Do we actually care about the environment????

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  1. someblogs profile image60
    someblogsposted 9 years ago

    Do we actually care about the environment????

    We talk about environment and going green but how many of us actually look at our carbon footprint and work on minimising it???

  2. peachpurple profile image82
    peachpurpleposted 9 years ago

    well, i am trying to reduce usage of plastic bags, I don't subscribe newspaper anymore, I don';t travel either, I prefer homecook than prepack food. Am I doing something?

  3. dashingscorpio profile image80
    dashingscorpioposted 9 years ago

    I believe people care about the environment in varying degrees.
    Some folks recycle and that's as far as they go. Others may carpool or drive an electric car or they strive to run a "paperless" office. Many people volunteer to plant trees and remove trash from parks and beaches.
    Truth be told the average person is a "consumer" and not a manufacturer. Governments have made strides in requiring higher standards on carbon emissions as well as more regulations when it comes to making more biodegradable products and removing lead. 
    I personally chose not to have children mainly because I had no desire to be a father. Nevertheless it is probably the "ultimate sacrifice" one can make for a "greener world".  The average North American generates about (20 tons) of CO2-eq each year multiply that by a lifespan of 75 years and that gives you an idea of (my contribution) to the green cause.
    Less people = less pollution = good for the environment.
    Having said that some people will always be dissatisfied with the efforts of other people. They won't be happy until they see wholesale changes around the world. It's a noble but "unrealistic goal" very similar to "world peace". No country can dictate how another country treats it's land, water, and airspace.  Since 2007 China has been the leader in carbon emissions. Their population is 1.35 billion and they are the world's largest manufacturing nation. However the U.S. is probably their biggest customer!
    As I stated I believe no one wants "brown air", an ocean full of dead fish, land that is unusable, or a sun providing toxic rays. However each person will only do so much to sacrifice their standard of living. Our biggest success in the U.S. would come with having the "electric car" replace the oil and gas operated car. Needless to say the oil and automobile industries would rather find ways to get more mileage than to throw away a multi-trillion dollar industry and upset the global economy. If the electric car becomes a standard in the U.S. it won't be in our lifetime.

  4. M. T. Dremer profile image86
    M. T. Dremerposted 9 years ago

    I checked my carbon footprint once. I think the result was that it would take 3.5 Earths to sustain the population if everyone lived like me. And that's the result for a vegetarian that recycles. I think the hope isn't so much that people will calculate their footprint down to the decimal, but rather they will just make better general decisions for the environment.

  5. Aime F profile image71
    Aime Fposted 9 years ago

    Not many that I know personally, unfortunately.

    I do my best. I make a conscious effort to live as environmentally friendly as I can. It's something I didn't think about until a few years ago but when it clicked for me it really clicked.

    Best thing I think I can do is raise my daughter to care about the environment from an early age, so that she grows up with pro-environmental behaviour as the norm and doesn't have to make sacrifices/adjustments as an adult like so many of us do. I'd say that's the biggest reason people don't care - it's a challenge to change some of our behaviours which are damaging the environment.


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