What happens if the President-elect dies between being elected and the inaugurat

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  1. ptosis profile image68
    ptosisposted 8 years ago

    What happens if the President-elect dies between being elected and the inauguration?

    Twentieth Amendment (Amendment XX), Section 3. If, at the time fixed for the beginning of the term of the President, the President elect shall have died, the Vice President elect shall become President.  So does that mean if Clinton croaks (if she wins on Nov 8, 2016) then does that mean Tim Kaine  becomes President in 2017? Who is Time Kaine? What is his voting record? Does a vote for Corpus Clinton a vote for Tim Kaine? Is that a bad thing? I want to know more about this guy. Please send link for info on voting background Thank you. Asking because HRC fainted @ 911 memorial.


  2. tamarawilhite profile image82
    tamarawilhiteposted 8 years ago

    We've had cases where someone campaigning for office died while still on the ballot and was still elected. When it was a congressperson, the governor usually appointed a stand in to be replaced in a mid-term election 1-2 years out.
    We've never had someone running for top office die, though we have the procedures already for the VP to step up if the President dies. During the Cold War, we even passed the rules on who takes over if President and VP died, in case DC was nuked.
    There's no one to appoint a fill in for President. In theory, the VP would be sworn in. But it hasn't been proven.
    More likely, this looks so bad that even more people vote for Trump so he wins in a landslide. If she can't literally stand through a planned memorial service, she can't stand figuratively in the face of Muslim terrorist attacks the head of DHS says we can't stop.

  3. Henry Bemis profile image58
    Henry Bemisposted 8 years ago

    If the elected president is not sworn in then they were not president meaning the vice cannot even step in. So, what happens? Congress would most likely have the Speaker of the House stand in , since they are the third in line in the event the president and vice president have become incapacitated, until a solution could be devised. I would almost imagine that it would go to the runner up, however, it may call for a whole new election. I am certain that the government has a contingency plan for it somewhere, that being said, I am sure it's exceedingly difficult to find since it's mostly written in jargon. My educated opinion is Speaker of the House as a stand-in until a new special election could be arranged.

  4. ptosis profile image68
    ptosisposted 8 years ago


    If dies/disqualified before the Electoral College counts then the following possible:  Electors can vote for whomever they want to so could still vote for Clinton, Kaine, Biden, Sanders, or the cute dog that walks on it fore legs.

    Electoral College voting were changed by 12th Amendment, adopted in 1804, so that each elector would vote twice—once for President and once for Vice-President.

    For more info: http://fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/RS22992.pdf where the following came from:

    Succession Between the Popular Election and the Meeting of the
    Electoral College

    The first period in which succession procedures would be invoked in the event a President-elect  or  Vice  President-elect  were to  die  or  leave  the  ticket  for  any  reason includes  the  time  between  the  election  and  the  date  on  which  the  electors  meet  in December to cast their votes. Most commentators  suggest  that  in  this  case  the  political  parties  would  follow  their  long-established rules, by which their national committees designate a substitute nominee. In the  event  of  the  presidential  nominee’s  death,  it  might  be  assumed  that  the  vice presidential nominee would be chosen, but neither of the major parties requires this in its rules.  Further,  it  is  assumed  that  the  electors,  who  are  are dominantly  party  loyalists, would abide by the national party’s decisions.  Given the unprecedented nature of such a situation, however, confusion, controversy, and a breakdown of party discipline among the members of the electoral college might also arise, leading to fragmentation of the electoral vote. For instance, an individual elector or group of  electors might justifiably argue that they were nominated and elected to vote for a particular candidate, that the death or withdrawal of that candidate released them from any prior obligation, and that they were henceforth free agents, able to vote for any candidate they chose.

    1. bradmasterOCcal profile image50
      bradmasterOCcalposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Another one of many good reasons why the Electoral College is not a good idea, and we need another amendment to get rid of it.
      In the case above, it totally disenfranchises the voter, and makes it a dictatorship.

    2. ptosis profile image68
      ptosisposted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Agree, 3/5 rule of a black man counted as 3/5 white man (woman & children not counted in the census?) it is an artifiact  of slavery


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