Black Ops FIVE Zombies - Upgrading Weapons and Defcon 5
In order to upgrade weapons in the zombie map, "five", (also known as pentagon) for Call Of Duty Black ops, you need to do a few things first. This map has 3 different floors on it. The first is an office like room, where you spawn. Then the second room, often called def con room, is where a bunch of computers are and has balconies. The basement, or labs, has a bunch of rooms in it which can be unlocked. You have to make your way down to the bottom floor basement. It will cost a total of 4250 to reach the basement because all of the barricades. The power needs to be activated first. The power is located in that basement.(or labs)
Once the power is on, the def con switches will be able to be activated. The def con switches are located on the second floor with the balconies and computers. Two of the def con switches are at the top part. One is in the corner near a window where zombies come out of. The other is further around the balcony. Then there are two more at the bottom of this computer/war room. One will be near the wall on one side, the other is opposite on the other side of the room. You will need to open the barricade to access the one def con switch. It is near juggernaut perk red machine.
Total of 4 def con switches which when all activated, becomes def con 5. You automatically are on defcon 1 at the beginning.
Upgrading weapons
When the power is turned on on this map, it activates teleporters. When you turn on all the defcon switches, these teleporters will now send you to a safe room. Normally, they send you to a random location, but when its Defcon 5, they send you to a safe room that has a pack a punch machine instead. This pack a punch machine allows you to upgrade your weapons. The room is safe, only for a few moments. A door will open and allow zombies to come in. There are also to barricades that need to be defended if you wish to stay here. The teleporter in the back can get you out of here, if you get invaded by to many zombies.
The pack a punch machine costs 5000 points to upgrade your gun. A good idea may be to activate all the def con switches, except one later on. This way, if you get into trouble with zombies, you only need to activate one, then use the teleporters to make it to the safe room or "panic room".
Your going to need to make quite a lot of money before you can upgrade your weapons on this map. Its best to stay on the top floor for 5 rounds or so. Then use the elevator, and defend the war room for a few more rounds. Then make your way to the power, turn on all def cons, then use a teleporter to be transported to the panic room.
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