I'm a Published Author on Amazon Kindle!!! Now What?

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  1. kittythedreamer profile image76
    kittythedreamerposted 9 years ago

    So I've worked on my novel for the past 3 years, finally buckled down and finished it this year. Just recently published it on Amazon Kindle, and I'm so very excited about it. The thing is, I don't know how to promote myself in the best way. And I don't have a ton of $$$ to spend on website design and marketing tools, etc. Does anyone have any experience with driving traffic to their self-published book? Is there a way to announce it here on Hubpages without getting flagged for being overlypromotional? Any advice and tips is greatly appreciated!

    1. tsmog profile image86
      tsmogposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Hooray!!! Congratulations smile That is a great achievement.

      Many from HP I am in contact with at FB have ventured that adventure. I haven't so take what is shared like salt over the shoulder. At Amazon is the structure for how it is promoted internally works likes SEO. That is with the recommended products and how they are keyed. I don't fully understand it and can't explain easily, but with some playtime looking at the Big Picture of a display page offers clues. Of course there is ranking system too based on sales. I could speculate that may be keyed to a book category. Overall ranking is seen at your book location with the Product Details and the Best Seller Ranking.

      They also pretty much do the routine used for promoting a hub regarding social sharing. So, knowing how each social network works and its etiquette is advised. The unity of writer groups seems to help to. A former hubber, Deborah Brooks Langford, has one for promoting book authors and books. She holds FB Events for that. I don't remember her HP name. Maybe there will be some insight there. Darn it . . . I don't remember that group name too.

      Regarding building a website for promoting the book consider Weebly. There are four tiers beginning with Free and so on. Some of those who went on such an adventure have done that while branched out with the website for products and so forth too. Similarly they tie promoting their book at their blog to the website creating a book promotional network of sorts. Plus, if you do write that Hub there is another component. Bear in mind everything on the 'Web' relates to SEO principals.

      1. kittythedreamer profile image76
        kittythedreamerposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you so much for the advice. Very helpful. smile

    2. Rabadi profile image77
      Rabadiposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Hey first give your self a pat on the back that is amazing news! You will have the opportunity to sell your books and do what you love and become very profitable. You should use youtube to promote your book and continue using Subpage. Follow others on here and comment frequently to get others attention you never know who might see your post! smile Good luck may the universe forever be great to you.

      1. kittythedreamer profile image76
        kittythedreamerposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks, Rabadi!

    3. Marisa Wright profile image86
      Marisa Wrightposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Kitty, well done!   Starting a novel is easy, and getting three-quarters of the way through isn't too bad - but actually finishing one is a huge achievement!

      You don't need website skills to set up your own website.  Actually you should've established it months ago, before you published, but better late than never.  Head over to Wordpress.com and create a blog.  See if your author name is available as a name.  Create a front page with some information about yourself and your book. If you can't manage more than that right now, don't worry about it - you can come back to it later. 

      If you haven't already, create a profile on Google+ too. 

      You might like to look at this website, run by Hubber Lissie Sowerbutts:

    4. DWDavisRSL profile image81
      DWDavisRSLposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I would start with setting up an author page on Facebook if you haven't already. You can use that page to announce your book and any special deals you may run on it. You can also post about other books you are working on, recommendations of books you're reading, or sites that readers may want to visit.

      You can include an action button on the page with a link to the purchase site for the book on Amazon, as well. There are Facebook ads you can run that you can target to a specific audience. While you can spend a lot on these, I usually only spend a few dollars each time I do one.

      On Amazon, have you set up your Author Page on Author Central. This can also be helpful in getting your name out there.

      You can also promote your book using tweets that include the link to the purchase page at Amazon. There is a site called askDavid you may want to look at. The site has over 40,000 twitter followers and will tweet out promos for your book at a very reasonable rate.

      The Readers Gazette World site is another you can include your book on that will tweet out promos.

      There are many more, and there are many Facebook groups you can join to promote you work through sharing posts about it but you will be expected to return the favor.

      eBook Bargains Today is a new site recently established by the publisher who published my fourth book. They will promote your book for a reasonable price.

      I know this is a lot to start with, but I hope it is helpful. Good luck with your book.

    5. heidithorne profile image82
      heidithorneposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      So exciting to hear you published your Kindle book. Congrats!

      As you probably know, I've published several print and ebooks on the Amazon Createspace and Kindle platforms and also coach authors, though mostly for business nonfiction. It is a bit tricky promoting books here on HP. I include my books that are relevant to the hub topic in Amazon capsules that link to my books. Since your book deals with a mysterious romance, then it might be a relevant Amazon product tie-in for some of your hubs.

