Earnings stuck

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  1. Khanmaria12 profile image47
    Khanmaria12posted 15 months ago

    Hello, I know it's too early to ask but I have 13 Hubs featured now. But earning is only $0.03 Is it normal?

    1. Amara Hassan profile image89
      Amara Hassanposted 15 months agoin reply to this

      Hello Maria.. If you really want to earn here, consider writing for different niche sites, letterpile is not good for earning so far.

      1. Khanmaria12 profile image47
        Khanmaria12posted 15 months agoin reply to this

        Can you please explain about  niche sites??

        1. theraggededge profile image96
          theraggededgeposted 15 months agoin reply to this

          Go here: https://hubpages.com/feed/

          Look down the right-hand side and find 'HubPages Network'. Underneath you'll see clickable links to all the niche/network sites.

          Edit: If a newly published article is deemed high quality, it will be moved to one of those sites. You can also edit older articles and submit them manually.

          1. Khanmaria12 profile image47
            Khanmaria12posted 15 months agoin reply to this

            Okay, I didn't know about them. But how to publish there? I mean I couldn't find any option of 'write' there

            1. theraggededge profile image96
              theraggededgeposted 15 months agoin reply to this

              You can't publish there directly. Your article will be transferred by the editors if they think it's good enough. Every piece is assessed for suitability.

  2. greenmind profile image94
    greenmindposted 15 months ago

    Your earnings depend entirely on how many page views those 13 articles have.

  3. PaulGoodman67 profile image94
    PaulGoodman67posted 15 months ago

    As a general rule:

    Getting an article onto hubpages.com earns nothing.

    Getting onto Discover earns, but doesn't get much traffic, so money is limited.

    Getting into the niches is the best, but earnings depend on topic.

    Poetry and fiction generally earn very little, so getting onto Letterpile isn't great for earnings often.

    Opinion pieces on Soapboxie can also do badly for earnings. There are other examples. Topics aren't equal as far as earnings go.

    There is info in the Help Center on how to research your keywords and pick titles carefully. You have to choose topics carefully and appeal to the search engines to earn.

  4. PaulGoodman67 profile image94
    PaulGoodman67posted 15 months ago

    I'd also say, to answer your question literally and directly, that earning 3 cents/day for 13 articles is not abnormal. Most HP writers don't earn much.

    I have an old account that earns under 10 cents/day. The rest of my accounts do better than that, but earning a few cents/day isn't weird.

    A lot of people think it's a fairly easy way to make substantial money when they join, but it's actually very challenging. You have to be focused on earning to stand much chance. You have to enter a steep learning curve, starting with studying all the info in the Learning Center. You have to be very patient.

    There are multiple elements that all have to come together for success.

    1. Khanmaria12 profile image47
      Khanmaria12posted 15 months agoin reply to this

      Okay, sure I will. Thanks

    2. Justine Guiao profile image93
      Justine Guiaoposted 15 months agoin reply to this

      I do agree with this. With 22 featured articles, I'm still earning less than 10 cents or even less than 5 cents a day most of the time. This is probably  because of the topics of my articles.

      Before, I'm even earning less than 0.01 cent a day. There's still a lot to learn here and patience is really important if you really want to continue writing here at HP

  5. Justine Guiao profile image93
    Justine Guiaoposted 15 months ago

    Paul made some good points to remember about earning and writing here at HP.

    From my experience here at HP, Letterpile articles don't get much traffic hence they really don't earn or don't earn that much. I do write a couple of Letterpile articles but it was out of passion and not really expecting them to earn.

    1. Khanmaria12 profile image47
      Khanmaria12posted 15 months agoin reply to this

      Bit they themselves moved my article to letterpile

      1. PaulGoodman67 profile image94
        PaulGoodman67posted 15 months agoin reply to this

        The problem isn't Letterpile itself. It's really the content and the types of writing that it publishes.

        Poetry, fiction, personal essays, religious studies etc. don't generally do well with the search engines for a variety of reasons.The content also tends not to be as valuable to advertisers.

        Letterpile is fine if you're a creative writer and want somewhere to publish your work. It's just not generally good if your priority is earning.

        1. Amara Hassan profile image89
          Amara Hassanposted 15 months agoin reply to this

          You are right Paul, whatever the reasons are, but its easy to get your work moved to letterpile. Poems, short stories, they can easily be picked, but getting your work moved to other niches, is a real challenge for every newbie.

  6. Amara Hassan profile image89
    Amara Hassanposted 15 months ago

    Letterpile is the easiest site that can be approached without much effort, but you will notice with time that getting your articles moved on other niche sites is not that easy actually.

    First rule to earn here on HP is to be patient and be consistant. Keep on writing and dont give up. It can take you even a year or longer to get your first payout here. Good luck.

  7. bhattuc profile image84
    bhattucposted 15 months ago

    Paul, you have explained nicely. Some of my doubts are also cleared. Thanks.


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