As a self published author can you share a marketing tool that has helped you?

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  1. Sundaymoments profile image61
    Sundaymomentsposted 10 years ago

    As a self published  author can you share a marketing tool that has helped you?

  2. profile image57
    vanplankposted 10 years ago

    The simplest answer is the Internet. It has been an invaluable tool to me for my marketing. However, this may be a slightly too broad and generic answer to be of much use, so allow me to expand.

    I started my own blog, and while I struggled with it at first, I have gotten things down now and am really enjoying managing it. I interview people, post my own thoughts share those of others, and while I have not sold many books directly as a result of clicks from my blog. Traffic is increasing every month and my network is increasing in size on a daily basis. The blog is not a sales generator, but a platform that I base my image on. It is an invaluable tool to any writer, but especially one who is self publsihed.

    Facebook is another great tool for both networking and sales generation. I have a profile that I manage for my networking, and pages that I use for sales. When combined the two Facebook approaches make a powerful tool, which can easily be coupled with your blog.

    It takes time, it is not an overnight endeavor. I always remember the quote, "Overnight success takes 10 years." and this is true. It is a long read and takes hard work and dedication. Without the willingness to sacrifice and give 110% the rest ultimately becomes meaningless.

    1. Author Tom Ufert profile image61
      Author Tom Ufertposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Could not agree more with VanPlank!   These insights are spot on and convey real practical contemporary social media tools for the self published author.  I am especially gratified by the rather sobering reality check in their last paragraph!

  3. Author Tom Ufert profile image61
    Author Tom Ufertposted 10 years ago

    My personal experience has demonstrated the harsh reality that there is no greater tool than the thoughtful insights and experiences of fellow authors.  I would not have gained nearly the footing in my social media exposure as I have now, only 1 year after initiating my writing career, were it not for the kind offerings of more seasoned fellow authors. 

    Through Facebook groups, blog postings, and indeed---personal private messages, my large family of generous authors/writers have made my path a far easier journey.  Countless times these life lines of literary experience, who have have helped pave the way for so many of us "newbies", remarked "we authors have to stick together!"  I am deeply grateful for their kindness and gracious gifts of knowledge and experience.  KNOW THIS...NO SINGLE PIECE OF TECHNOLOGY CAN EVER REPLACE THIS INVALUABLE TOOL!  While technology has certainly made communication and transference of this knowledge more accessible and readily available, it has in no way replaced or even qualified as a superior tool of success. 

    Seek out and rapidly accept the wisdom of your "literary elders" FOR THERE IS NO GREATER TOOL OF SUCCESSFUL MARKETING!

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