What is the optimal age to teach reading?

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  1. peeples profile image94
    peeplesposted 9 years ago

    What is the optimal age to teach reading?

    I know that reading on a daily basis is important, but at what age is it best to start attempting to teach HOW to read to a child?

  2. ChristinS profile image38
    ChristinSposted 9 years ago

    I think it can vary honestly, but you definitely want them to have an interest in it already to be the most successful.  My oldest wanted to read letters and make sounds at 2 years old - real rudimentary stuff, but he loved his letter blocks and took an interest.  With my youngest, if he was playing with books or something and I tried to show him the letter or make the sound he had absolutely no interest really to speak of until he was almost 4.  Once he took an interest though, there was no stopping him.  I think if we push it before they are interested, it can frustrate them.  Anytime from 2 - 4 for basics though is great.  Make it a game and they do even better and remember more.  I know with Kindergarten now they push a lot of "sight words" and memorization of words that they didn't do when my oldest went in.  He learned to read more phonetically, my youngest is all about sight words - it's too soon to tell which will work out best, but if core curriculum in your area is going to have your child memorizing sight words, you might want to try some activities that include them beforehand perhaps?

  3. LeslieAdrienne profile image69
    LeslieAdrienneposted 9 years ago

    The teaching of reading begins with the teaching of listening.  Listening comprehension is the precursor to reading comprehension. So, the more stories you tell your child the more you are preparing them to read with comprehension.

    Some parents brag that their children can read at very early ages... but the child has no comprehension.. they are simply "calling words".  It just ain't reading if the kid has no understanding....

  4. profile image0
    SageCantonposted 9 years ago

    There's a huge range, and when your child is ready is not always indicative of a problem or an advanced ability. My daughter was reading at a grade 2 level when she was 3 years old (not exaggerating). She used to follow me around the house with books in her hands, begging me to sit with her. She was kind of obsessed with it. My friend has a son the same age and she asked me to teach him. I was really kind of skeptical because I didn't feel like I had "taught" my daughter. Sure enough, when I sat with this boy, he stared at me blankly. He was a good 2 years at least away from being ready. Now they're both almost finished elementary school, and they are both just fine, despite the difference in their ages when they started.

    I definitely agree with ChristinS - they need to be interested, otherwise you'll create a bad experience. You can generate interest by modelling the behavior - in other words, spend time reading yourself.

    If they start school without having had any inclination to read, it may still not be a problem, although you might want to ensure that there aren't any undetected vision or hearing issues. Otherwise, my advice to parents would be to a) expose them to reading material, b) wait for signs of interest from them, and c) don't compare them to other kids (as tempting as that is smile

  5. FeniqueS profile image70
    FeniqueSposted 9 years ago

    Not sure if there is an optimal age each child is different.  With all four of my children I started reading to them while I was carrying them.   I had purchased colorful flash cards with primary colors, numbers, ABC's with pictures alphabet.  Pack up in bag to take with to hospital and after delivery I sat there and showed the cards and said each one over and over to them.  I had packed a child dictionary too. then while in my room I'd sat up in bed with baby laying in front a put book in front of both and read each picture and its meaning.   

    All my children were reading before they could walk. My youngest I taught him French..well we both learned it.  I had not a clue how to speak it.  Bought a child foreign language program and taught both of us. 

    He (StrongChance, is his name) was referred for a excel school for Kngrd when tested he spoke in French, the tester had brought him back saying he didn't know his ABC's, which I knew he did.  I had him tell me them and told the testing agent that it was French he was speaking.  You have to get him someone that speaks it, they did and he passed with Flying French colors so to speak.   The lady ask if anyone in family spoke French I told no, and told her what I did in teaching him.  She said she has never heard a child speak French that good and has no one to speak it with.   

    All kids reading levels were above the norm when they were in pre-school. By the time they got into grade school, they were read at Middle school level.  My oldest she is the bookworm of all of them she read everything, including the dictionary (Websters and the huge one that school rooms have in them).
    Some say that was to young, but I didn't think so and still don't.  The library was their favorite place to go.  They'd get there books, sit and read them, talked about other places. Which lead them to use their imagination, initiative in seeking out answers on their own (cause mommy can't always do it for them), play alone, sit quietly, attentive and a great hunger to learn more

    Schools today teach pre-schoolers on computers:  math, reading etc.  Where the live now, the kids have to start learning Spanish in pre-school.   My reasoning in teaching them so young was because I didn't want people to call them dumb, stupid and other negatives.   Like I was called, because I didn't understand quickly. I'm dyslexic, it takes me longer to learn


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