Do you have a testimony of healing?

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  1. Precious Pearl profile image74
    Precious Pearlposted 14 years ago

    Have you experienced Jehovah Rophe the Healer?  If so, please share your testimony of healing with us.

  2. aoiffe379 profile image61
    aoiffe379posted 14 years ago

    I used to have excessive earwax; and whenever it was cold or the weather changed I had a severe wax buildup and earaches.I had a loss of hearing too. Sometimes I got my ear irrigated; sometimes I used eardrops. One year my mother decided to drop olive oil in my ear and plug it with cotton.The earwax loosened easily,sometimes falling out in clumps.

    One day my niece found the bottle of olive oil. She was a baby and she bathed herself in it. I found this out late at night when I went to get my oil drops. That night I talked to God and told him I needed healing. I was writing songs and I needed to hear the melody when I worked on them.

    As soon as my head hit the pillow, I saw myself in the centre of a circle surrounded by beings in long white robes.Their faces were blocked. My hair parted automatically and golden oil travelled automatically through each section. A hand reached out, touched my head and a voice said:"I charge you" three times. Then my ear popped.It was so loud that I was startled.The clock said 3:00 a.m.; and I knew I had been and I am still healed. I was so excited I could hardly wait for sunrise to go nextdoor and tell my parents.

    All the remaining details are too long to share in a forum. However, I can say that although being charged was foreign to me,I understand it better now.I write songs and poetry still; and I no longer have wax build up or earaches because God has healed me. He is the Great Physcian.

    1. Precious Pearl profile image74
      Precious Pearlposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Amen!!  He is indeed the Great Physician! Thanks for sharing.

  3. TJBaruch profile image78
    TJBaruchposted 14 years ago

    I had an ear infection the summer of 1975 and was scheduled for surgery in Minneapolis.  I don't know why, but two or three weeks before surgery i became fearful I was going to die and that I would never see my family again.  After a week or so the fear was still there...even worse.  i was attending services at DayStar Ministries at the time and, the next Sunday, asked Jack Winter, founder of DayStar, to pray for me.  When he put his hand on my head I felt a warm tingling electric current start at the top of  my head and go through my body.  After that, fhe fear went away and I had peace.
    In Minneapolis I was kept in the hospital for two weeks after my surgery and was given a lot of anti-biotics.  I didn't know why then.  But later, my doctor in Fargo shared with me a letter written to him by the surgeon.  It said that when he operated he found the infection had gone into my brain.  He could not explain how or why I was even walking around....that somehow there was a protective sack formed around the infection that seemed to have stopped it from damaging the brain.

    1. Precious Pearl profile image74
      Precious Pearlposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      AWESOME Testimony of God's protection and healing. Thanks for sharing!!

  4. profile image54
    (Q)posted 14 years ago

    I knew a guy who had a huge pimple right up inside of his nose. He prayed to god and it went away after a couple days.

    A miracle! Praise the lord!


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