How does one feel a genuine, authentic love for God and genuinely feel God's lov

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  1. Sparklea profile image60
    Sparkleaposted 9 years ago

    How does one feel a genuine, authentic love for God and genuinely feel God's love in return?

    How does one love God with all their heart, all their soul and all their mind as the Bible instructs in Matthew 22:37?
    How can a person actually LOVE a God whom he/she has never seen, or talked to in person? 
    Also, I so long to feel God's love for me.
    It's so, so hard.  My love for parents, husband and animals are all a different feeling of love.  How is one supposed to FEEL when he/she 'loves' God or feel the love of God returning?

  2. Faith Reaper profile image82
    Faith Reaperposted 9 years ago

    Sparklea, a great question here and I can only speak for myself.  I am just getting on the computer this day to check a couple of things and I saw your wonderful question.  For me, it is only when I began to have a truly intimate and personal relationship with our sweet and loving Lord God through Jesus.  The way that happens, at least for me, was when I began to meditate on His living and active Word, the Bible, and began to know His true character and know of His true divine (agape) love.  Plus, it is so important each day to have that quiet time with just Him, just as Jesus did with His Father.  It does not have to be anything formal, as He is truly our best friend and then at the same time, a most Holy God.  A lot of people confuse "religion" with that of a personal relationship through Jesus with our Lord God.  Religion is more about man-made traditions and such, which has nothing to do with being in an intimate relationship with God through Jesus.  I know without a doubt that we must not only believe in Him, but believe Him and His promises. A relationship is two-way communication and not just one-sided, then His love is revealed and we know of a love like no other we have ever experienced.  It is sometimes through the many trials and tribulations of this life, which He tells us we will have, but He assures us that He will never leave us nor forsake us.  When we place our full faith and trust in Him and cast all our cares to Him, then we truly experience that peace, His peace, that surpasses all understanding.  Since Jesus paid that highest price for our sins on that cross, we are now able to be in that most intimate relationship with our Heavenly Father through Jesus.  It is so important each day once we open our eyes to immediately praise Him and thank Him for our many blessings, no matter what is going on in our lives.  Then it is really important to spend time in His Word to truly get to know His character and just how much He loves us.  Once we truly believe Him and trust in Him with all of our being, we are able to know of that love He so freely has given and we are only able to love others because He first loved us.  From my experience, if I go even one day without talking to my best friend and being in His word, my mind and heart will soon turn to the world. Mabelhenry, a hubber, just published a hub on this topic. I have not read it yet but saw it in my notification. God bless you. In His Love, Faith Reaper

    1. teaches12345 profile image77
      teaches12345posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I loved your question, Sparklea and Faith's answer.  Communication is always important in understanding someone, especially God.

  3. cat on a soapbox profile image95
    cat on a soapboxposted 9 years ago

    Good morning, Sparklea:)
    I agree that this is such a wonderful question!
    I know many of us struggle with loving God above all else, especially our families. I try to look at everything in my life as a blessing from Him or a responsibility that He has given to me. So many times we think we are doing what He wants us to do, but we are actually choosing what WE want to do instead of listening. When bad things happen, God is often blamed, or people question how He can be a loving God in these circumstances and lose faith. How can we know our true faith and love for Him if it is never put to the test? The sacrifice that He made for us will always be the ultimate expression of love. When we feel peace in his presence, find comfort in prayer, and allow ourselves to be patient and trust how He works in our lives with thankful hearts- we are loving Him as we should. We must be patient to see the wisdom in His ways. There is little instant gratification in prayer, and the way is often challenging. The key for me to trusting him completely and relinquishing control. 
    Blessings to you!
    Cat smile

    1. Sparklea profile image60
      Sparkleaposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      THANK YOU CAT! I agree that trusting Him completely and relinquishing control is a great factor to peace of mind.  Very grateful to you and my other hub friends who have taken time to answer this question.  God bless...Sparklea

  4. Lady Guinevere profile image66
    Lady Guinevereposted 9 years ago

    This is going to sound strange to you and I always get flack for my opinions of what Jesus said in the Bible but here goes:
    Jesus told us the God and all the Kingdom is WITHIN each and every one of us.  He also told us that all the laws are in our hearts and minds.  The first commandment is to have no other Gods before us.  It is also stated in Isaiah that we are gods because we create our worlds and Jesus then told us that we should be careful with our thoughts and actions.  So, to me, we are Gods and we are part of the Whole of a much encompassing force that we cannot see.  In this respect it is right that we must learn to love ourselves and put no other selves before ourself.  Once we understand that we are the ones that are Love and all the things that we have done or thought is what makes us today.  There really is not a right and wrong, but if you do not love yourself first then you can not feel love of and for others.     God is within your being and God is within all beings.  Feeling God within you is up to each of us.  It is spread through our thoughts and actions and reactions.  What comes back is love..if that is what you put out there.

    1. Sparklea profile image60
      Sparkleaposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      THANK YOU LADY GUINEVERE!  I do KNOW and BELIEVE the Kingdom of God is within us.  If it is in the Bible it is true.  And, you are correct, thoughts, actions and reactions play an important part-consistent focus on God is the key to peaceful living.

    2. Lady Guinevere profile image66
      Lady Guinevereposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I did not get a notification of this. Yes, focus on your God within you.


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