all your unanswered
- 63The Return of Jesus Christ in the Air (2nd Coming)
Scott-Baker (5 months ago)
- 1"Why is Jesus Portrayed White" by Nell Rose
Venkatachari M (9 months ago)
- 98Is the Bride of Christ a real human woman living on this earth?
Blahblah1992 (10 months ago)
- 127Eternal security
danni46 (12 months ago)
- 42Keeping Christ in Christmas
Dran (13 months ago)
- 8My Experience in Zarephath by Margaret Minnicks
revmjm (2 years ago)
- 1Why didn't John the Baptist follow Jesus as a Disciple?
Olealea (2 years ago)
- 1Another great article!
Miebakagh57 (2 years ago)
- 2Did Christ ever have twelve apostles before His death on the cross?
KC McGee (2 years ago)
- 937Do you believe in the biblical flood in the days of Noah?
Oscarlites (2 years ago)
- 1If You Are Not Interested In Jesus, This One Reason MAY Change You!
jwashington (2 years ago)
- 24Is there a difference between a Disciple of Christ and a Christian?
KC McGee (3 years ago)
- 4What ever happy to the ability to comment on Articles on Hubpuges?
KC McGee (3 years ago)
- 0Patriots United in Prayer
Michael Adams1959 (3 years ago)
- 20December 25: Always Celebrated Merry Xmas or the Birth Date.6f Jesus Christ
Miebakagh57 (3 years ago)
- 17Gifts of 3 Wise Men ~ by Pamela
bdegiulio (3 years ago)
- 0The Chains Jesus Breaks
Pamela99 (3 years ago)
- 11Forgiveness
Castlepaloma (3 years ago)
- 0The Chosen series-Any thoughts?
Mark O Richardson (3 years ago)
- 22Why do Christians criticize others about their beliefs?
Mark O Richardson (3 years ago)
- 10Saturday
Kathryn L Hill (4 years ago)
- 8Ask, Seek, Knock
alambientertainme (4 years ago)
- 16Can you exorcise a demon through SKYPE!?!
Stevennix2001 (4 years ago)
- 303The Parallels Between Jesus and Horus
WhiteJesus (5 years ago)
- 7Biggest Theological Questions
Res Decree (5 years ago)
- 45What's your biggest beef with God?
Castlepaloma (5 years ago)
- 1,666What do you know about Mormons?
Mark O Richardson (5 years ago)
- 155Why do people get angry about Christianity but not other religions?
Mark O Richardson (5 years ago)
- 43Mormon's Christ Vs. The Christian's Christ
Mark O Richardson (5 years ago)
- 18Christians - being Christ-like
Mark O Richardson (5 years ago)
- 2
panguerita (5 years ago)
- 285Am I still allowed to be a Christian?
dianetrotter (5 years ago)
- 15God Vs Man
GA Anderson (6 years ago)
- 477Has Donald Trump done more for Christians than anyone?
The0NatureBoy (6 years ago)
- 13Religion
Hxprof (6 years ago)
- 105Are you a pre-, mid-, or post-tribber and why?
lovetherain (6 years ago)
- 68Fear runs the world as Religion is based on Fear.
Voyager 12 (6 years ago)
- 3Saint Patrick's Teachings
RTalloni (6 years ago)
- 95Do you have a personal relationships with Jesus Christ?
dianetrotter (6 years ago)
- 95Devout Christians Have Nothing To Live For.
gmwilliams (6 years ago)
- 220Can You give three words to describe religion
Castlepaloma (7 years ago)
- 3Have you ever had a dream, vision, or encounter that you know was from
ashley1223 (7 years ago)
- 354Jesus did not die on Cross
Callmeishmael (7 years ago)
- 440Jesus did not die on Cross; from Bible
Callmeishmael (7 years ago)
- 100Death, Hell, and Heaven
Tony Muse (7 years ago)
- 101When God come How many people will be saved?
jonnycomelately (7 years ago)
- 18Pope believes in Evolution & Aliens are our Savior, Big Bang & dogs-
Castlepaloma (7 years ago)
- 15Many Christians figures there is a War on them.
Castlepaloma (7 years ago)
- 330Would heaven be appealling to you if athiests were there?
jonnycomelately (7 years ago)
- 18What should a pastor say to Donald Trump about lying?
dianetrotter (7 years ago)