Pain Depression & Fibromyalgia Connection

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  1. woodamarc profile image45
    woodamarcposted 14 years ago

    Unexplained pain disorder diagnosis is commonly medically transcribed "characteristic of fibromyalgia pain."  However, the worse thing about unexplained pain depression is not knowing where the pain disorder originates and how to effectively alleviate, or remove the pain.  So we seek medical help to resolve our pain disorder issues commonly treated with strong "mental health" prescription drugs.

    In this case, instead of "status quo" pychosomatic (mind-to-body) pain connection; a "not so well known" reversal of "undiagnosed (not medically substantiated)" neurological soft tissue damage creates the opposite pain pathology... In which physical pain can cause great depression effecting mental health.  This my friends is much harder for medical specialist to diagnose and agree upon actual causes of any particular "unsubtantiated pain disorder(s)."  And in many cases, unexplained physical pain disorders are now receiving a fibromyalgia diagnosis which is an easy out for much of our medical community; good for the pharmaceutical companies and horrible for these unique pain disorder outpatients.

    In otherwords, it's much easier "in many cases, not all" for physicians to prescribe psycotropic drugs for mental health conditions believed to be the cause of physical pain (mind-body neurological pathology connection).  But when unsubstantiated physical acute pain becomes chronic... Much pain depression occurs from the body-mind connection pathology.  This in turn causes depression of the mind originating from the body (non diagnosed origin).

    In many of those suffering from physical pain seek pain alleviation to no avail because the pain never originated from a mental health cause pathology problem.  Now if this undiagnosed physical problem continues on too long without the necessary intervention; a mental health ill-health condition begins to surface, then "can cause" phycosomatic health issues.  The bottom line... substantiated pain origins must be determined to not worsen encompassing health issues in these unique outpatient situations.

    This is a whole different ballgame for which our HMO's don't handle well.  I know this from personal experience.  I know our medical community has the technology to provide appropriate diagnosis in many pain disorder cases.  However, HMO specialist disagree all to often and always seem to subjectively diagnose, label and prescribe medications all too often that are not effective and potentially cause further harm to patients.  Once given a "labeled" diagnosis through subjectivity makes it very hard for some patience to receive further appropriate and timely referals; and other necessary help, i.e., further safe/healthy treatment, state services, e.g., Financial disability assistance, etc.

    Tell your story about pain depression, fibromyalgia experiences/connection, disability support, or lack thereof so we can help steer each other to pain free bodies and minds.

  2. Lynda Gary profile image60
    Lynda Garyposted 14 years ago

    You've posted a typical hub in the forum sections.  You didn't intend to do this, did you?

    Forums are for socializing, getting help, etc with and from other community members.

    Hub pages are for publishing your original content.

    At the top of the page, you'll see the link for "start a new hub".  That's where you want to go to create a hub page.

    There is TONS of info on how to do this in the forums.

    Good luck

    1. woodamarc profile image45
      woodamarcposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I was thinking about that after I posted. I began writing on topic as a forum discussion potential where I was interested in sharing similar stories with others unique to my situation. I would however like to make this a hub, and create a unique chronic pain discussion forum.  How do I delete this forum? I would like to make this a hub.  I don't see delete under forums.  Thanks in Advance.

      1. Lynda Gary profile image60
        Lynda Garyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        There's no need to delete.  It will "fall to the bottom" of the forum when we stop posting here.

        You said you want to "create a unique chronic pain discussion forum."  That is not possible here on HP.  After you write and publish your hub, there is a place for comments, but that's not exactly a "discussion forum."  Few people ever return to a hub once they've read it and commented, unless they bookmark it to refer back to (like, for Hubs about SEO and other reference topics.)

        There are chronic pain / chronic illness-type sites WITH forums.  You might want to:
        1) write your hub
        2) find a topic relevant website
        3) join
        4) post in their forums and include a link to your hub
        5) invite discussion about the hub within that site's forum

        Make sense?

        I do not know of any "chronic illness"-type sites that allow you to publish an article within the site, etc.  However, I've written a hub on the rare disease "APS," and a very popular APS website (that has a forum) put a link to my article on the main page of their site.  As a result, the members of the site frequently come and read my hub and they discuss the topic on that forum.  I simply wrote an email to the site owner, provided my link, and asked for what is called a "back link."  The owner was more than happy to provide it.

        One other option:  If you're REALLY serious about this, create your own website or blog, with a forum.  You won't have any limits, then.  I'm in the process of doing this, actually (for an unrelated topic).

        Hope this helps!

        1. woodamarc profile image45
          woodamarcposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Appreciate your feedback. I do have a web site and article word press blog. Working to promote, but to do so takes time and money unless you have tons of time to work forums. I have had success by creating buzz over a political discussion. My one mistake while creating this forum... I accidently used an existing forum name and entered a hub like approach.  As per your feedback I agreed with you and made it a hub> "Good advise."
          I do see these forums allow you to create a topic under an existing category where you can get specific topics of interest into a good social discussion under a specific issue.
          Your advisement for other website applicable topic forums, back links and such is good. Will keep chipping away on the task at hand.  Hopefully, one day my site will be known for chronic pain issues where the comment threads will flow like water.  Thanks again for your feedback.

    2. woodamarc profile image45
      woodamarcposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks again for the insight. I went ahead and published this as a hub. Appreciate it.  Good health to you and your family.


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