Brain teaser

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  1. Soniabala profile image60
    Soniabalaposted 10 years ago

    A man drops a brick. He doesn't intend to hurt himself, but within a minute his nose is broken. How?

    Answers pls

    1. erinshelby profile image70
      erinshelbyposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      If this is some sort of word pun, I'm going to guess that it was a "word brick" - a huge block of text?
      I have no idea!

    2. PhoenixV profile image64
      PhoenixVposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Drop a brick could be an idiom for saying something inappropriate, which gets his nose broke?

  2. electronician profile image78
    electronicianposted 10 years ago

    Did he drop it on someone else - and did they get revenge by punching him in the face?

    1. Soniabala profile image60
      Soniabalaposted 10 years agoin reply to this


  3. StageCheck profile image59
    StageCheckposted 10 years ago

    Whatever he did, it fell from above...,

  4. The Examiner-1 profile image61
    The Examiner-1posted 10 years ago

    He fell face down, or fell faster than the brick and the brick hit his nose when they landed.

  5. Jeannie Randall profile image60
    Jeannie Randallposted 10 years ago

    He drops the brick on his nose?

  6. writinglover profile image75
    writingloverposted 10 years ago

    He takes a nose dive. tongue

  7. Heather Says profile image92
    Heather Saysposted 10 years ago

    He dropped it, tripped over it, and fell face-down?

  8. Martin Heeremans profile image60
    Martin Heeremansposted 10 years ago

    These teasers are old school. Reminds me of the one about the guy in a phone booth with arms stretched right out through the glass of the booth, fishing rod outside the booth, phone off the hook and he's dead.  What happened?
    I know that answer, not this one but here I go.
    I know these things aren't logical and as such this probably won't be the right answer,  but here I go.
    Maybe when he dropped the brick, the fact he had dropped the weight from his hands may have caused his hands to become suddenly lighter and fling himself in the nose as his mind wasn't paying attention.

  9. DzyMsLizzy profile image85
    DzyMsLizzyposted 10 years ago

    He drops the brick, it lands on something that springs back, launching the brick into his face.

  10. Martin Heeremans profile image60
    Martin Heeremansposted 10 years ago

    I reckon this is it. He dropped the brick in front of him, tripped on it and smacked his nose into the ground? Someone else posted that, it must be pretty close.

  11. janshares profile image91
    jansharesposted 10 years ago

    As he attempts to pick up the brick, he's leans over too quickly and hits his nose on his work bench or tools.
    The strain of dropping a "brick" caused a vessel in the nose to "break." (Sorry for that, couldn't think of anything else)

  12. a beautiful mess profile image86
    a beautiful messposted 10 years ago

    He was laying on his back and dropped it on his face. what a dummy

  13. AaronjHenderson profile image55
    AaronjHendersonposted 10 years ago

    I do not believe that the man dropping the brick impacts his nose being broken, nonetheless, the man dropping the brick does not mean that he dropped the brick on himself. The statement, "A man drops a brick. He doens't intend to hurt himself'" means that he drops a brick without hurting himself, unless he is laying on his back with a brick in the air and drops the brick on his nose accidentally. In this case, he may be trying to prove a point to his face!

  14. BadOldMovieReview profile image61
    BadOldMovieReviewposted 10 years ago

    dropped the brick on a rake.  Rake flies up & hits him in the face.

  15. profile image0
    calculus-geometryposted 10 years ago

    A man is holding a brick in the middle of the woods when an alien space craft abducts him.  As he is being beamed up, his grip on the brick loosens and it falls on the tail of a beaver who happened to be passing by.  The beaver, in anger, hurls the brick at the space craft, causing the abduction beam to falter, ultimately dropping the man back to Earth. 

    The man thanks the beaver and asks 'How can I repay you for saving me from the aliens?' The beaver tells the man to buy him a bottle of bourbon. 

    When the man is in the liquor store selecting the beaver's reward, he tells the owner about being saved by the most amazing beaver he has ever encountered and asks which bourbon would make the best gift of gratitude.  "I've met a lot of beavers, but this one does things I never knew beavers could do!" The owner of the liquor store thinks the man is talking about his wife, the town whore, and punches the man in the face.

    (With these old school brain teasers it's virtually impossible to answer "wrong." Any answer that includes a brick and a broken nose is technically correct. smile )

    1. Soniabala profile image60
      Soniabalaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Nice story.. lol

  16. The Examiner-1 profile image61
    The Examiner-1posted 10 years ago

    All of this was within a minute?

  17. Soniabala profile image60
    Soniabalaposted 10 years ago

    Nice try... Answers may vary

    Correct Answer

    The man is a physics tester and is demonstrating the law of energy conservation by tying the brick to a string hanging from the ceiling. He pulls the brick back and puts it right up to his nose and lets go. Because of air friction, the brick should lose some speed and thus miss the teacher's nose on the return swing. Unfortunately, this time the teacher accidentally gives the brick a little push. It returns with too much force and breaks his nose.. smile

    1. janshares profile image91
      jansharesposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      neutral I thought you said he dropped the brick.

    2. chasmac profile image89
      chasmacposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I'm disappointed. Are you sure that's the correct answer? It sounds like just one more highly implausible reason like we've been coming up with here - especially, as Jan has pointed out, you said he 'dropped'  - not 'released'  the brick.
      I vote the prize goes to Phoenix8 for the best answer. The idiom "Drop a brick" (or 'drop a bombshell') means to announce some shocking news. "He loudly announced at a party that he was running off with his best friends wife". Dropping a brick like that is certainly one way to get your nose broken.

      1. Soniabala profile image60
        Soniabalaposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Yeah,that's the correct answer...Its not so good.I will post some interesting puzzle tomorrow smile

  18. deecoleworld profile image64
    deecoleworldposted 10 years ago

    It was raining bricks ... He was walking down the street and suddenly a brick dropped down in front of him. He picked it up confused and looked around. He looked up to realized thousands of bricks falling from the sky. He not only broke his nose but he died, along with 1,000 people in a small town in Boulder, Colorado ... its quite a shame actually. Those bricks could have made some fine houses

  19. Soniabala profile image60
    Soniabalaposted 10 years ago

    I agree with that, the words mismatched... This is a hard puzzle... So today's winner is everyone, who tried to answer this puzzle smile.. Nice try guys.... See you tomorrow, with some interesting puzzle

  20. jkcki profile image71
    jkckiposted 10 years ago

    These puzzles are always hard, because these aren't the way they are supposed to be given smile  These are creative thinking puzzles, and how they are usually done is by asking questions. Each person participating can ask a question, in turn, and the response needs to be either a "yes" or a "no."

    So if 5 people were participating in this logic game, they would ask questions like:
    "Is the brick attached to anything?" Yes
    "Is the brick being moved by gravity?" Yes
    "Is anyone else involved?" No
    "Is the man trying to prove a point." Yes
    "Is the man running a science experiment?" Yes

    I used to do a lot of these as a kid, but the funny thing is that teachers never know how they are supposed to work, so they never prove their point!

    The point of these puzzles are not brain teasers, but rather deductive reasoning smile

  21. Sulabha profile image76
    Sulabhaposted 10 years ago

    Is it nosebrick? Brick fell so nose broke?
    Just guessing like a child!

  22. Sulabha profile image76
    Sulabhaposted 10 years ago

    Is it nosebrick? Brick fell so nose broke?
    Just guessing like a child!


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