Fibromyalgia pain, how do I lessen it without drugs?

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  1. JesadaB profile image67
    JesadaBposted 12 years ago

    Fibromyalgia pain, how do I lessen it without drugs?

    I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and experience a great deal of pain, any suggestions on how to lessen it without drugs? Thanks!

  2. profile image0
    JThomp42posted 12 years ago

    1. Exercise. Many people diagnosed with Fibromyalgia cringe at the idea of exercise. They're already in immense pain, why should they do something that will only exacerbate their discomfort further? Studies have shown, however, that exercise can help to alleviate the symptoms related to Fibromyalgia. Moreover, as most of us know, exercise has excellent long-term benefits in terms of physical health and longevity. It makes sense, of course: a healthy, resilient person will be better able to deal with illness than someone who is weak or unwell.

    People with Fibromyalgia will do best to do about 30 minutes of aerobic exercise a day, as well as 15 minutes of stretching before and after a workout. This doesn't mean you should immediately go out and run 5 miles, however: it's necessary to pace yourself and slowly build up your physical strength until you can handle a more intensive workout. Pushing yourself beyond your limits will only cause yourself further pain. The key to exercise with Fibromyalgia is moderation. Listen to your body.

    2. Change your diet. Some people have found that carbohydrates, chocolate or fatty foods make their Fibromyalgia pain worse. However, not everyone is the same, and not everyone's body will respond the same to all foods. Keep a food diary: if you find that your pain increases after eating a certain food, try removing it from your diet and see if it helps. Avoiding foods that appear to exacerbate your symptoms.

    3. Change your lifestyle. This tip is probably the most difficult of all. In these tough economic times, it's hard to imagine cutting down on your work hours. However, many people find that their symptoms improve when changing from full-time work to part-time, thus placing less stress on their bodies. Others find that a change in jobs may help, such as switching from an occupation filled with demanding physical labor to a slow-paced, relaxing desk job. High stress jobs, as well, can cause Fibromyalgia symptoms to flare.

    4. Relax.

    1. JesadaB profile image67
      JesadaBposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      JThomp42 I enjoyed reading your response very much, I do try to do yoga when I can. I also have diabetes and as for the work well I have not been able to work for about 2 years now  I cannot stand nor sit for long periods. Thanks for the advice!!

    2. profile image0
      JThomp42posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      You are so welcome!! I pray that you will not be in much pain. I have it as well. sad

  3. DawnsWatch profile image57
    DawnsWatchposted 12 years ago

    Fibromyalgia is characterized by a buildup of potassium in the muscles. Light rhythmic exercise combined with sufficient (err on the side of too much) water intake.

    Stretching exercise is also effective. Try alternating the two. When you are in a flare up do not overdo the exercise, but do not stop either. Instead of aerobics, try gentle walking, seated leg lifts and arm circles. The idea is not body building; it is keeping the body moving.

    The lymph fluid that carries away dead cells and other waste from the muscles moves by rhythmic muscle contractions. The more waste that accumulates in your muscles, the worse the flare-up will be. The catch 22 is that just when you need to exercise the most is when it hurts the most, so save the aerobics for another day and do something that will help you feel better.

    Meditation, breathing exercises and EMT (Emotional Freedom Technique) all help control and alleviate the symptoms. I found EMT particularly helpful because it helps move the lymph along. There is a free tutorial at EmoFree.Com.

    One of the things I noticed was that the same treatments do not always work the same way each time. I have my “go to” solutions; if they do not work, I go down the list until something else does.

    Be proactive - keep a diary, including a food diary, and track potential triggers. (Mine is sitting for long stretches). Then you know what to avoid. Foods, allergies, activities - or lack thereof, and combinations of these elements can trigger Fibromyalgia.

    1. JesadaB profile image67
      JesadaBposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks DawnsWatch! I will have to try some of those techniques and see if they will work for me, unfortunately I cannot sit or stand for long periods without pain and numbness. I feel very betrayed by my body. Good luck to you!

  4. artist101 profile image65
    artist101posted 12 years ago

    Dr. Teitalbaum is the expert on CFS and Fibromyalgia. This condition is a mixture of many possible underlying causes from Thyroid, to a fungal infection. Most recommended is magnesium, boswelia, willow bark, and cherries, for pain. He has a product specifically formulated for fibro, and cfs pain, it is End Pain, and available through my article … ney-Stones There you will find other recommendations, and his book. He suffered the ailment himself, and overcame it, with the advice he gives. My mother followed his regimen and took the supplements and won the battle. You must treat the underlying cause of the pain in order to succeed.

    1. JesadaB profile image67
      JesadaBposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Hi artist101, Thank you for the comment! I am not sure what my underlying condition could be as many doctors have run many tests and found nothing. I will have to look into finding what they have not tested me for and go from there. Thanks!

    2. artist101 profile image65
      artist101posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      you are welcome. The problem with tests, is so many times they are inclinclusive. Or your immune system is so run down that it not longer is sending out antibodies for a particular antigen. That is how the Drs figure out what the infection is.

  5. duffsmom profile image61
    duffsmomposted 12 years ago

    JesadeB if you find the answer please let me know. I have had fibromyalgia for many years but the last 2 years has been stunning in the pain department.  I walk with a cane now because of the pain and leg weakness but I find ibuprofen does help the severe pain.

    1. JesadaB profile image67
      JesadaBposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      duffsmom I am so sorry to hear that, I have been prescribed several narcotics and none of them have ever worked as well as the ibuprofen but it still only takes the edge off. I am just very frustrated with the limits my body puts on me now. Good luck

    2. artist101 profile image65
      artist101posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Dr teitalbaum is the Dr for fibro pain.

  6. Pamela99 profile image88
    Pamela99posted 12 years ago

    I wrote an in-depth on the disease of Fibromyalgia and I think homeopathic remedies are worth a try. Astist's hub lists some good choices to try and see if they work. Homeopathic remedies take more time to work than prescriptions, so hang in there for a while if you are going to try some of them.

    Cymbalta is the most effective medication I've used but had to stop it due having severe dry mouth. Lyrica is the one drug specially considered a fibromyalgia treatment, but it does have side effects, including weight gain. I understand why you don't want to take drugs, Lifestyle is very important. There is no specific test for fibromyalgia but there are specific areas of muscles in the body that hurt to the touch. I have a diagram on my hub. This is how I was diagnosed, but I already had lupus and osteoarthritis. … us-Disease
    Good luck with finding some answers that will improve your health.

    1. JesadaB profile image67
      JesadaBposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks Pamela99! Yes I tried Lyrica and it did not work for me other than I gained about 30 pounds of the 70 I had lost when I was diagnosed with diabetes so it was not a good fit for me. I did have the 11-18 test and mine was a 13 on the point test.

  7. WVBards profile image61
    WVBardsposted 12 years ago

    That's exactly what my blog tries to answer!


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