In your life, at any point, have you changed your political ideology?

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  1. Marisaupa profile image73
    Marisaupaposted 11 years ago

    In your life, at any point, have you changed your political ideology?

    Just curious about those that have; what motivated you to make the change?  Was it easy?  Any insights would be appreciated.

  2. peeples profile image94
    peeplesposted 11 years ago

    Yes. I was once a very conservative republican. Then I came to my senses and became an Independent, because I looked at both sides and decided neither were worth me being a part of them. I actually wrote a Hub about this a couple months ago. Being raised Republican stuck with me until I was old enough to look at the parties and what they stood for.

  3. Attikos profile image83
    Attikosposted 11 years ago

    Oh, yes. In college, I was an antiwar leftist. Afterwards I discovered the left occupies a nightmarish fantasy land in which wrong is declared right, state serfdom is considered freedom, totalitarianism of its own possession is called liberty. The left is divorced from the world, but most of its denizens can't get far enough past its addictive illusions to see it.

    Though a registered Democrat for personal reasons, I now am a mixture of left and right, more libertarian than than authoritarian, more individualistic than collective. If my posts free one leftist slave from the chains of delusion in which he is trapped, it's worth the effort of writing them.

  4. Lions Den Media profile image61
    Lions Den Mediaposted 11 years ago

    No, I've never changed... I've always been pro - Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness; American ideals of rugged individualism; and limited government. Essentially, the modern day democrat/republican are essentially different sides of the progressive coin. Anyone expressing the privatization of Social Security is a right wing extremist and anyone calling for the legalization of pot and other illegal drugs is a left wing extremist.

    I'm a conservative, limited government, individual liberty over the rights of the collective, capitalist who believes in God, but does not attend church or discuss religion. I don't believe in protecting people from themselves. And I don't believe government can solve any problem better, more efficiently, and more effectively than the private sector.

  5. Two Minute Review profile image61
    Two Minute Reviewposted 11 years ago

    In college I was a non-voting Democrat. At least, I self-identified as one. I liked Clinton and thought Bush (the first) was stodgy and out-of-touch. As I entered the real world, I registered and began voting as a Republican although I feel I am a lowercase "r"....

  6. profile image0
    Old Empresarioposted 11 years ago

    Yes, as a young man I was a Republican and crypto-fascist. Then I was a liberal--though not a Democrat. Now I am a libertarian with some progressive leanings (if I had to label myself).


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