pipe and to the Creator when he feels the grips of depression ruling him.  He finds strength and will power in the spiritual world that helps him cope and deal with the physical world in which we live.

    Today, we both live a humble life, but still suffer everyday adversity.  We just lost our last vehicle to a blown piston and we are now without wheels.  My husband has disability income...smalll income.  I have been out of work for 8 months now and I am 6 months behind on rent.  We feel the dispair and discouragement in our home, but we manage to chase it away, because we understand that the important things in life is experiencing the love and support that does surrounds us, though those support beams may seem invisible, they are there.  Realize you are never, never alone.

    1. monicaortegamon profile image65
      monicaortegamonposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      backporchstories, Thank you so much for sharing and being honest I can relate very much with you answer. I am highly encouraged by your faith, faith that no matter what happens you are managing despite the hardships. Monica smile

    2. backporchstories profile image72
      backporchstoriesposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Yep!  Time rolls on and so far we keep rolling with it...all is good!

  3. alexarpoe profile image60
    alexarpoeposted 11 years ago

    Oh, boy. I had been diagnosed with bipolar II and obsessive-compulsive disorder with dissociative symptoms, but my bipolar diagnosis is currently being evaluated, and my doctors are considering changing my diagnosis to dysthymic disorder (and attributing the "manic" episodes to my OCD). When I was 12, I had my first depressive episode, which began my descent into mental illness until I sought treatment when I turned 19 (due to my first obsessive-compulsive "break" where I didn't sleep for a week, among other things). Anyway, I made the mistake of going to my primary physician for help, who gave me Zoloft. One of the worst things you can do for a bipolar patient is give them an antidepressant without a mood stabilizer (it will send them into a deep depressive episode, or a severe manic episode). I became terribly suicidal while on Zoloft and I really thought that that would be the end for me. I had been severely depressed for years, but this was a completely different and new feeling for me.

    One night, I came across Justin Furstenfeld's video on (it's available on YouTube in two parts) about his struggle with bipolar disorder, and his mission to raise awareness. I know that this sounds dramatic, but he saved my life. I looked more into his music (he's the lead singer of Blue October), and found that most of his music was written about his life with bipolar, and it felt like he had a chunk of my soul, and he wrote things that I thought only I felt... After that night, I was still severely depressed because of the medication, but I felt hopeful and inspired, and I went back to the doctor the following week.

    (I'm going to continue this in another comment)
    Well... I can't write much more due to HP rules, but long, long, long story short, there is hope. You are NOT alone. Feel free to shoot me an e-mail or something if you need to talk or have any questions. Much love.

    1. alexarpoe profile image60
      alexarpoeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I was put on several medications and medication regimens before finally finding the right therapist, psychiatrist, and medications. I try to write about this type of thing quite often because my experiences have led me to become a huge advocate of me


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