      Are you following billybuc (Bill Holland) here on HP? Many of his weekly Writer's Mailbag hubs discuss book development and promotion tips. Worth following.

      I wish there were an easy solution for this. Fact is, book marketing and promotion takes a LONG time and dedicated effort on several fronts.

      Keep us posted on your success! All the best!

    6. profile image0
      Christy Kirwanposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Kitty,

      It looks like you've received some great advice. I'd just like to add my congratulations to the chorus. Well done! smile

    7. Ana Kolomeka profile image59
      Ana Kolomekaposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Congratulations on your accomplishment!
      I also recently self-published some books - three of them - they re non-fiction, two of them facts of life books for teens, and one a sex book for adults.  I am trying to promote them.  I have recently taken the adult book off the market because I made so many amendments to the teen books, I felt funny selling the adult book the way it was in comparison.  After I'm done with the teen books, I will make the same updates with the adult book, then put it back on the market.
      One marketing idea I have with your book is to have a bunch of English teachers read it to see if they may want to use it in their curriculum.  Is your novel high school reading level?  Or college, maybe?  Does it make a social statement?  You can make a bunch of sales through school, and maybe from there word will get around.  Just an idea.  I had teachers and nurses read my books; that's where my idea comes from.  Some are having me give money management presentations to their classes; this is yet another way to promote my books.  Perhaps you can give presentations on a subject that your novel covers.
      Best of luck to you!

      1. kittythedreamer profile image76
        kittythedreamerposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        Wow, what great suggestions! Thank you so much. I wish you the best of luck in your literary endeavors!

  2. paradigm search profile image55
    paradigm searchposted 9 years ago

    I checked your profile. With your length of service and number of hubs, HP might give you some slack. A hub referencing your book will probably not get HP too concerned. smile

    1. kittythedreamer profile image76
      kittythedreamerposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I'll give it a shot. Thank you!

      1. paradigm search profile image55
        paradigm searchposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        And I just noticed your 1M accolade. Awesome!

  3. janshares profile image94
    jansharesposted 9 years ago

    Awesome! Congratulations, kittythedreamer. Maybe you could get a temporary website paid monthly for a period to promote your book. Vistaprint is inexpensive and will walk you through creating your own. I did mine with little to no knowledge of web design. Also, get a book reviewer. I wish you luck.

    1. paradigm search profile image55
      paradigm searchposted 9 years ago
    2. Jodah profile image88
      Jodahposted 9 years ago

      Congratulations on sticking to it and actually publishing your book Kitty. That is the big step but I think promotion is the difficult part.  I have finally done the same this year with an eBook of poetry but I have only sold a handful and am not very good at promotion. I wish you well and hope you share any worthwhile tips you receive.

    3. hypnodoctor profile image78
      hypnodoctorposted 9 years ago

      First off, congratulations!

      Promotion of the book is extremely important and most critical in the first week you start selling it on Amazon because if you achieve something like 2000 sales the first week (maybe it's two weeks), the book gets the status of "Amazon best seller" and they promote it much more vigurously.

      What most best selling authors do, is to get together with some friends that give them "special bonuses" they can give away to customers that buy the book. Then they start promoting the site with all the bonuses onit.

      As for promoting the book on Hubpages, why not write a hub related to the topic of your book and puting an Amazon capsule with a link to your book in it. There's nothing wrong with this and it's not against the TOS.

      Furthermore, make sure you write a great description of the book in Amazon, preferably containing a teaser and with a testimonial of another author if you know him or her. Second, get all your friends and, if possible, their friends to "like" and share the book on social networks and third, get about ten of your friends to purchase the book through Amazon (even if you have to refund them, which isn't likely) and ask them to give the book a 5 star rating and to write a positive review. Thay must buy the book through Amazon because they will have a "verified buyer" status, which adds credibility to the rating and the testimonial. This is very important if you want to boost sales. If you can't get your friends to do it, the backup plan is to go to Fiverr.com and buy a few gigs, where people will do just that. As for the website, why not also go over to Fiverr and get someone to do it for you. You can probably get it done for $10 to maybe $50.

      Good luck and I wish you success!

    4. purl3agony profile image87
      purl3agonyposted 9 years ago

      Congrats!  You should check out Heidi Thorne's hubs.  She has a number of posts about marketing, including one on ways to promote your self-published book:  http://heidithorne.hubpages.com/hub/Boo … onal-Ideas

      1. heidithorne profile image82
        heidithorneposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks, Donna, for connecting me with this forum! So exciting to hear about her new book. Have a great day!

