What video games are you most excited for in the next 6 months?

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  1. AM Hanson profile image67
    AM Hansonposted 11 years ago

    What video games are you most excited for in the next 6 months?

    With only six months remaining in the 2012 calendar year, we've had E3 and now have a better idea of what is waiting for us.  What games are you excited for (whether or not they were at E3) that are going to be coming out this year?

  2. jddavault profile image61
    jddavaultposted 11 years ago

    Dota 2 from Valve, that is if it comes out this year. You never know with Valve but they do always make high quality games.

    1. AM Hanson profile image67
      AM Hansonposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I'm personally still waiting on a Half-Life with the number 3 in it haha

  3. Nick Barricella profile image68
    Nick Barricellaposted 11 years ago

    I am very excited for the release of Halo 4 and the Dawnguard DLC for Skyrim. Have a nice day =smile

  4. XtraFaX profile image61
    XtraFaXposted 11 years ago

    It seems like games left to come out this year are basically nothing but sequels or the completion of a trilogy set per game. With technology advancing, gameplay improving, and graphics skyrocketing, it's hard to tell which game I would prefer to play first or last. But to top off, if anything, the new Spider-Man game would definitely be something I would be looking forward too considering the fact that it's been quite awhile since they've last made one. A favorite of mine for almost a decade now is the development of Madden and their "unpredictable" new features that they try to implement always gives gamers a sense of what it really feels like to be on the field.


    1. jddavault profile image61
      jddavaultposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I think instead of adding new features they need to go ahead and fix the big problems with the game. Maybe go on a 2 year cycle instead of one. Think of the development team had 2 years to polish a game that already is good. It could be great then!

    2. XtraFaX profile image61
      XtraFaXposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I have my pros and cons about Madden but I feel like to some extent that they're trying to compete with the likes of NCAA. Don't get me wrong, Madden has done their deed as the only surviving NFL game, set aside their before competitor 2K.

    3. AM Hanson profile image67
      AM Hansonposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      A promising game that isn't a sequel or completion is Dishonored.  It's probably the game I am most looking forward to playing in the next 6 months.

  5. Keith Engel profile image68
    Keith Engelposted 11 years ago

    Guild Wars 2, Metro Last Light, and Bioshock Infinite. I know GW2 will be releasing this year not sure about the other two.

    1. jddavault profile image61
      jddavaultposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      i believe Infinite got pushed back to early next year.

    2. MrsBlunder profile image60
      MrsBlunderposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Unfortunately, Infinite was pushed back to 2013. sad

  6. Tonyx35 profile image61
    Tonyx35posted 11 years ago

    Assassins Creed III - I really find the American Revolution setting to be interesting.

    Lego Batman 2 - I'm a fan of the lego games that  Traveller's  Tales comes out with. Simple but humorous .

    The rest are scheduled (or were pushed back) for a 2013 release.

  7. drspaniel profile image83
    drspanielposted 11 years ago

    Black Ops 2, even though I will not be buying it when it comes out, due to the fact that they refuse to update their very old game engine... I know that them and EA aren't the best of friends when it comes to competition, but that's no excuse for them not to be looking into developments into their game.

    Plus, they need to actually spend more time on each game they make as they aren't really improving at all, and with 1 coming out every year they are evidently becoming short on ideas.

  8. CrashTestChicken profile image60
    CrashTestChickenposted 11 years ago

    Most probably Assassin's Creed 3. Got it on pre-order and I really enjoyed all the other AC games, so, yeah. Will definitely be spending a couple of days burning through that. Will also throw up a review when I finally peel myself away from it!


  9. DRG Da Real Grinc profile image66
    DRG Da Real Grincposted 11 years ago

    The next installment of Black Ops by MW.

  10. William157 profile image68
    William157posted 11 years ago

    Strangely, XCOM: Enemy Unknown. I just found out about this franchise this year, and it looks amazing. I'm a big board gamer and that type of turn-based tactical gameplay is right up my alley.

    And of course, Assassin's Creed III, Bioshock: Infinite and Dishonored.

    1. AM Hanson profile image67
      AM Hansonposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      haven't heard of XCOM, but the other three are definitely high on my list as well


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