What Are The Best Ways To Reduce The Risk Of Having A Stroke?

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  1. PhoenixV profile image63
    PhoenixVposted 11 years ago

    What Are The Best Ways To Reduce The Risk Of Having A Stroke?

    What Are The Best Ways To Reduce The Risk Of Having A Stroke?

  2. profile image0
    huckelburyposted 11 years ago

    Control your bodyweight, eat a reduced fat diet, monitor your cholesterol levels and blood pressure, and eliminate or reduce the stress in your life. Cut back on the amount of red meat you eat, substituting fish or fowl and follow your mom's advice: eat your veggies. Oh, yes, and don't forget exercise, optimally 20-30 minutes of aerobic activity daily. A heart attack can punch your ticket, but a stroke can leave you as helpless and senseless as a cabbage. It's not worth the risk for that second double at Wendy's.

  3. kj force profile image60
    kj forceposted 11 years ago

    Change your eating habits.watch caloric intake..just eat in moderation.never go longer than 2 hours without putting something in your stomach..supplement drinks can be used here.... get 8-9 hours sleep nightly..have a routine before bed..drink alcohol/coffee/soda and juices in moderation..excercise to reduce stress/build strength..drink lemon water and coconut water daily (dehydration can cause muscle breakdown )..laugh and spend positive/quality time with friends..
    If you take care and moderate as suggested above..the body will take care of the chemistry of Cholesterol/BP.and the organs which are responsible for maintaining
    a healthy lifestyle..and reduce your chances of a stroke...

  4. Cathy Fidelibus profile image75
    Cathy Fidelibusposted 11 years ago

    Keep inflammation down by eating fermented foods, vegetables like broccoli, organic grass fed meats, salmon, walnuts, onions, garlic, spinach, ginger and turmeric. Get regular exercise. Make sure you have optimal vitamin D levels. Manage your stress, try techniques like daily meditation, even 10 minutes a day
    can help and Emotional Freedom Technique  (EFT) is a form of psychological acupressure.

  5. Dr Pran Rangan profile image79
    Dr Pran Ranganposted 11 years ago

    A stroke happens about every 40 seconds. In spite of increasing incidence of stroke all over the world, it is encouraging to know that 80% of strokes are preventable. Nearly three-quarters of all strokes occur in people over the age of 65. The risk of having a stroke more than doubles each decade after the age of 55. But strokes can occur at any age. Nearly one fourth of strokes occur in people under the age of 65. In developed countries, the incidence of stroke is declining due to efforts to lo read more

  6. Mrs Jil Manning profile image82
    Mrs Jil Manningposted 11 years ago

    A stroke happens when something blocks the blood supply to part of the brain, and causes that area to die.  The 'something' that blocks the blood supply can be a blood clot in the brains' blood vessels, or it can be a rupture in one of the blood vessels, with a similar effect.  For healthy blood vessels, attention must be paid to the diet to prevent excessive intake of inorganic, nutritionally useless food.  Smoking will increase your chances of a stroke, as will a continuously stressful lifestyle.  Regular exercise is key to a healthy circulation too.

  7. Angela Blair profile image67
    Angela Blairposted 11 years ago

    First and foremost -- check out and commit to memory family genetics. There is a definite correlation and genetic predisposition to strokes for those who have ancestors/family members who have also had strokes in the past. When my brother had a stroke in 2003 he was in the best state of health he'd probably ever been in his life as he guided river trips, exercised strenuously, ate a proper diet and got plenty of rest and did not smoke. He did take medication for high cholesterol. His stroke was caused by a complete blockage of the right carotid artery. After discussing "cause" with the doctors I researched our family history and found that strokes were prevalent -- and a cause of death -- going back five generations (I quit at that point). Following all the dietary and exercise rules to prevent strokes is of utmost importance -- and that's even more important if a family has a history of strokes/heart trouble/coronary artery disease.


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