    5. bluesradio profile image57
      bluesradioposted 9 years ago

      Definitely the Facebook idea is a great one, and also have you plugged into any of the Reading Circles in your community or the local bookstores to see what they can do about promoting..Does your town have a book festival, and does the local library help to promote authors.....

    6. Lipnancy profile image85
      Lipnancyposted 9 years ago

      You could write a book review on it here on hubpages. I absolutely positive the many of your followers on hubpages will buy it (me included).

      Or you could ask one of you trusted friends here on hubpages to write a review on it. And then just promote it like  you would any other hub: Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus and Pinterest. Facebook groups on the topic are an excellent place to promote. Just one great picture and it goes crazy on Pinterest (viral).

      1. kittythedreamer profile image76
        kittythedreamerposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        Awesome recommendation! Would you be willing to review? I'm promoting on FB and Pinterest specifically as I've been told it's very hard to go viral or get attention on Twitter. Thanks so much!

        1. Lipnancy profile image85
          Lipnancyposted 9 years agoin reply to this

          Sure I have been itching to try a book review. I might not be your highest choice. Just Private Message me the link to your book.

    7. Kristen Howe profile image86
      Kristen Howeposted 9 years ago

      Kitty, congrats on that achievement! I'm sure you can promote it via your blog, Facebook, Twitter. You can also do it with bookmarks and other souvenirs, if you can afford it. You can sell it via e-book newsletters like Bookbub and Digital Book Today.  I'm going to try it via the traditional route with agents for my novels, since I have some agent interest in one of mine lately.

      1. kittythedreamer profile image76
        kittythedreamerposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        That's awesome! Congrats to you. smile Thanks for the tips

    8. Catherine Barrett profile image60
      Catherine Barrettposted 9 years ago


      As an aspiring writer, I always find that an advertisement for author's completed book increases my trust in articles about the writing process. smile

    9. Richard-Bivins profile image69
      Richard-Bivinsposted 9 years ago

      One thing that I have done is create an author fan page on Facebook then I searched for every self published author I could find on Facebook and Twitter and Goodreads and invited them to come like my page and share their book and or advice... many accepted and returned the offer...   This will really come to help on your next book but before you get to that, you should join the Facebook Group called Pat's First Kindle Book where you will find a ton of resources and help from people in your same situation....  As others have said, writing is the easy part but as a self published author, 99% of the marketing is on you....

      (note... to be the most effective on Facebook as well as all social media, you have to engage in conversations and  build upon relationships that will compel members to share your links)

    10. Phyllis Doyle profile image96
      Phyllis Doyleposted 9 years ago

      Good on you, Kitty. What a delightful experience for you.

      If you have a blog, especially on Google Blogger, you should promote your book there and share it with Public. I don't have Kindle, but would love to read your book and write a HP book review on it. You could ask others to write a review and to promote the book on their blogs.

      Congratulations! I wish you lots of success in this venture.

      1. kittythedreamer profile image76
        kittythedreamerposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        Hey, Phyllis! You don't have to have a Kindle to read it. I actually have a tablet from Verizon that I've downloaded the free Kindle app to in order to read e-books on Kindle. smile Just a thought. And I would LOVE if you'd review it! Also, thanks for the Blogger tip. I'll give it a shot!

    11. Chriswillman90 profile image85
      Chriswillman90posted 9 years ago

      Great job, I think writing and publishing a novel is one of the hardest things that can be done.

      I'm saving this thread too because of all the informative resources on promotion and whatnot. It's an educational viewing for any newly published author. I wish you well and an endless stream of success and accolades.

    12. KoffeeKlatch Gals profile image72
      KoffeeKlatch Galsposted 9 years ago

      Congratulations.  I think it's wonderful.  I don't have any ideas for you but I do wish you all the luck in the world.

    13. Lipnancy profile image85
      Lipnancyposted 9 years ago

      My review of kittythedreamer's new novel is complete. I hope that we can all help it be successful. http://hubpages.com/literature/The-Drea … e-Canfield

    14. Kimberleyclarke profile image79
      Kimberleyclarkeposted 9 years ago

      Congratulations! I hope it is all going well for you. I too published on Amazon earlier this year. It is all very exciting - I wish you luck! I would offer you advice...but I just leave my creations there and wait to see if anyone discovers them.


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